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The enchanter's role in the group is to....

  1. Buff people
  2. Mesmerize any add ons
  3. To give other casters in the group Breeze or Clarity

The magician's role in the group is to....

  1. Nuke
  2. Walking grocery store. Provide drink, food, bandages, arrows, etc when needed

The necromancer's role is to.....

  1. Kick butt

The wizard's role is to.....

  1. Kick butt
  2. Teleport the group if necessary

The shaman's role is to......

  1. Heal
  2. Pull
  3. Buffs

The cleric's role is to.....

  1. Heal
  2. Ressurection(when at the appropriate level)
  3. Buffs

The druid's role is to.......

  1. Pull
  2. Buffs

The paladin's role is to.....

  1. Pull
  2. Kick butt
  3. Buffs

The warrior's role is to.....

  1. Pull
  2. Kick butt

The ranger's role is to.....

  1. Pull
  2. Kick butt

The shadow knight's role is to.....

  1. Kick butt
  2. pull