Rite for the Earth

Every second of every day the earth is providing you with something. Food, supplies, clothing, housing, books, etc, and most importantly...life. We take from the earth in reckless abandon faster than she can recover and her spectacular beauty, the very earth that is the core of worship for every pagan religion is dying. What are you giving her in return, what have you done for her lately? Below you will find a rite that you can adapt and use to give something back to Her. And if you haven't visited the related pages in the Get Involved! section, please do. You worship her..save her.

This is a rite, not a spell. It is designed for you to give energy back to the Earth. You may use it whenever you want. Go to a forest, or somewhere far away from humans. You could also perform it in your place of magick. Have a ready potted plant, or four plain stones. Sit on the ground. Place your hands onto the dirt beneath you (or onto the plant or stones). Visualize the Earth from space as a blueish-white sphere of positive, whole, healed energy. Say: "Pure are the caves and plains; Pure are the sod and hills; Pure are the winds and skies; Pure are the lakes and rills; Pure are the clouds and rains; Pure are the woods and trees; Pure are the valleys deep; Pure are the bays and seas." Renew your visualization again, and say: "Pure are the birds that fly; Pure are the hounds and bats; Pure are the fish and whales; Pure are the hares and cats; Pure are the owls and snakes; Pure are the stags and deer; Pure are the lizards green; Pure are all creatures here." Once again, renew your visualization. Feel the Earth. Block all thoughts of the ravages that our species has subjected to our planet. See the Earth as a healed, whole being. Then say these words:

"As I recieve your energy, now recieve mine."

Pour your personal power out through your palms and into the Earth. Gently send it spiralling down into our planet, lending it the strength to survive. Give of yourself for a few moments, visualizing the shining planet in the sky. After those few moments, end the ritual by lifting your hands or standing. If you were performing this rite inside, place the potted plant or stones outside, for the Earth to absorb the energy.

by Scott Cunningham

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