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Site Last Updated January 2002



When searching many of the forums on the web I came across and interesting request for someone wanting. Wartime propaganda posters* to be placed on the walls of his or her Sim Homes.

This peaked my interest and I started looking for sites with either a Military Uniform or Military oriented theme. I came across some sites with Uniforms and Modern Paintings but as far a I can tell no Wartime Posters.

I am therefore starting with World War II posters I have over 300 jpegs of Wartime Propaganda and Home Front posters.

I'm slowly but surely converting them to the Sims. However with some the quality is sometimes grainy when I take them down to such a small size compared to the graphic I have used to create them.

If you have any military related or wartime related Sims sites that you want to be listed in my links section please feel free to send your links to me via e-mail




NEW ADDITIONS January 2002

Sorry for the delay as real life got in the way,  too much to do!!

Finally got round to doing some more posters

Allied UK USA Additions 36 In Total


 Will link to other Sim sites, but mainly to military related Sims sites

Private Herbie.

Would like to share some of his  favourite NAAFI recipe's in this page, to access click on the NAAFI Icon

 Click on Me to E-Mail before I head off to the NAAFI  
If you want to link to my site please use this banner

*However please take note that many of these posters were printed during World War II and were aimed at crushing the Axis and Allied enemy at that time, depending on what side you were fighting for.

Some posters tread a fine line in being offensive to some people i.e.. Some of the USA Army and Naval recruitment posters, UK, Allied Posters and Axis powers posters,  have not been included . These  posters have not been included because of the language and racial slurs  used though some of the less dubious one's will be included.