The sacred statue of the Giant cat god of the Yazuloo

Down with the Kitty!

The Dervishes invaded Yazulooland in great force, attempting to punish the Yazulu for their intervention along the Green Nile. The British supported their new Yazulu allies with a gunboat and a platoon of armed Sailors. The Imperial German forces, long suspected by the British of interfering in the Sudan, showed themselves openly this time with two sections of artillery and a unit of Iperial "Afrika Korps".

The Mahdist hordes were attempting to reach and defile the Yazulu's gigantic statue of Bubasta the cat god. Traditional Yazulu warriors were reinforced by three sections of medieval artillery, captured by them in the dim past, and two mounted warrior cavalry troops.

A Mahdist player, moving his camel riders into melee with the Yazuloo force to the left. Both sides in this game were mainly armed with melee weapons. Some of the Mahdist units had 50% rifles, and there were some artillery on both sides, but spears and swords predominated in this bloody battle which we fought on August 3, 2002 at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson.

The Dervish Players were:

Mark Gilbert, amused by the game, or by some witty remark.

The British/Yazuloo Players were:

Two Mahdist commanders exhibit extreme interest in the game. Left to right" Jay Ainsworth, Robert Whitfield.

Fred Diamond selects forces from the trays of troops at the start of the game.

Nothing went well for the forces of the Mahdi on this day. Most of their forces came on the table too far away from the staue of Bubasta, yet too close to the British gunboat to escape it's fire. They were savaged, and many ended the day as entree or appetizer for the victorious Yazuloo. The British allies of the dusky hordes eschewed the "long pig" and made do with stewed camel instead.

Jody McDonald, commanding the British Gunboat watches more Mahdist targets, err - troops, pop up out of dead ground. They were cut down by the guns and troops on the boat. Apparently the Mahdists had hoped that Major von Oberuberdorf's German artillery would deal with the British boat. The Germans deployed their gun too far away, however, and it had no effect upon the British "Battleship".

A Yazuloo gun. Unlike their cousins in more southern Africa, the Yazuloo had mastered the secrets of artillery, although their pieces were medieval-looking bronze muzzle loaders. After the game, the Yazuloo looked forward to receiving captured German pieces that had been in service to the Mahdi.

Firm-looking dervishes stand to the charge by the Yazuloo cavalry. Indeed, the mounted Yazuloo arm did not shine in this game, refusing to close or just being shot down in both of their major attacks.

Mahdist reinforcements move against the center hill. Camel riding Jingal-gunners, German Feld-Kompanie and knife carrying dervishes all move south, towards the great Bubasta. Regretfully the game ended before these men entered the combat around the giant cat statue.

High point of the game, a unit of Yazuloo hold firm about the base of their god while Mahdist camel riders make the last attack of the game. In vain! The great benevolent Bubasta still gazes serenely over Yazululand.

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