To Altar your fate

Find a stone or crystal that you feel very comfortable with. For three days and nights, keep it on your person and whenever you touch it, think into the stone "By the Lady and her mate, I wish to alter my fate".

Once the three day period has passed, make sure you have on hand some broom, cedar, elder, and/or hazel. Take a piece of silk or cotton and write on it or on a piece of paper sandwitched inbetween the cloth and sewn together the spell you wish to perform.

Use the rock or crystal or grind up the herbs/flowers/twigs into a rough mixture while concentrating on the spell. Take that mixture and put it in the cloth and use a piece of silk thread or cotton thread to sew/tie it closed keeping the stone out. Now, place the pouch where it will be most effective for the spell (if you want protection, over a door or window; money, by a mirror or over a window; love, by a window or your head when you sleep at night) and take the crystal and cleanse it in salt water and sun so it may be used again.

This is best done the three days of the full or new moon so as to get th full potential into your spell. The new moon at Samhain means any spells cast during this period will be especially effective.

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