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Update Page

3-17-03: This is a house keeping update. I haven't had that much time to do any writing lately, but since spring break is coming up next week I'll take the time to write a chapter then. What I finally did add was a mailing list for people to join up on. Its at the bottom of the page. If you want me to email you directly about my updates feel free to join. Later.

2-18-03: This may sound weird but I have rewritten the first chapter of Final Fantasy Legacy. The most common comment I got on a forum about the story is that it wasn't descriptive enough. So starting in the summer I began reworking the story and I finally finished it today. When you reread it let me know what you think of the writing. Depending on how you respond I'll work on the next chapters till I get to whatever current one I'm on.

2-17-03: Wonderful thing about snow days is that I get a whole lot of time for fun things. The next chapter of the Final Fantasy VII story is up. I've been getting lots of emails saying for me to update this so I'm going to listen to their advice. My next project, time permitting is to work on either rewriting the last chapter of Legacy or continuing on. I'll let you decide which way I should go cause I wasn't sure how that came out.

12-16-02: Oh my God there's an update! I know its been too long since I've done this. I apologize sincerely but I've had classes and work; a creative writing class takes up a lot of your writing time when it comes right down to it. The next chapter of Legacy is up. I now plan to do the next chapter of the FFVII story soon. I lost the script again so I have to look for a new one, or refind the link to my old one. Just so you all know I'm going to try to be more frequent on these updates during my Christmas vacation.

6-26-02: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this site. Next chapter of Legacy will be done shortly.

6-20-02: Not much to report. No new chapters, just did some editing of my old ones. That should be the case for the next few days. I'll start working on a new chapter for Legacy as soon as that is all done.

5-24-02: Chapter five of Legacy is on. Because it's summer and I'm at home and my connection is slow my updates will take longer. Look for a quicker pace in the fall.

5-9-02: The next installment of the Final Fantasy Story is up. Working on the next chapter of Legacy.

4-22-02: Added the next chapter of Legacy. Sorry about taking so long. Been busy with school and stuff. Now that summer is coming I should have some more free time to write. I may or may not work on my other page. I need to find another copy of the FFVII script. If anyone knows where one is, let me know.

2-28-02: Just posted chapter four of the Final Fantasy VII story. My next project, I'm for real this time, is to work on my completely original page. That one should take some time to do.

2-26-02: I finally updated the page. I've been really busy with work and all. Legacy has a new chapter and I now plan to write the next chapter of the FFVII story. It shouldn't be too much longer.

1-17-02: Welcome to the new year. Chapter two of Legacy is now posted

12-19-01: I put up the first chapter of my first fan fiction story. About time too. My next project is to work on my other web page, so check that one out too. The title of this story is called "Final Fantasy Legacy", it is the namesake of this webpage. I hope you all enjoy it.

For anyone interested in joining a mailing list, so I can let you know when I update, just email the request to me using the link on the main page.

12-17-01: Well finally, it was only a month apart this time. I've decided to continue on the novel of Final Fantasy VII. Chapter 3 is now done. I decided to post it and I'll work out the kinks in a few days. I hope you enjoy the new chapter.

11-12-01: When I said the pace would slow down I didn't mean this much. Well I'm just letting you know that I didn't forget about this page. A new story will begin very soon. This one will be original fanfiction. Trying to write down a three disk story will take up more room than my site has been gracious enough to give me. I'll leave that story up though.

6-28-01: Wow three days and three updates. Well the pace should be slowing down soon. I've added a prelude to hopefully set the scene for the story. That should be the only original part to the whole story. I've also put pretty new buttons on the page. The only ones that don't work are the Fan Fiction link, disk two and three. If it is used in a title...that is only temporary until I get a new picture there.

6-27-01: Lots to say today. I put up chapter two, a new forum and this page. I placed the update below just for kicks. I'm gonna start sprucing up the page itself soon.

6-26-01: Legacy is born. Hi everyone. This is my new web page. I should say new and improved. I've begun writing the FFVII story, finishing chapter one. Deciding to get a real good base I've already started chapter two.