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Classic Games


Here I will post the best games I have ever read about and seen diagrammed, as well as parts of the "classic games" database from ChessMaster 7000. I dont know if this game's famous, but it features two very famous, long dead players. Reti-Alekhine 1.g3, e5 2.Nf3, e4 3.Nd4, d5 4.d3, exd3 5.Qxd3, Nf6 6.Bg2, Bb4+ 7.Bd2, Bxd2+ 8.Nxd2, 0-0 9.c4, Na6 10.cxd5 Nb4 11.Qc4 Nbxd5 12.N2b3 c6 13.0-0 Re8 14.Rfd1 Bg4 15.Rd2 Qc8 16.Nc5 Bh3 17.Bf3 Bg4 18.Bg2 Bh3 19Bf3 Bg4 20Bh1 h5 21bf a6 22Rc1 h4 23.a4 hxg3 24hxg3 Qc7 25b5 axb5 26axb5 Re3 27.Nf3 cxb5 28Qxb5 Nc3! 29Qxb7 Qxb7 30. Nxb7 Nxe2+ 31.Kh2 Ne4 32.Rc4 Nxf2 33.Bg2 Be6 34.R4c2 Ng4+ 35.Kh3 Ne5_ 36.Kh2 Rxf3 37.Rxe2 Ng4+ 38.Kh3 Ne3+ 39.Kh2 Nxc2 40.Bxf3 Nd4