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“We don’t make computer software user-friendly, we make it people-friendly.”

-VSC Corporate Motto

“People ask me if I like what I do. Of course I do, I am 18 years of age and own one of the richest companies in the world.  I date supermodels and I get to have fun, what more could you want out of life then that?  Microsoft?  Thing of the past.  Sure they still sell their OS, but you compare their latest Windows creation against Vanguard and you will see that they have a ways to go.”

-Vincent T. Vanguard, CEO of Vanguard Secure Computing

Sometimes good things happen to good people, but that wasn’t the case with the burnout genius Vincent T. Vanguard.  A rising star at the age of 13, he earned his bachelor’s degree at age 15, and had a doctorate in Computer Science by the age of 17.  His powers had begun to manifest at age 16, and grew into their own by his 17th birthday. But there is a darker side to Vincent, a complex of superiority.  He believes because of his intellect he is the superior of just about anyone he meets, unless they can prove themselves otherwise.  Vincent is driven to succeed, and is a thrill seeker by nature.  He has turned his attentions to not only making money, but as much money as possible in any venue he believes he can master.  Currently he wishes to corner the underground market in illegal cybernetic technology, as well as furthering studies into Artificial Intelligent systems.

Vincent continues to keep the front that VSC just wants to compete in the cutthroat business of producing Operating Software, but he has moved into producing Cybernetic enhancements and offers them to the highest bidder including a certain dictator of the Congo Protectorate.  He is also busy trying to perfect an advanced AI for use with military applications, a totally artificial soldier with the power of a platoon and the loyalty that only a machine can possess.  Vincent has created limited AI creations but has yet to make something that he is fully proud of, and would consider mass-producing.

Vincent is not alone, however.  His top cadre of scientists is similarly devoid of morals and seek scientific advancement for the simple sake of science. But aside from the scientists, there is a ruthless shadow organization within VSC that furthers Vincent’s less then legal ends, headed by Linda Walsh, VP in charge of company security.  She is a baseline, but a very ruthless, crafty baseline.  She is wholly devoted to her work and keeps her hands clean of any wrongdoing, working through intermediaries and sometimes assassins.  She employs several elites  and well-trained baselines on a freelance basis. She can also deploy cybernetic enhanced enforcers to great effect, since they can easily pass for baselines, usually in retaliation to someone who crosses Vincent or VSC in general.

Linda is loyal to Vincent and works out of the company headquarters in San Francisco, and reports directly to Vincent.  Linda is a cold, calculating woman though and not to be trifled with, as she keeps VSC out of hot water by eliminating any threats to VSC both externally and internally.  No one talks badly about VSC without her knowledge, no one.  She is very good at making people disappear, or changing their minds, depending on the need.