Links Page

            This page is for all those random links that I keep hidden in my Favorites list…  ^-^;;;  If you're tired of this site, try one of these!
    I promise an - interesting - time…  *sniggers*  Most of these links are anime sites, so do keep that in mind.  Hey, I'm an otaku, what can
    I say?

        Open Circle   No, I will never, ever, ever get tired of plugging my other site.  Go there NOW, you ingrates.  I wouldn't have to plug
    it so much if you people would just VISIT it!  Besides, now all of Genki Goth is up there in the "Other Writings" section, so you'll be able
    to put a personality with all the pretty pictures in the sketchboo!  (And you'll find out what a sick, sick little puppy I am…)

        Hokuto's Little Page o' J-Rock   My own personal little J-Rock site - it's part of the OC site, but I figured I'd put an extra link in here
    just for the heck of it.

        Terracon   Giga's site for his e-mail roleplay of exceeding spiffiness.  Go sign up and enjoy!  You'll get to roleplay not only with all
    of us cool OC people, but other roleplayers of great talent!  (We hope, anyway.)

        Neko-Yuzuriha's Spiffy Diary-Type Thing!   My web diary, in case you're interested… you probably aren't, but what the hay, posting
    the link doesn't hurt.

         Rabi's X Page   An excellent source for info on the manga series X, currently my favorite of all time.  It hasn't been updated in a
    while though, sad to say…

         Web Site #9   The site with the absolute largest number of MiSTings on the Web.  Don't know what a MiSTing is?  Go here and
    read the FAQ and "The Eye of Argon."  I guarantee laughs.

         Sluggy Freelance   One of the funniest and longest-running online comics I know.  Must be read to appreciate.  *snickering*  Bun-
    Bun: Rabbit with a Switchblade!

         Pocket Bishounen   Heh - for the highly obsessed otaku only…  This is a page where you can "catch" your favorite bishounen(pretty
    boys) and train them.  I have LOTS of caught bishounen - including some I don't even really want…  *gives her caught Farfie and Legato
    pointed looks*
            Farfie:  Can I hurt someone now?
            Hokuto:  NO!  Unless my caught Miaka's around, of course...
            Miaka:  *appearing out of nowhere*  *.*  Farfie!  *drags him away*
            Farfie:  *sweatdropping, is dragged away*
            Well, anyway… having caught bishies is fun!  Everyone should go to this site and catch some!

         Dreams of Sakura X Shrine   Another really excellent X site, with regular updates(but no translations, sadly.)  Be careful of the fanfics -
    they're not poorly written, they're just - um - interesting.  Yeah.  Interesting.  *tries to destroy the evil images now in her head, fails*

         MegaTokyo   A very well-drawn, anime-style online comic with plenty of anime and gamer references.  Well, I get half of them, at
    least…  ^-^;;;

         Irritability   Yet another online comic - sensing a pattern here?  ^-^;;;  This one is REALLY cool, it has a Sephiroth look-alike!  ^-^v
    Go Exoth!  We love Exoth!
            Exoth:  I think I'll just destroy the world again now.

         Anime Web Turnpike   The most extensive collection of anime links ever collected - the sheer number is mind-boggling, just
    astounding.  If you're at ALL interested in anime, or in getting started in anime, this is the place to go.

         Sparkling Shadows: A Valgarv Shrine   The title kinda says it all, doesn't it…  Anyway, this is a great place to get info and pics
    of Val-sama.  There's also some really nice fanart and fanfiction.  GOOD fanfiction.  And that's high praise coming from someone who
    virtually NEVER reads other people's fanfiction, especially not without a recommendation.

         8-Bit Theater   Look!  It's ANOTHER online comic!  This one is sort of loosely based off the original Final Fantasy game(I think),
    but you don't need to be an FF fanatic to appreciate the humor.

         Acid Reflux   Yet another spiffy online comic, although the updates can be kind of sporadic.

         CHHS Anime Club   The completely cool website for the Chapel Hill High School Anime Club, of which I am FINALLY the President!
    Wai wai!  ^-^v

         The Ultimate J-Rock Webring   THE webring to go to if you're looking for sites about Japanese rock music (a bit skimpy on mp3 sites,
    but then you should be buying the CDs anyway.  So should I, actually…  ^.^;;;).  What can I say?  I LOVE J-rock.

         The Dimensional Interstice   You want yaoi, this is the site for you.  Okay, so you have to PAY for it, but it's in a good cause!  (Namely,
    that of making Dysfunctional into a doujinshi…  *drools*)

         X Marriage Prospects   Heh - for the serious X otaku only.

        Dir en grey Campaign   Yeah, I know I've got that big banner on the front page, but I can't manage to make that image link to the site, so
    I figured I'd go ahead and put a direct link here, too.  Once I figure out how to make the image link, I'll put the banner here, too.  (Hey, you
    can't support Dir en grey too much.)

        Project X   A spiffy J-Rock page with tons and tons of pictures, plus a few mp3s.  I recommend the "Ain't Afraid to Die" remixes - they're
    good for a laugh...

         Boy Meets Boy   My newest favorite webcomic!  Good art, cute bishies, funny as anything, and lots of yummy shounen-ai bordering on
    yaoi.  ^-^v  Shibby!

         Eternity Screwed   Site belonging to one of the Terracon RPers - good art!



          Well, that's all the links for now.  I'm sure I'll have a lot more once I feel like putting them up!

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