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"Hello one and all, Kazuya here. No, this is Kazuya Classic, not that freak-of-the-week representing Tekken 4." *ahem* "Anyway, after reading this travesty known as 'Tekken Forever'(now defunct, apparently. Oh well!), I decided to give it the 'Tekken Anime' treatment. So sit back, and prepare for another helping of my comentaries, heh heh....God, you KNOW something is bad when the titles of each issue are named after CREED songs. I mean, my God...Creed sucks."

"Word; Ganny don't appreciate being called 'Phat Farm', yo."

"Ladies and gentlemen, gratuitous use of the word 'bitch'."

"OHHH, HAHAHAHAHAHA! I get it! Because Tekken is an arcade game and stuff..."

"And I will not allow a comic stand in my way from avoiding my commentaries."

"Jin can't even say Hwoarang's name right, the slap-ass. Then again, who the hell can say Hwo...Ho...BOB'S name right?!"

"First the anime, now THIS. Again, why the HELL are my eyes BLUE? B L U E?! And who the hell hired this guy to draw me, anyway?! There's gonna be some ass-handing going on very soon."

"You know what, I am going to let you all fill in your own comment for this, but first let me say: 'Fatty-boom-batty'?! WTF?!"

"If he did that, then how the hell could he continue to kick Jin's ass?"

"I hope you're paying boy, cuz the express bus doesn't charge cheap when going on a one-way trip to Hell."

"It's quotes like these that wind up producing XXX-rated HwoarangxJin yaois."

"You know, just when I thought things really couldn't go wrong, they go and screw up my pants in T4. How the hell do you manage to screw that up? And the artist still managed to make me look horrid--I swear, I think I only look good in...yaoi...X_X...but I look so good with my hair down!"

"Stop talking like that. You sound like. A fucking robot. And the dialogue. It sucks."

"PSST...Kazuya again. I just got ahold of this Tekken 2 comic...and believe me when I say it's just as wacky as Tekken Forever! Okay, maybe not, but it's still good for a laugh! So, if you'll just click on the following link, you can see more Tekken comic wackiness! W00T!"

Knightstone's Tekken 2 Comic! WOW!