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General info on hunting world records.

Best time to hunt.

Cover as much ground as possible. (submitted by Black_Rap)

Bring the right stuff along, you don't wanna get caught in the wrong position without the right tools. (submitted by Black_Rap)

A few tips to get that great buck. (submitted by Roo)

Get a buck with a truck. (submitted by Justin)

An easy way to shot world records during a season hunt.

Chart showing the number of antlers needed to be a world record.

General info on hunting world records.

Getting a world record buck can sometimes be a difficult task. It takes a lot of patience and repetition. A world record is not loaded in every game. You may have to try several hunts before you see a world record. The best way to get a world record is to find place on a map where deer show up frequently and hunt in the same area several times. Also make sure you have your skill level on avid hunter.
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Best time to hunt.

I have found that the best time to hunt the world records is: Of course everyone has there own opinion of when the best time to hunt is. I have just found these to work best for me.
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Cover as much ground as possible

When your out hunting for that World Record, or albino or whatever, cover as much ground as you can. World Records and Albinos can load wherever a buck loads on the map. Go scouting for a couple of trips on each map. Find out where the bucks load, and make sure that you find that buck when you enter the map again. Cause you never know when that buck will be an albino, demon or even the elusive unicorn. This website has the best trail for hunting Sprinwater, SK. I hunt this many times over, and it has produced over 20 World Records!! Including an albino World Record. If you hunt that path, a World Record WILL show up sooner or later. Good Luck!! (Submitted by Black_Rap)
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Bring the right stuff along, you don't wanna get caught in the wrong position without the right tools

When you're out in the field, you want anything that will enhance your chances of bagging a big deer. I found that these things work the best for me. A Tripod stand, Rutting Buck Call, Cover Sent, Binoculars, Spotting Scope, GPS, Scope for your weapon, Map, Deer license, Antlers, and your weapon of choice. A Tripod stand is good for seeing deer at great distances. I use it more than the tree stand because you can see 360 degrees, instead of just being restricted to looking 1 way. I use the Rutting Buck Call because I hunt in late fall. Deer are in the Rut this time of year, and by using this, I can attract both bucks and does. This call might not work in any other time of year. Cover Sent is a must no matter what time of year you hunt. Deer can easily detect you if you don't wear it, so just use it 2 or 3 times every once in a while. Binoculars are something that I rarely use. I use the spotting scope over them all the time. Spotting Scopes allow you to identify game at great distances, and zoom in closer then binoculars. The GPS is a must if you wish to know what direction you're headed. Without this, you could easily misplace yourself in the woods. The map is needed to locate yourself, and to locate deer in a season. Deer will load around the same area in a season, so if you hunt in that area, you are bound to get that trophy! Deer license, duh!! Antlers are another call I use in the late fall. They work wonders, but just like the Rutting Buck Call, they won't work in many other seasons. Your weapon and your scope for your weapon are just your choice. But make sure that you spend a little time in the target range. Find out where your gun is dead on. Then, drop any animal in the field you see. Hopefully this helps you out, if not, I tried ;). Good Luck!!
(Submitted by Black_Rap)
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A few tips to get that great buck.

Tip 1 When you get into a game, crouch down in an open area at about dawn. Spray cover up every 5 game minutes. Do no calls unless you can see a deer. The deer will not even notice you and s/he will carry on about there daily chain. They do the say steps every day (such as go to a part of a river at 7:00 a.m.). Go into the game and cheat. Hit the F2button, then type in dh4nofear, hit enter, type in dh4showme, hit enter, then hit F2. Look on your map and go to each deer. Study what they are doing (laying down, eating, swimming,...) and the time of day. Exit the current hunt and come back not cheating, do the same as I said before, crouch, SentbeGone, wait-until you see the deer you want coming. This works VERY good at SK! I have taken records there.
Tip 2 (for Deer Hunter 5, too) There is a code. This code works on Dh2, 3, 4, and 5. Sit, and if you see no deer, do all of the calls, scents, and everything for 1 minute. Do not move, touch the mouse, ANYTHING for 2 whole minutes strait unless you want to break the code. If you see a deer, don't move unless it is about to run away. If you move suddenly, just a notch, the deer will stop running to you. Have fun!
Tip 3 Don't shoot useless animals, don't shoot a huge animal with a tiny gun, don't get calls out of season, and if you are going to shoot a huge animal, have the animal walking strait towards you, so if it doesn't kill it, you still have another shot because it is running toward you.
Tip 4 Jump in the truck and have fun! The object is to scare the animals, and you can do this on Avid Hunter, or any other level. Drive until you see an animal, scare it into the lake, get to the wind at your back looking at the lake and do calls and sents. The buck will really turn around and swim toward you! Shoot him when he gets out, because it will show as poaching in the trophy room if you don't.
(submitted by Roo)
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Get a buck with a truck.

I find that it is easy to find big bucks when using a truck. Drive around and when you see a buck that looks good go next to him, stop, get out, and shoot. It might take a few trys but you will get the hang of it. Remember when its a buck you'll know because it will leap with a long stride.
(submitted by Justin)
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An easy way to shoot world records during a season hunt.

If you are doing a season hunt there is a relatively easy way to find a world record. First you go to a season hunt and hunt on the first day, use the cheat codes dh4nofear, dh4showme, and dh4findnext. If you look on your map you will see deer, you can tell if the deer are bucks or does because the bucks on the map will show antlers. Keep using the cheat code dh4findnext to jump from deer to deer, make sure you look at all the bucks on the map to see if they are world records. If you find no world records: exit the hunt, start a new season, and repeat this process If you do find a world record, remember where you found him because he will probably stay close to that area. Next go back to the lodge and using the same season go for a hunt on the second day of that season. Hunt in the same area that you saw the world record and you should be able to get him. Make sure you don’t cheat on the day that you want to shoot the world record, because if you shoot the world record and cheat on the same day of the season, the world record will say cheated and he will no longer be in the season where you found him. This still takes patience but the rewards are great. I have bagged a few records using this trick.
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Chart showing the number of antlers needed to be a world record.

Type of Deer Number of antlers to be a world record
Whitetail Typical 16
Whitetail Non-Typical 46
Mule Typical 16
Mule Non-Typical 42
Blacktail Typical 12
Blacktail Non-Typical 30

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