Comic-Related Art

            Here's where all the art related to "Fun with FF7" is, just waiting to be appreciated!  (Hah.)  There isn't much here yet, because
    I don't have a lot of time or decent paper, but expect more as my frustration at not being able to continue the comic grows.

         My Art

         Sephiroth   The very first picture I ever drew of Sephy-sama, the pic that started this whole crazy enterprise, and I didn't even
    mean to draw him…  ^-^;;;  Seriously, I was trying to create an original male character to go along with China, but I got stuck on the
    bangs and couldn't figure out how to draw them - so I started drawing Sephiroth-style bangs, and lo and behold! the pic looked like
    Sephiroth!  I went ahead and finished the bangs plus the rest of the hair, then went back and played around with the features a little to
    heighten the resemblance.  To sum up:  I LIKE this pic, and I'm proud that I drew it.  ^-^V  If you absolutely HAVE to compare it with
    an official Sephiroth pic(though I should remind you that comparisons are odious), you can see one here.

         Blushing Sephy   Wah, he looks so cute!  *goes into spasms of "awwwwww"ing*  I know it's kind of weird that I didn't draw
    anything below the top line of the shoulders, but I wasn't sure how to draw any clothes on him and I DEFINITELY didn't know how
    to draw him without a shirt.  ^-^;;;  Yes, I know I need to take more art classes.

         Tuxedo Sephiroth   I knew he would look good in a tux - call it "woman's intuition" if you will...  ^-^  I'd just call it a severe
    case of not-going-to-the-prom blues.  I must have fiddled with this pic for almost two full hours, trying to get it perfect, and I think
    that it shows.

         China Character Designs   The original character designs for China - in the first and largest one, she kept trying to turn into
    Relena from Gundam Wing…  O.o  Very odd, especially since I hate Relena.

         China in a Tanktop   I was trying to draw a picture of China looking all cool, artbook-quality stuff, and - well, it didn't work.
    Remind me to shoot myself if I ever try to draw a girl in a tanktop again…  *shudders*

           Mako   This is a really purty color pic I did myself with my special Prismacolor markers(all hail Prismacolor!), of a character
    who will hopefully show up later in the series if I ever get off my lazy butt and start drawing more of it.  He's the original male
    character I was trying to draw when he turned into Sephy-sama…

         Others' Art

         Semi-Sephiroth   A REALLY well-done pic by a guy I know named Matt Mezynski(all hail Matt!) after he read some of the
    comics.  Ignore the typing, he drew it on an EOC exam review sheet…  ^-^;;;  Anyway, it's a GREAT pic, even if it doesn't look a
    whole lot like Sephiroth - to be honest, though, I don't care.  *drools on her keyboard*  He may wear the T-shirt, but he sure don't
    LOOK reformed…

         Sephiroth Profile Sketch   An unfinished sketch of Sephiroth in profile, also by Matt.  Man, I wish I could draw that well… not
    necessarily in that STYLE, but that well, definitely.  Sadly, I'll be removing this pic as soon as I get a finished profile...  ;.;  Wait, that
    means I'll have a finished profile, which would be even COOLER...  @.@  I confuse myself, sometimes.

         One-Winged - Um - Angel?   *faints*

            *recovers*  Whooooooo boy… there aren't many men who can make stretchpants look so goooooooooooooooooood…  Yet
    another masterpiece by Matt-san, in case you couldn't guess.  ^-^V

          Cool Sephiroth Pic   *faints again*

            *recovering*  Oh, mai...  This is a rather more canonical picture of Sephiroth, based off the official pic(there's a link to it up
    in the description of the first pic - I'm too lazy to put the link in again...  ^-^;;;).  Want - be able - to draw - like this...  *trails off into
    incoherent bishounen-related mumblings*

           Teke!   Wai kawaii!  ^-^v  A really adorable little pic of Sephiroth attacking.  And no, I don't know what "teke" means, it's just
    something he's saying.  Perhaps it's a masculine synonym for "puu."  *snickers*

             Color China and Sephy!   WAAAAAIIII!!  Chou kawaii yo!  This lovely bit of art is by my friend Hikari-chan from camp, who's
    way cool and needs to publish her own manga soon!

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