
            Allo!  Welcome to my page of adopted peoples!  Why do I have such a thing, you ask?  Because I am weak-willed and can't resist anything
    cute… heh heh…  Anyway, here ya go!

  Chibi-Fuuma with a frog!  What could be more adorable?  (We'll get to that in a minute.)

  It's not chibi-Seishirou - although that's pretty close…  (Come on, you know you dig chibis with trenchcoats.)

  Awwwwwwwww…  I couldn't resist Karen, I used to always get her first in X personality tests…

  Okay, now chibi-Subaru in ceremonial robes definitely ties with chibi-Fuuma and frog, but doesn't beat it.  But Subaru's my oniichan,
    how was I supposed to just leave him all by his lonesome?

  And Kamui is my number one bishie of all time ever.  Of COURSE I had to adopt him!

            Now for adopted relationships… tee-hee…

  This one is Kanoe+All Men Everywhere - but only Fuuma and Yuuto fit in the picture.  But trust the webmistress of the adoption site -
    she'll tell you that the rest of the men are out there standing in line…

  Kamui and Kotori definitely tie with Subaru and Fuuma/Frog for cuteness.  Hey, I'm a yaoi fan, but I don't think that Kamui and Kotori-chan
    were a purely platonic relationship.

  *dies of cuteness overdose*  I can't help it - even though I want Kamui for myself, he and Subaru WOULD be a good match…

  But Sei-chan and Subaru-Oniichan are still tops, defeating even chibi-Fuuma with Frog for adorability!  MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

            For your own X adoptees, go here:   Persuasion #9

            Now for my other adoptees - KITTIES!  ^-^v  I LOVE cats, so how could you expect me to resist having kitties that look like my favorite
    anime characters?

  Wai!  It's a happy Chichiri-chan kitty!  *snuggles*  Chichiri-chan was my very second bishie…  (As I've said before,
    Kamui is my first.)

  And Fuu-chan is one of my favorite MKR charas, because she's smart and looks like Kotori-chan (only with short hair
    and glasses).

  Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…  Trowa's hair may put your eye out if you try to kiss him, but he's the cutest kittie
    on the face of the earth…

  Wufei-kitty isn't QUITE as adorable as Trowa-kitty, but he's pretty darn close.

  ZERU-KONEKO!!  *glomps the Zelgadis-kitty*  Doesn't he just have the cutest expression?

        These kitties were all legally obtained at  Ghost's Anime Kitties!

        Now, I just have one more kittie - but he's one of my favs…

  *glomps*  I love my Val-sama…  He comes from  Slayers Kitties , because I like this picture
    better than the one at Ghost's Anime Kitties.  Anyway, you should go to these pages and adopt your own kitties, because it's fun!  ^-^v

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