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Hardwarp FM
Welcome to the Hardwarp FM news page. This is where I add weekly headlines and other news. I'll update the main page, when I update this section. You can also get information on subscribing to the Hardwarp FM mailing list. Note that we are currently looking for online reporters. Contact me for more details.

Protactorate... Dictatorship?
Recently, a new "force" has appeared on Titan, The Protectorate. This "group" has created many un-enforced laws governing everything from combat conduct to weapons usage. They promise death to those who don't obey thir "laws" but no attacks have been reported. One Titanian says, "The Protectorate is like a violent Lovejoy Flowerchild...". This new group is headed by an individual known as Guardian. Currently there is no information as to the prescence of other members but one thing is for sure. Don't sweat these guys yet. They're all talk.

Chemicals R Us, Alien Allies?
Recently, there have been several reports of moths owned by Chemicals R Us (The creators of TARN-X) handling objects Alien in nature. Whether they are picking up mysterious blue hunks or being carried over crater walls, this group always seems to be behaving in an odd manner. There is no explanation of these occurances but in a word, it's just plain strange.

Hardwarp FM Mailing List
So you want to recieve updates about everything Hardwar in your mailbox? Look no further. By subscribing to this unique service, you can recieve everything from Moth upgrade tips to web reports. Currently, we don't have many members an so we don't send out much news. If you join, you not only help yourself, but help others.

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