Pocket Bishoujo/Bishounen Badges

            Ja, mina-san!  This is just a little page for some of my caught characters(all the ones that aren't on other pages already).  Right now I'm
    just putting up my Pocket Bishoujo Gym badges, including my nice spiffy Master's Badge, but I might consider putting up some of the others
    at some point.  I do have them for a reason, no da.


Do you have any idea how hard it is to                                                                        Wai!  Filia-san!  She's one of my favorite Slayers
find information about Demona?  Do                                                                         characters outside of my bishounen(my absolute fav
you?!                                                                                                                      is Lina-sama, of course).




And you thought that the Granite Gym was
hard - HA!  I laugh in your faces, sons of
hamsters!  There is NO information about
Battle Skippers online, let alone about Sayaka!
Oh, the pain of guessing on five out of ten
questions…  ;.;

And at last, my hard-earned prize:


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