Positive Action Spell

Take a white candle and some anointing oil. Depending on the desired result, you should choose an oil which corresponds to this end.
At the time of the full moon, cast a circle or just shut yourself away from all distractions and with the moon shining on your working area (if possible. If this is not possible, just visualise the moon while anointing the candle). Place the white candle (preferable a taper) on the altar with the oil. Cast the circle if you wish. Call the Goddess if it feels right. Now, anoint the candle. Should you wish, you can use a burin to engrave the candle with the spell itself. While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words out loud or silently
"Tonight the moon, tomorrow the sun. Let this power build til my will be done. Candle burn down to send my will. This spell be cast, for good, not ill."
And once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place to it can burn down completely, preferably in sight of the moon.

Dispelling Negative Energies Talisam

Take a small clear crystal, an acorn, some rosemary and mandrake and a bit of green silk or cotton. It doesn't need to be a big piece. Cast your circle and creating a pouch from the herbs, bless them with each element saying
"While this dewlls within, there will be protection without. Cleanse and charge this charm, element of against all who wish me ill!"
Now hang this somewhere not too obviously, like hiding it in a corner or over a window. This will protect you til next Samhain when you should burn it in the sacred fire, crystal and all. If it is not too tainted, the fire will just cleanse the crystal and you'll be able to retreive it from the ashes but I always recomend just getting a new one.

Riding self of unwanted energy

Take a black candle which has been ritually cleansed and some anointing oil which has also been ritually blessed. Do not use anything for this which has not been cleansed or blesed already. Depending on the desired result, you should choose an oil which corresponds to this end.
At the time of the new moon, or when it first begins to wane, cast a circle or use your 9' cord to create a sacred space. Place the black candle (preferable a taper) on the altar with the oil. Have no unblessed/uncleansed tools in this ritual. Cast the circle. Call the Goddess and her consort. Use a burin to engrave the candle with the spell you wish to cast. Now, anoint the candle using the oil. While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words out loud or silently "Tonight no moon, tomorrow the first one. Let this be eroded til my will be done. Candle burn down to remove all ill. Let this spell be cast by the power of my will." And once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place to it can burn down completely.

The Spell of the Comb and Mirror

At such time as a woman feels that for pleasure, rest, or for magical need she wishes to draw power and strength to herself, she shall draw it to her by the brushing of combing of her hair. If brush, comb, and mirror of silver be available, she should use them, though it is of importance primarily that her implements be closely linked with her.
She shall dress in a manner which is auspicious to this spell, and sit comfortably alone, dimming the lights of her chamber. A single candle should be lit, of a colour fitted to her goal, along with a sweet incense. For the space of thirteen heartbeats or for several minutes or more as she feels proper, she should meditate and become quiet within herself. Then take up a comb, or brush, saying aloud or within herself with each stroke:

O Lady of shimmering beauty,
For whom the stars are shining jewels,
And the universe Her creation and plaything,
Weaver of destinies
And protrectress of things wild and free.
Make me now, I do ask
To be thy sister.
Make me one with thee
And grant me thy far-flung power.
Grant to this, Witch and Sorceress
Strength within and without
As eternal as the boundless sea;
The calm assurance of my powers
To make any do my bidding
And the winds, waters, and fires,
The hills themselves
Lend willingly themselves to me,
Give to me, who am of thy ancient Craft
The wisdom of the ages, the lore of eons
Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark.
Grant me beauty ever more perfect
That I may reflect thee better.
Build magic within me,
Build power within me.
Power be drawn, and power come,
And make me one with thee
Make me greater, make me better.
Grant me strength and grant me power

O Goddess who is my friend and sister,
I give you love and thanks
O Beautiful One
May the magic I have summoned
Return the stronger when I have need of it.
May wisdom, strength, and comeliness
Remain with me, growing ever finer.
So mote it be!

She shall continue brishing her hair in silence, meditating on what she has spoken or thought, feeling power flow into her with every stroke while every fiber of her body is made vital and strong. She may wish to hum some song of beauty and strength which means much to her.
If she has magic to work she shall think on it at this time, and state it in her own words as she continues to use her comb and mirror. She may prefer simply to strengthen and develop her own capabilities. The singing or humming should be continued. Finally she should say:
The spell is ended.

She should kiss her hand towards some nearby image of the Goddess or towards the moon, and should continue brushing or combing until she feels that any excess energy has been sent forth. Then the candle is put out and she says:
The Rite is closed.

From "Magical Rites from the Crystal Well" by Ed Fitch

To help release anger:

Take a small piece of paper with the cause of your anger written on it.

CHANT the following repeatedly:
Fire burn my anger,
singe away my rage.
Release all negatice thoughts,

While you are saying this, burn the paper. Dispose of the ashes, and alone with it goes your rage. It is done.

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