Ritual Of Self Dedication

First, a list of things you will need for this Self Dedication
Two illuminator candles
One silver candle
Four elemental candle
s One athame or wand
One red candle
One dedication gift
Four items to be placed on the altar to represent the four elements
Robe (optional)
Rope to make the magick circle
One mat or rug (to kneel on should you add meditation to your ritual)

First, cast the circle and invoke any deities you you would like, usually the Goddess. (You can use the ones found on the Invocation and Circle Casting Pages here)
I cast this circle this night to perform the act of dedication of my mind, body and spirit to the Lady, Her Consort, and to the religion and science of Witchcraft.
From this day forward, I will honour and respect both the Divine and myself. I will hold two perfect words in my heart: Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
I vow to honour the path I have chosen, the Divine and myself.
Pick up your wand or athame and say:
I vow to hold the ideology of the Craft in my heart and in my mind for the totality of this lifetime, and beyond.
Point the wand at your feet and say:
Blessed be my feet, may they always walk the path of the eternal and Divine light.
Point the wand to your knees and say:
Blessed be my knees as I kneel at the altar of my faith, not in supplication, but in thanksgiving.
Point the wand to your groin and say:
Blessed be my womb/phallus that holds and produces the creation of the human essence. I vow to guide, protect and teach the children of the world.
Point the wand to your chest and say:
Blessed be my heart that it may beat steady and true. May the warmth of my love spread throughout the galaxy.
Point the wand to your lips and say:
Blessed be my lips that they shall utter truth and purity of mind and soul. May wisdom flow for the benefit of all humankind.
Point the wand to your third eye area and say:
Blessed be my astral sight, that I may see through the veil of life with the truth of the Divine.
Ring the bell seven times. Take a white cord and wrap it firmly around your hand, with the knife handle in your palm. Now say:
I, (your name), in the presence of the Universe, do of my own free will and mind, most
solemnly swear that I will ever abide by the religion and science of The Craft. I shall neither harm my fellow human with the secrets that I learn, nor shall
I flaunt my beliefs or power before them. Henceforth, from this day, I shall be reborn as (your magickal name) and shall honour, respect and cherish this oath I have taken.
Unwind the cord and place it on the altar. Ring the bell nine times.
Hold the chalice in your left hand and pour from the decanter with your right. Dip your dedication gift into the goblet and place it on your body. Hold the chalice in both hands aloft and say:
With the partaking of this wine I take into my body that of the Goddess, and seal my oath...forever.
Drink half of the wine and hold the half-filled goblet up to the God/dess. Say:
I accept this wine as my offering of thanksgiving.
Hold the plate up and say:
As grain is the bounty of the Goddess, and the eating of it denotes the sacrafice of the Lord and his rebirth, I seal my oath forever as I take into my body that of the Consort!
Thank the deities, then close the circle.
Excert taken from: Silver RavenWolf. To Ride A Silver Broomstick. St. Paul: Llewellyn WorldWide, 1993.

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