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Friday, September 28, 2001
I have been working on alot of other stuff for a while and this has been put on the back burner for an unknown amount of time. So I figured I'd just release it officialy now. The only thing it doesn't do is detect a check mate and end game. To tell the truth I actually wrote most of the code to put this in and some how lost all my changes. So I've kinda be discoraged to work on it since. If anyone is serious about continuing this project, write me for the source. I will continue it myself someday.

Thursday, July 19, 2001
Finally got some time to do some work on this again... Almost done V1. Put code in for checks today. So you can't move your king into check and so you can't make a move that will put you in check. All thats left is to detect a check mate and end the game. Right now the game would just end by default because you couldn't make any new moves. Anyway I hope to have V1 out ASAP.

Wednesday, July 05, 2001
Technically version one isn't released yet. If you've found this page consider yourself lucky. This is just a test for the page that will be put up when version 1 is ready. All I have left to do for V1 is to put in code for checks and checkmates.

Visitors Since July 5th 2001: