Chris' website

Informations, rumors, and tips. 10/20/2001

Review Database
Diablo 2
Blade of Darkness
Metal Gear Solid
Midtown Madness 2
Z Steel Soldier
This page is based on gaming info and sharing games. It has reviews for games based on my or others opinions. Flash reviews:

Dig Dug Deeper Serious Sam:SE

Smoking Gamepad

Review of Serious Sam:SE is complete!!! It is in Flash 5.0 format in 3 different version!!! Check it out!! Serious Sam:SE review!


Jun 25, 2001 3:30am
Dig Dug review is up!!! The first review that is in flash 5.0 format!! I reorganized the index page a bit. Flash movie section is up, there's one movie uploaded though!!! I'm going to try and fix some of the grammerical errors in the other review pages.

Finished Serious Sam:Second Encounter Review!!!
Jun 19, 2002 3:00am
After a loooooooong delay, I'm going to go back and work on this site for now on. I'm going to continue on writing the review for the PC games. Also I'm going to add some Flash 5.0 component onto this site. There are several hidden flash movie amoung this site that is not access to the public yet. They will be soon.
Oct 20, 2001 8:30pm
Ok today was a major update. I changed the info box's information, you can click on the picture then it'll direct you to a page. Metal Gear Solid has been changed to a cooler background. Hopefully you like the background. I added one more game review Anachronox. Notice our title picture, my friend made it. I fixed some minor errors and change some colors. Hopefully I will make more updates soon.
Oct 14, 2001 11:30pm
I put a table in the background so you can read the review better. I hope you like it. Sorry for not updating so long. You know school's is in my way. I'm going to restart all my current project soon. Hopefully I'll put up some reviews or whatever.
Sept 26, 2001 8:35am
The Terrorist had attacked the America's Soil on 9-11-2001. They crashed our planes into the WTC building and brought the twin towers down.
Those terrorist going to pay what they did to us. We American aren't weak we're strong. Stay strong America. Those who died in the building, your death will be avenged!!!

I'm going to be fixing up the site because some of the pages, you can't read the text because of the background color. I'm adding a table layer under the text so you can read it better then getting a headache over it. I'm not sure of making a review for now. Well I'm a college student. We don't have a lot of time to work on the computer.
Aug 20, 2001 Midnight
I put a movie demo of the Half-life game I'm making. So the low and the medium qualities movies are up. I'm only going to upload hi-fi when I get some fast connection. To long to upload. Well good night. More reviews are coming up soon.
Aug 17, 2001 2:20 am
Ok. I replace the scaling picture to a new one. I added a new review of Midtown Madness 2. I added a link affilerates on the main page. More stuff coming up. I go play Team Fortress.

7:45pm Uploaded Z Steel Soldier and Starcraft reviews.
Aug 11, 2001
I'm aware it's late (1AM) Added graphics to main page.
Aug 10, 2001
I gotta stop doing this thing so late(It's 1:30am). Anyway I added something to the diablo page. Can you guess what it is?
Sometimes later
9:15 PM I added something to the main page. It's a information box. Sometimes it'll have a link to that page. It'll changes over time. Also changed the news order to newest to oldest. Hopefully the frontpage get a background soon.
11:15 PM Uploaded another review, Metal Gear Solid.
Aug 09, 2001
Ok I got Blade of Darkness review up. Read it!!! Man I got to go to bed.

9:15 I uploaded Halflife review. The game of the year. Man I got to play it now bye.
Aug 08, 2001
This site now exist. This site shares information on games. I writing reviews up for games base on my opinion. I got two reviews up. The mini guide for Diablo 2 is up!! Check it out!!!

any problems email to me