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 Earthbound Walkthrough



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































( Do not print unless you are aware it is over 50 pages long)












Since you have this won't be needing the services of the HINT

MAN you will find in various towns. Don't waste your money on him..he's

expensive and will tell you no more then what I am telling you here. You

will need even that $30 for items and stuff!





1) After the meteor crashes, go outside and find Pokey at the crash site.

Talk to him, then return home.

2) After Pokey knocks on your door let him in and talk to him. Talk to

your mom who will tell you to get the cracked bat in Tracy's Room. Go

back downstairs.

3) Talk to your dog and get him to join you. On your way out of the house,

the phone will ring. Go over and answer it. It's your dad. Talk to him,

then hang up. Call him right back and save your game. Then leave the


4) Go back to the Meteor crash site. Your dog will leave you and you'll

see Picky sitting by the tree. Wake him up and he will join you and

Pokey so they can return home. Walk past the meteor and Picky will ask

you if you hear a buzzing noise. Even if you dont, say yes and you will

then see a shaft of light come out of the meteor. Now your about to

meet Buzz Buzz!

5) Talk to Buzz Buzz. He will tell you that he is not a bee, but a being

from 10 years in the future. He will tell you about Gigyas and how he

believes Ness in the one who can save the future..along with 2 other

boys and a girl. After his speech..head back down to take the boys back

to thier house. Before you get there will confront the

Starman Jr., another being sent back by Gigyas to kill Buzz Buzz. You

should by this time be atleast level 3 or 4 and with Buzz Buzz along,

the fight will be very easy and very quick. Defeat him and Buzz Buzz

will tell you how you must now on your guard for Giygas in already

beginning to influence the mind of people and animals. Now it's time to

take the boys home. Thier house is to the left of Ness's house.

6) Go inside and talk to their dad. Go thru the scenes with thier dad and

mom. Buzz Buzz will at one point land on thier mom's head and she will

swat it thinking it's a dung beetle. When Buzz Buzz lands on the floor,

go over and talk to him. Hear his dying words, find out about the "Your

Sanctuary" places..8 in all..and receive the sound stone. This will

record the sanctuary melodies. He will tell you the first one is right

here in Onett, called Giant Step. So it's off you go to find it. Go

outside and it will become daylight. Walk to the right of the house,

past Ness's house to find the path into town..that's where you are now


7) When you first get to town, stop and the first building, the library,

and talk to the lady at the desk. Get the area map from will

come in handy! Continue into town and visit the various buildings. Also

if you go just to the left of the library, you will see a boy hanging

around some trees. Talk to him and then go into the space in the trees

and go up to find a secret of the boys there will give you

a Mr. Baseball cap for free!

8) Stop at the drugstore and pick up the Tee Ball bat for $48. If you need

more cash..remember to call dad! You wont have enough yet for the Cheap

Bracelet, but you will soon so dont forget they sell it. Go back out

and head towards the bottom of town. You should come to an arcade at

one point, with some guys in black roaming around. Be wary of them at

level 3 or 4..they can hurt! If you used your extra money for the

moment and picked up some hamburger's at the burger shop, you should be

okay. Fight only about 1 or 2 at this point, then go back and call dad

from the hotel and also stay a night if you have to. The fee isn't too

bad at $35 a night. When you get to about level 5 you should be okay,

but keep building levels till you are around level 7 before attempting

to fight Frank inside. Also, dont forget, as soon as you get the $98,

make sure to go back to the drugstore and pick up that Cheap Bracelet..

you will need it! By level 7, you should be able to defeat him and

Frankystein Mark II with no problem and little healing. Once you defeat

Frank he will tell you to go to Mayor Pirkle who will give you a key

to get into the entertainer's shack at the north end of town.

9) Once you have the key and get to the shack, open it up, but dont go in

just yet. Talk to the hobos outside, one of then will give you a travel

charm! Equip it right away...and dont forget to before you enter the

cave, make sure you have saved your game back at the drugstore with


10) Go inside the caves..and make sure you have as many hamburgers as you

can carry on you..and follow the paths and ropes up thru the caves.

Watch the mice..they can cause a nasty bite! The slugs are easy, but a

pain cause they attack in pairs, and the black ants can also take a

chunk out. Dont use any PP points at this will need them!

If you aren't around level 11 when you get to the shining spot..dont

attempt to fight yet. If you have to, go back down and walk around the

caves more...even go back out of them and go back to the hotel to rest

if you need to. Once you are at level 11, you should have no problem

with the Titanic Ant and his cohorts. Throw 3 PSI "favorites" at them,

and that should take care of them easily. Go past them when you defeat

them to find Giant Step and record the melody on your sound stone.

11) Go back outside the cave and talk to the police man. No matter what

you tell him, he will tell you to go to the police station so it's off

you go. Stop by and stock up on burgers if you need to, and hit the

hotel too if needed before hitting the police station. If your at

level 13 when you get there..the police force will be easy. Talk to

the police man on the left and he will ask to fight you. Again, at

level 13 you should have no trouble. When you defeat the last officer,

he will open the road to Twoson for you, so it's off you go. If you

did spend the night in the hotel, you would have received a psychic

message from Paula asking for your help. Keeping her in mind you are

ready to travel the road out of town. One the way out you'll see a

house. If you dont have room in your inventory, dont worry about

stopping here yet and getting the exit mouse. You wont need him at all

at this point.






1) When you first get to Twoson you can check out your area map to see

where things are. If you got spored on the way into town by the

mushrooms, head straight for the hospital. If you're okay, then you

can explore the town. There will be a department store that you can

call dad from and also pick up a better weapon, the slingshot. It's

an $89 investment, but well worth it. There's also various other shops

you can check out too. Now though isn't time for shopping. Walk around

and you'll come to Burglin Park. Walk and an head to the back where

you will meet and fight Mr. Everdred. You should be around level 14 by

now, and he should be no trouble. Defeat him and he will give you a

clue about what happened to Paula..seems she has been kidnapped by

some unsavory characters and taken to Happy Happy Village.

2) Before you start heading out though, first go down to the Apple Kid's

house and give him some food and $200. It seems like a lot but it will

be well worth the investment! On the way out, talk to the mouse at the

door and get the phone from'll need it!

3) You should also pitstop at the PolarStar Preschool before heading out,

in Paula's room upstairs you'll find a box with a teddy bear inside.

When your ready, head to the right of the bus station and thru the

cave to the east. You'll come out in Peaceful Rest Valley. Start

walking to the north past a broken bridge. Eventually you'll get to a

place with a wierd pencial shaped object. (use your check command to

examine it). Since you cant go further, head back to Twoson. As soon

as you get out your phone will ring. (press "A" button to answer it).

It will be Apple Kid telling you to come over right away. Dont bother

checking his house, he's taking a rest in the park. Get the Pencil

eraser from him and head back to the valley.

4) Remove the pencil statue (use the pencil eraser like you would a

hamburger), and continue thru the valley. Watch the oak trees for they

can blow up in your face. If you catch a cold, use your PSI Heal.

Follow the paths around and you'll eventually get to the cave that

will take you to Happy Happy Village.

5) Your first order of business will be to head to the cave entrance at

the top of town. Follow it till you come out at the house you saw from

the valley. Go inside and making sure you have an empty slot in your

goods, talk to Paula. She will give you the Franklin Badge which will

help you defeat Mr. Carpainter. Before you can go back to town though,

when you leave the house your old "friend" Pokey will be waiting for

you with a few of his pals. They should be no trouble for you and you

can defeat them easily. Then go back to town and fight any and all

blue cult guys you see around. They give lot's of experience and you

will need it. You can also check out the other places in the village.

See the tips section on how you can also build up a few thousand

dollars easily while fighting the cult guys! If you need to, there is

a phone in the drugstore and when you have enough money, pick up some

more weapons and stuff.

6) When you're around level 20 to 21, head into the cult building. Talk

to the fast moving blue guys to get them to move out of your way. Work

your way over to the back door and go past the guy at the desk there.

You'll find Carpainter at the top of the steps. Talk to him and say you

dont want to be his right hand man. When you are done fighting him, he

will tell you about the Mani Mani Statue and give you the jail key. Go back

and rescue Paula. For now, she's limited in weapons, but take her past

the drugstore and get her equipped and stock up. Save with dad, then

head to the cave you saw in town while walking around.

7) The monster's here are tough but give a lot of experience so Paula

will level fast. Stay close to the entrance and keep going back in and

out to fight the weaker of the monsters near there. When Ness is around

level 25 and Paula is around level 19 it's time to head out to meet the

next shining spot. Dont worry if Paula falls in battle, once you go to

to melody area she'll be revived, but try to keep her alive if only so

she can get the major experience from the enemy. Defeat the enemy and

go record the melody of Lilliput Steps. On the way back through the

cave, again it's a good time to surprize enemies and gain more money

and experience...never pass up the chances you get after defeating the

shining spots!

8) Take Paula back to Twoson and the PoleStar Preschool. Talk to her dad

and then it's time for you both to head onward. Go back and talk to

Mr. Everdred, get the wad of bills and head to the theater. Talk to

the band members outside, one of them will give you a ticket to get

in. Go inside where the stage is and find the little girl in pink near

the back door. She will take you in to meet the band. Talk to them and

you'll find they are in trouble again and need $10,000 to get out of

it...and you just happen to have the wad of bills! See the show and

then go talk to the manager. Give (use) the wad of bills and the band

will be free to leave. They will offer you a ride to catch

a ride with them. Now it's off you go to Threed!





1) After the band lets you off in Threed, your first stop should be the

drugstore. You will be able to pick up a few things to help you out.

Then head on over to the left graveyard and follow the pathway around

till you see the two Zombie guards. Go up to them and they will stare

into your soul. Leave there and go to the hotel. Outside you will see

a strange woman. Follow her into the hotel and to the room she leads

you to.

2) Inside the room, you will be attacked by ghosts and zombies. When you

wake up, you and Paula will be locked in a room. Go to the door and

try to leave and Paula will then put out a psychic call to Jeff, your

next friend who will help you.

3) The scene now shifts to Winters where Jeff is sleeping in bed. Get up

and start for the door. Jeff's friend Tony will stop him first and

will join up with him. Head downstairs (dont go to the room with all

the packages yet!) and go into the first room. Get the bad key from

Dr. Maxwell and go into the next room. Try to use the doesn't

fit! Go back and talk with Dr. Maxwell, he will give you his latest

invention the Bad Key Machine. Now go back and open the lockers. When

you're done, go back upstairs and get the boxes. You can drop the

ruler and protractor..they are worthless and you will only be able to

sell them for $1 so the cookies are much more important! When you are

equipped and ready, head out of the school. Tony will assist in your

escape. Walk to the right to come to the drugstore. If you dont have

any open spots (and you shouldn't) now's the time to sell something..

You're best bet is to sell off one cookie for can sell the

bottle rocket he's got, but I wouldn' will come in handy soon!

Talk to the girl in the corner near the phone and buy the pack of gum.

Get the bubble monkey to join you by giving him (useing) a piece of

gum. Now it's time to start Jeff's journey!

4) Head to the left along the winding paths until you reach the lakeside.

Talk to the watchers there. Go inside the far left tent to sleep. By

now Jeff should be at a level he can start fixing things too and will

do so during the night. When morning comes, find the phone tent and

save the game with Dr. Maxwell. Go to the part of the lake where you

see the brown dirt patch. The monkey will ask for a piece of gum and

Tessie will appear. Ride on Tessie to get to the other part of the


5) When you get off Tessie, head south till you come to the cave

entrance. Go thru the maze inside. The monsters aren't too tough, just

watch for the mouse's biting attacks! Save the game when you get to

the phone at the end. Go outside and talk to BrickRoad then head west.

Go thru the Pond Cave.

6) Inside the cave you'll come to a point where you will see a rope out

of your reach. Give the monkey some gum to get the rope. For now, dont

bother with the shining spot..only Ness can fight it. Continue out and

you will be at Stonehenge. The monkey takes off after a pretty female

monkey and you'll be on your own. Try to avoid the cave men and bears,

but if you are around level 6 or so you shouldn't have too much of a

hard time. When you run out of cookies or healing items, time to head

out to the lab. Talk to Dr. Andonughts, Jeff's dad, and he'll tell

you about the Sky Runner. If you arent' around level 12 or 13 yet, use

the Instant Revitalizer (use check to work it) and heal yourself. Go

back out and fight a few more cave men and bears till you reach

atleast level 13. Then head back to the lab and get the Sky Runner.

7) Activate the runner by pressing "A" and it will take off to Threed.

When it locates Ness and Paula, it will crash down into the ground.

Jeff then joins up with you. Use the Bad Key Machine to get out and

go back outside. Stop again at the drugstore and the illegal arms

dealer in back of the store to get better weapons, etc for Jeff. Save

the game, then head to the south of town.

8) Find the tent south of town and it will turn into a monster tent. You

should have Ness at lvl.26, Paula at 25 and Jeff at 13. Use PSI Fire

against the Boogey Tent and if Jeff got some rockets or bombs too.

Defeat the tent to get the Fly Honey. Head back towards the other tent

and talk to the people inside, then head towards the hotel. At one

point, Apple Kid will call you and have his new invention delievered

to you via the pizza man..Zombie Paper! Go back to the tent and (use)

the paper. Go to the hotel and sleep and during the night the paper

will capture the zombies. The back area in the left graveyard is now

clear for you to enter it's off you go!

9) The passages are very to the point and along the way stop at the two

coffins to pick up some stuff you'll need. Just as you are about to

leave though, Barf Jr. attacks you. He's not that tough if you Ness

is at lvl. 27, Paula at lvl 21 and Jeff at 16...and PSI Fire should

work nicely. Exit the cave and you'll see a man there. Talk to

him to find out about Saturn Valley Village. Continue north thru the

valley. The armoured frogs are easy if Paula uses her PSI Freeze and

same on the crocks you'll meet there. It's not too long a trip north

and there are 2 gift boxes you'll want to stop and pick up.

10) Find the cave entrance and take the short walk the other

end you'll find Saturn Valley Village.





1) Saturn Valley offers the best in hospitality! Take full advantage of

the medical services if you need to get rid of any unwanted ghosts or

for anything else. Also dont pass up a chance to stay the night at a

free inn! Saturn Valley Village isn't too big so talk to everyone you

meet. Go up the left most ladder to the cave there and talk to all

Mr. Saturns. One of them will give you an important password and

instructions for the falls! Keep going up and you'll come to the items

shop. It sports a phone, atm and you can pick up some great items too!

2) When you're ready, save your game and head on out to Grapefruit falls.

Walk behind the falls and wait the 3 minutes that you were told to by

the Mr. Saturn. When the guy comes back you'll be let inside.

3) The corridors inside are pretty easy. Make sure to check each ladder

and door though! One of the rooms will sport a never leaving magic all you need to do is leave and reenter to catch it. Try

to fight as many Fobbies as you can..they are very easy and give LOTS

of experience! Not to mention if Paula is running short of PP, she can

use her PSI Magnet on these guys for quite a bit PP back! When you are

around (and from here on out to make this easy...I'll list the levels

in this order...Ness/Paula/Jeff/Poo or for example...4/3/2/1 okay?)

so at these levels 27/21/16 you should be ready to fight Master Belch.

4) When you first encounter Master Belch, make sure to give him the Fly

honey jar you won from the tent in Threed. After about 1 or 2 rounds,

Belch will be too busy eating the honey to fight you other then maybe

on occasional belch your way. Use Paula's PSI Fire on this guy and the

fight wont take long. Defeat him and head out the back passage.

5) When you get out you'll be back in Saturn Valley. Go into the hot

springs and clean up. Stay in the springs till its says you're healed.

Now it's time to head to the cave entrance just in back of the spring.

If you need to stock up again or atleast save your game, NOW's the

Time! When you're ready, head to the cave. If the mushrooms get you

spored, just head back to the spring for healing. Eventually, you'll

be able to get through the caves without getting spored. When you do,

level up to 32/29/27 before you attack the shining spot. The sprout

is tough, but Ness's PSI "Favorite" and Paula's PSI Fire on the back

row should help you out. Defeat the Trillionage Sprout and get the

next melody of the Milky Well. Head back to Saturn Valley, save, then

head back to Threed.

6) When you get back to Threed, the sun is shining and all is returned to

normal. The buses are back to running, so it's time to head back to

the bus stop. It's $6 to catch the bus, but well worth it. Catch the

bus and you'll be headed out to the desert now. (Make sure when you

go to get the bus, you read the sign on the side of the street where

the tent is, not the hotel. That's the one that will take you to the

desert and Fourside!)

7) Along the way the bus will run into a traffic jam and you'll be booted

off the bus. Go into the drugstore and pick up a few things, then head

out into the desert. If you get sunstroke, either use the wet towels

or have Ness use his PSI Heal B. Note the monkey cave north of the

drugstore (and NO they dont sell drugs..why they say drugs on the sign

I still dont know!). Along the desert edges you'll find some gift

boxes. In the middle of the desert, you'll come across some odd things

like some sunbathers and even an oasis sporting another gift box. You

will also come across two sesame seeds..a black one and a white one.

Find and talk to the white one first, then the black one and see the

reactions from them! Also along the way you'll find a contact lens and

a sign. Read the sign to find out what to do with the lens. Make your

way east and you'll come across a house. Talk to the miner and give

him some will turn out to be a worthwhile endevor! Go inside

where you can spend the night free and call home. Now it's time to

continue on to's up to you if you want to take the bus or

not, but the walk isn't to bad for the young kids!





1) When you first arrive in Fourside, your first stop should be to go see

Pokey. He will be in the Monotoli Building, just take the elevator up.

2) After he kicks you out, go check out the theater, you're old friends,

the Runaway Five are playing there. Buy the show ticket and first go

see the manager. She will tell you that the band is again in trouble

and that this time they owe her quite a bit of money. Oh well...not

much you can do for them at this point, but go talk to them inside and

atleast catch thier show.

3) If you plan on exploring the town, you wont find to much right now.

The department store is still waiting for the grand opening so getting

better weapons, etc is out for now. You will find a street salesman,

but all he offers are some broken items, but Jeff might be interested

in them for later. Dont forget to take the contact lens you found to

the 2nd floor of the bakery either, the guy there will give you quite

an odd item for it!

4) Once you're done looking around, head back to the desert. Go back to

where the miner was and now you'll find he's dug a huge hole. Go

get some rest and save inside the house if you need to first, then

head into the hole. Talk to the miner and you'll find out about the

monsters he's found, and the moles! The paths are pretty twisty, and

without the map in the book it's hard to find everything, but with

some patience it can be done (just so you know, when I was playing the

game to write this I didn't use the maps if I could help it so I too

could see if without them I could find everything, and eventually, I

did find all 5 moles). Inside you will also find an exit mouse so take

it along for safety. When you get to the mole who says "you fought the

1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th strongest of us" or something like that, you will

know you met the last mole and are ready to leave. If you still have

the exit mouse when you defeat him, use it now!

5) Go back outside and talk to the miner. He will be so happy to have the

moles gone and that he can get back to work. Head back to Fourside and

along the way his brother George will stop you. Though they didnt find

gold, he did find something even more valuable..a diamond!

6) Head back to Fourside and the theater. Give the manager the diamond

and she will be more then happy to let the band go. Say goodbye and

head outside. If you walk around a bit, you'll notice the department

store finally opened up. Go in and pick up some weapons, but dont

bother getting anything for Paula just yet. If there's anything you

dont need, either give it to her or call Escargo Express to come get

it. Right now you need to stock up on good armor and weapons and also

healing items. The Double burgers they sell are your best bet.

7) On your way out, the lights will go out in the store and Paula will go

missing. If Ness is around lvl.38 and Jeff is around lvl.33 or higher,

you wont have too much trouble to get through the store. Work your way

up to the fourth floor and you'll find the Dept. Store Spook. If Jeff

kept any of his rockets, and a few of Ness's PSI "Fav" then he should

be no trouble. Defeat him and you still wont find Paula though, but

you'll get a clue as to where she is. But you're not ready to find her


8) Go outside and go to the cafe you may have spotted when walking around

town (It's near the hospital). Go inside and talk to the lady standing

next to the wall. Then go back outside. Make sure you have some food

on you and talk to the hobo on the right. For the food, he'll give you

his spot. You'll find Mr.Everdred in the alleyway. Talk to him and he

will tell you to look behind the counter in the cafe. Go back inside

and "check" the wall behind the counter. All of a sudden you are

transported to another place!

9) Things look awful weird in this place. This is Moonside. Though not

very big and doesn't have too much to offer, the main thing you will

find here is the Mani Mani statue you've been looking for. If you want

to stay at the hotel, or do anything else in town, say NO instead of

yes. To get to the statue there's a few things you have to do first,

here's what you have to do. First talk to the "warp man" near the

hotel (if you dont know which one it is, talk to everyone, you really

cant miss him!). He will warp you right next to the building that has

the statue, but the guard wont let you pass. Go back up to the "warp

man" by the hotel and talk to him again. This time you are warped

somewhere else. Keep talking to the warp men, and you'll get to a room

with a "Mr T" looking guy in it. Talk to him, then talk to the shadow

you'll see in the room. Talk to the "Mr T" to get out of the room. You

will find yourself in one of the hotel rooms and on your way out, the

"shadow" guy will start talking to you and sorta join you. Along the

way you realize that this is the guy that the guard was talking about,

so head back to the guard. When the guard sees him, he will take off,

leaving you access to the statue. To fight the statue, "check" it.

If Ness is around lvl 40, and Jeff at lvl. 34, you shouldn't have any

trouble at all. Again, have Ness use his PSI "Fav" and Jeff either his

rockets if he's got any or just have him shoot it. It wont take too

long to defeat it. When you do, you'll be back at the cafe in Fourside

in a room.

10) Go outside and Apple Kid will give you a call telling you about his

new invention, the Gourmet Yogurt Machine. However, it only makes

trout flavored yogurt right now. He says he's going to send it via

Escargo Express. Right after you hang up, a maid from the Monotoli

Bldg will come up to you and ask you for the yogurt, and when you get

it to bring it to her at the building. Also you'll be approached by

a monkey that seems to come out of nowhere. He'll tell you the Tarah

Rama is done fasting and wants to talk to you, then takes back off.

The delivery man also comes your way, and you find that the package he

seemingly dropped into a hole in the desert. Seems it's back to the

desert you go.

11) Take the bus back to the desert and go to that hole just north of the

drugstore. Go down, but bring a skip sandwich, a wet towel and the

pencil eraser machine with you or you wont get very far. Everything

else you will need you will find in the caves. There a mazes of

passages in there, but eventually you'll wind up in a cave with the

pencil statue that you have to erase. Beyond that is Tarah Rama. Talk

to him and you will get the yogurt machine. He will also have you

follow a monkey outside who will teach Ness his first Teleport A spell.

Use this to go back to Fourside. Go back to the Monoteli building. The

maid will be outside and will take your yogurt machine. Follow her in

and take the first elevator upstairs, then go to the other elevator

and take that one. If you Ness is around lvl. 41 and Jeff is around

lvl. 35 you shouldn't have too much trouble here. Find your way to the

place where the clumsy machine is and start fighting it. Have Ness

heal and keep pounding on it, eventually, some people will run into the

room and shut the thing off. You find the Runaway Five at the rescue.

Go in the next room to find Paula. When you think you can leave by

helicopter, Pokey takes it so go back outside and talk to the Runaway

Five again. They will offer to take you back to Threed.

12) Go back there and find the Sky Runner. Take it back to the Lab back in

Winters. Now that you have Ness, you are ready to go back to where the

shining spot is. If Ness is lvl. 43, Paula is lvl. 36 and Jeff is

lvl.37, you should be able to get Shroom pretty easy. Have Paula cast

a few PSI "Fire" and if you need to have Ness cast a PSI "Fav" and it

should be easy. Go back to the lab and take the Sky Runner now to

Summers, the resort beach town.





1) When you first arrive the Sky Runner will once again crash, only this

time it's a goner. Explore the town a bit. Things are very expensive

in this town, so buy what you can. When you have worked your way over

to the docks area, find a house where inside a man will give you the

phone number for the Stoic Club. Seems this is the exclusive club that

the captain's wife hangs in and you need to see her in order to cross

the ocean.

2) Call the club and then go there. Talk to everyone and then talk to the

lady by the door. She will ask you if you would like a "magic cake".

She will tell you to stop by a little cart outside, so outside you go.

Get the magic cake from her and you will be in a "dreamlike" screen.

You are being transported to Dalaam.

3) When the scene shifts, you are now a prince in an eastern country. This

is Dalaam. Talk to the guy and he will tell you to go to Mu and do

your "training". Walk around the village and then go to the left hand

side at the bottom. This will be Mu. Climb up the rope and begin your


4) You will be tested right away, a person will tell you that you need to

return to the palace. Dont listen! Stay where you are and this big

ghostlike thing will appear. Say "YES" to everything he wants to do to

you. Dont worry that you will lose all your HP, you wont die. When you

allow him to do everything, you have passed the test. Go back to the

palace and talk to the guy near the throne. He will teach Poo the

Teleport B spell and you will be transported back to Summers and Ness

and the group. Now Poo joins you!

5) Go to the Museum now and pay the money to get in. Find the guy on the

top floor. Give him Poo's ruby and follow him inside. Fight the monsters

and then get ready to leave. Before you do though, the guy should give

you a Hiroglyph Copy. You will need this soon so dont get rid of it!

Go back out and you'll see the museum phone ringing. It will be a Mr.

Spoon at the Fourside Museum. Have Poo use his Teleport B to get you

back there.

6) Go to the museum and pay the money to get inside. Talk to the guy

blocking the doorway. He will tell you about something strange he found

but he wont let you in till you get an autograph of Venus at the


7) Buy a ticket and go inside. Venus will be in the same room the Runaway

Five were in earlier. Get her autograph and see the show, then return

to the museum. Give the guy the signed peel and he will let you in.

Inside you will see a manhole cover. Go down it. If you are (and now

it will be in this order Ness/Paula/Jeff/Poo), 48/39/40/29 this place

shouldn't be too hard. Watch out for the ghosts for they can possess

you. PSI "Freeze" works nicely on them. You will also find a room with

a magic butterfly along the you can use a few PSI's if needed.

Follow the sewers around till you get to the shining spot. The Plague

Rat of Doom doesn't like either PSI "Fire" or "Flash" to much, so use

those a bit. Defeat him and get the next melody. You'll also find a

strange item, a carrot key. Now where would you use that? Remember the

Rabbit statues back in Dalaam? Maybe that's where!

8) Go back to Dalaam. First though, if you dont already have it on you,

get the Franklin Badge. Give this to whoever you want, but I always

let Ness carry it since he does the best damage. Armed with that, head

for the southwest caves guarded by rabbits. "Use" the carrot key here

and the rabbit's will disappear. Go inside. You should be around lvls.

50/41/42/35 when you get here. It's not a big cave, but falling down the

wrong holes can make you go in circles. Find your way to the shining

spot. This will be Thunder and Storm.

9) These guys shouldn't be too bad. Have Paula and Poo cast a few PSI

"Freeze" and you should be okay. Defeat them and get the next melody.

Go back outside and head back to Summers now.

10) Now that you saved the captain's wife, he will (for a heafty fee) take

you across the ocean. Pay him but beware..your trip wont be easy!

Alone the way you'll meet the Kraken, but he's not that hard at your

levels. Defeat him to continue your trip to Scaraba.





1) When you get off the boat, you will be in a desert town (looks alot

like Egypt!). Be careful because this is a desert and anywhere out

of town can cause sunstroke. Walk around looking at the various shops.

The main thing you will need here is to get a piggy nose, other then

that, the rest is up to you.

2) When you are ready, head south of town towards the pyramid. You wont

need you hiroglyph copy if you have this FAQ, since I'll show you what

you have to do to get inside the pyramid. Talk to the Sphinx, and then

starting on the top music button go in this pattern....



4 3

2 5


Or in other words, starting at where 1 is, go to 2, then up to 3, then

4, then go to 6 and back to where 6 (1) is. If you are still confused,

think of it as a pentagram or star. This will get you entrance into the

pyramid. The passages aren't too complex. All the way to the right, you

will find a room with a tile on the floor. Step on it then go back

to the room where you saw the large casket. It will now reveal a hole

that you can jump into. Fall down it and you'll find the Hawk Eye. Now

your ready to leave. Make sure that Poo doesn't have the Hawk Eye on

him before you leave or anything you'll want shortly!

3) Go outside and get ready to say goodbye to Poo for awhile. He will be

wisked off to unknown places, so hopefully you didn't have him carrying

anything important. You'll find a salesman out here, but a bit to the

north is your main target. If you talked to the guy with the spear, he

will have given you a "key". "Use" the key and you'll be able to get

inside. This is Dungeon Man!

4) Inside you'll find some kewl things including free sleep benches and

gift boxes. Work your way around to where the ropes are. Take the 3rd

rope from the left and it will take you to the right place on the next

level. Keep working your way up and eventually you'll come to what used

to be Brick Road. Talk to his face and he will be more then happy to

join you on your quest. Go back outside and Dungeon Man will follow

you. Find a small group of palm trees and walk thru them. Dungeon Man

will get stuck and have to stay there for a bit, but that's okay. Keep

walking to the end of the area and you'll find a guy there. Talk to him

and he will tell you the only way you can get to deep darkness is by

submarine. Hmm...wonder where you could get that! Go back to Dungeon

Man and talk to his face again. He will tell you he has a submarine you

can use. Take the hole that is now open and keep dropping till you get

back to the first floor. Now you are on that platform where you couldn't

get that gift box before. Walk around and you'll not only find the sub,

but an instant vitalizer machine that's working very nicely. "Check"

the sub, and Jeff will fix it and you can now be on your way!

5) You wont have control of the sub, so dont worry about getting lost.

It will drop you off in a very strange jungle like area. If you didn't

get the things (especially the Hawk Eye) you needed from Escargo Express

now's the last chance you've got. Now it's time to set out for the

Deep Darkness!





1) When you first get here, things will be okay to look at. Walk around

and you'll find a variety of interesting people and things. Teach a

monkey to teleport and it will give you the Monkey's Love. You'll also

find a missionary and a secret salesman. Dont stock up too much, cause

in Deep Darkness there are 5 things you can find that are worth having!

2) Becareful in the deep parts, you will lose some HP. Along the way, you

will come to a place where you'll see a gift box, and after that all

darkness. Use your Hawk Eye now and everything will be revealed! See

the tips section for the Magic Truffle locations. If you are atleast

levels 56/49/48, this place shouldn't be too bad for you. Along the

way, you'll meet up with an old foe, Master Belch, only now he's called

Master Barf. At one point, just when you might think it's a hopeless

battle, Poo will appear out of nowhere with a kewl spell, PSI

"Starstorm", which will help defeat Master Barf. For you trouble, you

will get the Casey Bat, but look at the weapon chart before equipping

it on Ness. Continue thru Deep Darkness and eventually you'll come to

a cave entrance.

3) This is Tenda Village. Seems the folks here are a bit shy, so talking

right now to anyone seems impossible. However, there is a free in so

take advantage of it! Go back outside, and you'll recieve a call from

Apple Kid. Seems he's made an interesting discovery but before he can

really say what, you hear him yelling for help..oh no! Head back to

Winters to find what the cause could be!

4) You're teleport spell will take you back to where the drugstore is.

Remember how Jeff got to his dad's lab? Well..that's the same way you

need to get there now. Go back down to where Tessie is and hop on her

back. She'll take you back to where you can get to the lab. Work your

way back there and when you get there you'll find Apple Kid's mouse.

Talk to it and he will tell you that Dr. Andoughnuts and Apple Kid

were abducted. He will give you a device called the Eraser Eraser.

Wonder where you'll need that!

5) Go back outside and go to the middle of Stonehenge. See that brown dot

on the ground? Walk on top of it and you'll be in a cave. Follow the

paths around and you'll find the Eraser Statue. Get rid of it and keep

going around the passages. There are a few that will lead you to the

same places, so dont worry about which ones you take. If you are

atleast 67/61/59/57 when you get down here, you should be okay.

6) Along the way you'll come to a room with an exit mouse in it. If you

are really poor on HP/PP, use it to get back outside and go back to

the lab and use the instant vitalizer, then head back again. Keep

going thru the passages, and eventually you'll find a room with the

missing Doctor and Apple Kid, along with a few others. The room beyond

them is where your next foe, Starman Deluxe, resides. He'll call for

some help during the battle, but if you use Poo's PSI "Starstorm" and

Paula's PSI "Freeze" and "Fire" and use Ness to heal when needed, you

should be okay. (You should be atleast lvls 67/61/60/58 when you meet

up with the Starman or it could be a bit tough of a battle). Defeat

the starman and you'll free the prisoners. Talk to Apple Kid and he'll

tell you about the "Overcoming Shyness" book, but he's returned it to

the library in Onett, so leave the base and go to Onett.

7) When you get to the library, go to the room on the left and "check"

the bookcases to find the book. Take the book back to Tenda Village.

8) Talk to the elder and give him the book. He will read it to the whole

village and all of a sudden the villagers are no longer shy! He will

in return give you some Tendakraut..keep this on you. Also, you might

want to now make a quick side trip back to Saturn Valley and pick up

7 Horn's of Life. A villager in Tenda will exchange Ness's next more

powerful weapon for them! Find the villager who will move the big rock

and then jump down the hole. You'll now be in Lumine Hall. This place

is a bit of a maze..but offers you some fobbies to gain a level or so.

Level up to 71/65/63/61 and then get ready to take on your next foe...


9) ElectroSpecter isn't to bad...a few of Paula and Poo's PSI "Fire" and

Ness's PSI "Fav" should help. Defeat him and drop down the hole behind

him to get the next melody, then follow the paths around till you see

another hole. Jump down and you are now in the Lost Underworld!





1) When you first get down the hole, things sure do look strange! Ness

the rest will have become very small..and this place..not to mention

the monsters..look huge! Dont think about calling for Escargo Express

in this place..they wont come, but you will find some phones. Keep

working your way around the place till you come to a huge looking

wooden gate. This is Tenda Village II. The place you fell into is the

Lost Underworld and this is the Tenda's home. They will smell the

Tendakraut that the elder above gave you and let you in the village.

You'll find the Tendite's friendly..but love to make a quick dollar,

so be wary of the guy who is the ATM machine. Talk to the big rock and

it will tell you about the Fire Springs. Seems that's your next place

to visit!

2) Leave the village and head to the west. Dont worry about the strange

eruptions you might see of pink or blue fact..if you need to

heal after a battle..look for one of the blue guysers...they will heal

you! (Just stand on top of the hole and wait till it erupts again.)

Work your way to the west and then south. Dont bother with the cave

entrance you'll see to the north, it doesn't take you anywhere. Find

the cave entrance to the southwest and this is Fire Springs.

3) This place is very tricky in the lay out. Without the map it's a bit

hard to know where leads where, but just keep walking around. To get

to the boss though, you will need to eventually work your way to the

far right side on the first level and follow the ropes and caves up.

The last melody is beyond the shining spot, but getting there wont be

easy! These are one tough pair of dogs...get ready to rumble with

Carbon and Diamond Dog!

4) Carbon Dog isn't too bad..a few PSI "Freeze's" should do the trick..

but watch out for Diamond Dog! If your around lvls. 73/67/65/61 it

wont be too bad, but Diamond Dog is susceptible to nothing. You're

best bet is to just keep pounding and use whatever of Paula's and

Poo's spells can do the most damage. Have Ness heal the rest for if

Diamond Dog gets his bite in, you'll be crystallized. When you finally

manage to defeat it, go into the cave and collect the final melody.

5) While the sound stone records it, something very strange happens..Ness

all of a sudden finds himself in a very strange place! If you talk to

the first guy you see, you'll find you're in Ness's mind, and the

place is called Magicant. Here you'll find some familiar things and

people. You will find your mom and sis, and sis will offer to hold

stuff for you, so take advantage of it! Keep only your armor and

weapons on you for now. Inside one the buildings, you can also buy

some magic puddings and an Earth pendant...which I highly recommend.

Keep walking around and eventually you'll come to a house where you'll

see a headstone out front. This is Buzz Buzz's grave it seems. Go

inside and you'll meet the Flying Men. One will join you, but if you

lose him you can always go back for more. Along the way you will also

pick up Ness's next powerful weapon and will even met himself! Keep

following the pathways and eventually you'll get to a strange sea like

area. This is the Sea of Eden.

6) You'll find an old enemy here, the Kraken, only now it's the Bionic

Kraken. I'd fight them as much as possible, but you can hide from them

by simply swimming behind the poles. Work your way around the Sea and

you'll meet up again with an old foe, the Mani Mani Statue. This time

though since it's in Ness's mind, it can use all the spells Ness can,

so be careful! Ness's Nightmare as it's called will constantly keep

tossing PSI "Fav's" and other spells of Ness's, so heal yourself as

fast as possible. Use your Magic puddings and tarts to outlast him

for it will run out of PP eventually, but you wont if you use your

puddings, etc. wisely! Once it runs out of PP, take your best shots..

use your PSI "Fav" and heal when needed and you will succeed in

beating your nightmare!

7) When you wake up, the sound stone will have split and Ness will be

filled with the power of the stone. Say hello to major HP and PP now!

Now you are ready almost to take on the big guy..Gigyas!

8) Teleport right from there to Saturn Valley and meet Dr. Andoughnuts

and Apple Kid.





1) Talk to the good doc and he'll show you his latest invention, the

Phase Distorter. Unfortuanately, the first time you try to use it, all

you'll end up doing is going up in smoke. He'll tell you that he will

need a piece of Zexonyte..but it's an alien metal and wonders where

you could possibly get it..hmm...wasn't that meteor in Onett of a

strange material? Teleport back to Onett, but be prepared for a

different look to the place since you last saw it.

2) While you were gone, Onett has been taken over by Giygas. The town

is dark and foreboding, but make your way back to the meteor site for

now..there's not much you can do for Onett at this point. "Check" the

area around the meteor and you'll find the piece of Zexonyte. Teleport

back to Saturn Valley and give it to the Doc. This time when you get

inside the Phase Distorter, it will work fine.

3) Take it back to the past, but you wont be able to get very far. Seems

the new machine the Doc built that you travel back in is faulty, it

blows a fuse and wont do anything else..oh no! Walk around a while

and eventually the Doc will show up with his latest machine, the

Phase Distorter 3. However there is one little draw back to this one,

it cant transport you as a human! You will all have to be turned into

robots, but since this is for the good of can you refuse!

4) Get turned into the robots and continue back into the past and Gigyas.

The Phase Distorter 3 has the ability to not only revive you even if

you die, but can save your if you cant get very far at first,

stay close to the machine. You should level up as high as you can

before attempting to get very far..when you can get past the first few

monsters without totally dying, you're ready. Avoid what monsters you

can, now's not the time to waste PP! You will see a few magic

butterflies, but far and inbetween, so dont count on them. Make your

way along the passages till you will eventually get to a small cave

like entrance. Go inside and you'll be in Gigya's turf finally!

5) Here comes the show down..but who is there but your old "pal" Pokey!

Getting rid of him wont be hard, dont bother trying to fight Gigyas

right now, just concentrate on Pokey. When Pokey finally leaves, have

Paula cast her PSI "Shield" on everyone and attack Gigyas. He can use

the same PSI spells as you so be careful. Use your magic stuff to

refill your PP and have Ness be the one who heals everyone when it's

needed. At some point, Pokey will show back up, but wont stay for very

long. As soon as he's gone, have everyone defend and have Paula use

her "PRAY" command NINE times. The only time you'll need to do

anything is revive Paula if she dies..if the other 2 die, dont worry

about bringing them back right only need Ness and Paula.

Keep having Paula prey (if you lose count dont worry..just keep using

Pray) eventually you'll be able to defeat Gigyas by I"m

not saying..there has to be some fun in this!

6) Once you have defeated Gigyas, you'll see robot selves broken, but

your "souls" will return to your normal bodies. Once that happens...

you should be able to figure out the rest!





1) ONETT - A small town in Eagleland. Ness's hometown. Population - 3,500,

dogs - 2. Average tempature is 72 F. Sports an arcade, library, City Hall,

hospital, police station, burger shop, drugstore, hotel and bakery. Also

near the sea, but dont think about buying any real estate's very

expensive! This is where the famed meteorite crashed changing Ness's life

forever. Also home to the famed tour spot of Giant Step.


2) TWOSON - Paula's hometown. Population - 3,711, dogs - 1. Average

tempature is 72 F. Home to Burglin Park, a well know outdoor market with

many vendors of all types. Also has a hotel,the Chaos theatre, bicycle

shop, hospital, the PoleStar preschool, a bus station, Mach Pizza, and the

Twoson Dept. Store. Also home to 2 inventors, Apple Kid and Orange Kid.

The outdoor market sports an egg shop, antique shop, banana shop, tool

shop, thrift store, bakery and a condiment shop. The Dept. Store has a

burger shop, bakery and a drugstore. The park is known to be the home of

the famed thief Mr. Everdred, so watch your pockets!


3) HAPPY HAPPY VILLAGE - There's not much here to see. It's home to the

strange Happy Happy Cult at the moment. Has a simple drugstore and an

outdoor stand with fresh eggs and bananas. Has a remote cabin in the

woods not know though who lives there. Does offer the only way to the

Lilliputian Footprints, a spot of unknown magical power.


4) THREED - Population 1,500, Zombies - 2,000. Average tempature is 62 F.

Graveyards - 2, dogs - 2. Once known as a fun place, it's now home to a

wild group of zombies. The local circus is closed due to the zombies. It

has a hotel with strange inhabitants, hospital, drugstore and bakery.

There is also rumored you can find an illegal arms dealer roaming around

the town, but noone is sure of his whereabouts.


5) WINTERS - Jeff's home at the moment. Offers the finest in boys

education at the Snow Wood Boarding House. Population - 506, goats - 2.

Tessie watchers - 1,200, average age - 13. Average tempature - 1 F, and

the wind chill is -22 F. Winters is told to be where Tessie, the strange

lake creature resides, as well as bubble gum monkeys have been spotted

here. Besides the school, there is a drugstore. Winters is also popular

for the Stonehenge tourist attraction, and the famed lab of

Dr. Andoughnuts, the worlds smarts man perhaps. Also rumored that a hidden

base for aliens is someone beneath Stonehenge, but due to unknown causes,

noone has returned to tell the facts. It also been said a strange place

called Rainy Circle exsists somewhere in the mountains, but again, noone

has seen it for fact.



most people will never find this beautiful place, nor the Mr. Saturns. The

Saturn Valley is not on any map! The Mr. Saturn's though will welcome

you with open arms, offering about everything free! They have a free

hospital and hotel, and thier drugstores and items seller have some

terrific things. The Saturn Village boasts a wonderful spring which can

cure about any ailment. Grapefruit Falls is a wonderful place to take

pictures, but it's been rumored that some kind of monsters base lies

behind that powerful waterfall, so dont do any swimming! Saturn Valley

Village is also home to the Milky Well, another hot spring but of magical



7) DUSTY DUNES DESERT - Population - 5, average tempature is 99 F. Use

alteast a 50 SPF sunblock out here! Home to 2,000,001 cacti. Has one

drugstore so stock up while you can. Home to the famed Desert Monkeys.

Has a tiny casino of sorts, but the odds are very against you. At the far

end of the desert there is some sort of mine, but what they will find or

are digging for is not known yet. Seems at one time, some traveler left

many boxes out, so make sure you get them. It's rumored that 2 sesame

seeds are out there longing for each other. Also it's been known that

someone lost a contact lens out here and would be very grateful for it's

return. Look around for an illegal salesman, he's been spotted near the



8) FOURSIDE - Population 313,003, parks - 10, average income - $59,000.

A city in the heart of Eagleland, the place to go for a night out. Offers

a hospital, Dinasaur Museum, the Topolla Theatre, the Monotoli Grand

Hotel, a cafe, bakery and soon to be open Grand Dept. Store. The mayor

of town can be found in his building, the Monotoli Bldg. Though he tries

to keep the streets clean, you will find a few secret salesmen hanging

around the city. It's been told that when the dept. store opens, it will

have a burger bar, grocery store, seasoning shop, drug counter, tools

shop, sporting goods and toys. You might find another secret saleman

inside, but the exact location is unknown.


9) SUMMERS BEACH RESORT - Population - 3,800, surfers - 10. Average

tempature is 88 F. Home to 73,802 fish. Summers is the place for adults

only with expensive shops and hotels. The city offers a 5 star hotel and

resturant, as well as sightseeing ships, street vendors, a hospital, a

gelato stand and a cultural museum. Also, if you are lucky enough, you can

get into the exclusive Stoic Club. This town is known for also it's magic

cakes and tarts. Other then that, bring your suntan oil..and your credit



10) PORT OF TOTO - Population - 2,103, fishermen - 38. Average tempature

is 82 F. Sports 22 fine fishing and sightseeing boats. There is a grocery

store which offers inexpensive things, and a drugstore. It's said you can

get the elusive Stoic Club number from someone here, but noone has said

who it is. Because of a sea monster, the men are afraid to go out and

fish, but for a heafty fee, one captain willing be willing to take you



11) DALAAM - Population - 1,033, shrines - 1, prince's - 1. Average

tempature is 70 F. Apart from the royal palace, there's only one store in

town. This is Poo's hometown though and he's the royal prince. The famed

training ground of Mu is known to people and when they go there they

experience strange visions. To the south of town, there is a strange cave

guarded by Rabbits. It's said that behind those rabbits lies a mysterious

Pink Cloud place where beautiful music can be heard.


12) SCARABA - Population - 3,212, camels - 2. Average tempature in the

shade is 140 F. A mystical place of snake charmers and pyramids, Scaraba

is the only way to get to the Deep Darkness. The Sphinx holds the key

to the pyramid entrance, and allows only the pure hearted to enter. It's

said somewhere inside the pyramid is the Hawk Eye, a jewel of mystical

origin. Scaraba hosts for the sundrenched traveller a hotel and weapon

shop, a hospital, a snake shop, Hassan's shop, a seasoning shop, a grocery

store, and a delicacy shop. The famous Piggy Noses can be bought here. It

is rumored that somewhere on the south continent is a man who has turned

himself into a dungeon, but since the pyramid is unaccessable, noone knows

for sure. It's also been said that the Deep Darkness lies somewhere to

the south, but you can only get there by submarine.


13) DEEP DARKNESS - Population - 3,500, mosquitoes - 4,000,603. Average

tempature is 82 F. To get through this place it's said you must have

possession of the Hawk Eye. If you have that, the Deep Darkness wont be

so bad. Here in the lush jungle, you'll find talking monkeys who offer

hotel service, a missionary that will offer you goods, a doctor, an ATM

machine and of course, complete with a secret weapon shop. Hidden deep

in the waters here it's been said you can find the magic truffles, but

only if you have a piggy nose with you. If you wander to far into the

depths of this jungle, you could get hurt as well, for the deep waters

are home to not only strange creatures and monsters, but the very water

itself can harm you. It's said that those who are lucky enough to cross

this jungle, will find a hidden tribe inside a cave, but noone has ever

returned from here to tell for sure.


14) TENDA VILLAGE - If you are lucky enough to find this shy tribe and

cure them, they offer the only way to the Lost Underworld. It's been said

that underneath thier village lies a strange place called Luminere Hall,

where strange words appear on the walls.


15) LOST UNDERWORLD - Population - 503, dinosaurs - 17. Average tempature

is 85 F and it boasts 3 hot springs. In literally the inside of the earth

the Lost Underworld is also home to another, less shy group of Tendites.

The vast underworld can easily make you feel small and insecure. There are

some refuge spots, but the main village of Tendites is the one place you

can really feel safe. Home to the famed talking rock, as well as an ATM

machine where just for the withdrawl they charge an arm and a leg! Also

they have a hotel and a grocery store. In the underworld it's been said

that there are various guysers that can cure you of your ailments so

be on the lookout for these friendly eruptions. It said the only way the

underworld Tendites will admit you to thier village is if you have some

tendakraut, so dont forget to bring some! At the far west of the

underworld, it's said there is a place of fire that if you can get past

the firey lava and fierce monsters, there awaits a place of strange and

haunting music. Noone has ever returned though to say for sure.


































Cracked Bat 18 4 1/16 Ness's first weapon G

Tee Ball Bat 48 8 1/16 Ness S

Sand Lot Bat 98 15 1/16 Ness S

Minor League Bat 399 26 1/16 Ness S

Mr. Baseball Bat 498 38 1/16 Ness S

T-Rex's Bat 698 48 1/16 Ness S

Big League Bat 3080 54 1/16 Ness S

Hall of Fame Bat *1080 62 1/16 Ness P

Ultimate Bat 2298 68 1/16 Ness S

Magicant Bat 0 80 1/16 Ness G

Legendary Bat 0 110 1/16 Ness G

Gutsy Bat *2980 100 1/16 Ness/Inc. Guts by 127 E

Casey Bat *38 125 3/4 Ness/Lot of power,bad hit rate G

Fry Pan 56 10 1/16 Paula's first weapon S

Thick Fry Pan 198 20 1/16 Paula S

Deluxe Fry Pan 598 30 1/16 Paula S

Chef's Fry Pan 1198 40 1/16 Paula S

Non-Stick Fry Pan 1490 50 1/16 Paula S

French Fry Pan 1790 60 1/16 Paula S

Magic Fry Pan *4790 50 1/4 Paula/Inc. Guts by 100/Bad Hit E

Holy Fry Pan 3480 80 1/16 Paula/Inc. Guts by 10 S

Sword of Kings 0 30 0 Poo's Ulitmate Weapon E

Pop Gun *110 16 0 Jeff's First Weapon G

Stun Gun *150 24 0 Jeff G

Toy Air Gun 215 32 0 Jeff S

Magnum Air Gun 0 36 0 Jeff/Repair Broken Toy Air Gun (G)

Zip Gun 425 40 0 Jeff S

Laser Gun 0 48 0 Jeff/Repair broken item (G)

Hyper Beam 850 58 0 Jeff S

Double Beam *1000 66 0 Jeff/Repair broken item (S)

Crusher Beam 1150 72 0 Jeff S

Spectrum Beam *1650 78 0 Jeff/Repair broken item (S)

Death Ray 2300 90 0 Jeff G

Baddest Beam 0 98 0 Jeff/Repair Broken Harmonica (G)

Moon Beam Gun *4450 110 0 Jeff G

Gaia Beam 0 125 0 Jeff/Repair Broken Antenna (G)

Yo-Yo 29 6 3/16 ALL S

Slingshot 89 12 3/16 ALL S

Bionic Slingshot 449 32 3/16 ALL S

Trick Yo-Yo 998 46 3/16 ALL S

Combat Yo-Yo 1148 54 3/16 ALL S







Baseball Cap 19 5 None S

Bracer of Kings 0 30 Poo only/Inc. Luck 35/Prot. from Sleep G

Charm Coin 6000 50 Increase Luck by 20 S

Cheap Bracelet 98 5 None S

Cherub's Band *1790 70 Prot. from Sleep/Inc. Luck by 20 G

Cloak of Kings 0 20 Poo only/Inc. Speed by 40 G

Coin of Defense 2000 40 Inc. Luck by 13 S

Coin of Silence 2500 45 Inc. Luck by 16 S

Coin of Slumber 1500 30 Inc. Luck by 10 S

Copper Bracelet 349 10 None S

Crystal Charm 600 2 Prot. Paralysis/Inc. Speed by 15 S

Defense Ribbon 389 40 Paula only/Inc. Luck by 15 S

Diadem of Kings 0 20 Poo only/Inc. Luck 30/Weakens enemy PSI G

Diamond Band 9998 50 None S

Earth Pendant 4000 16 Prot. from Fire, Freeze, Flash S

Flame Pendant 3000 15 Prot. from Fire G,S

Goddess Band *1980 80 Prot. from Sleep/Inc. Luck by 30 G

Goddess Ribbon *6980 110 Paula only E

Gold Bracelet 2799 30 None S

Great Charm 400 1 Inc. Speed by 5 G,S

Hard Hat 298 15 None G,S

Holmes Hat 59 10 None G,S

Mr. Baseball Cap *199 6 None P

Mr. Saturn Coin 1000 47 Inc. Luck by 18 P

Night Pendant 3000 15 Prot. from Flash G,S

Pixie's Bracelet*1590 60 Prot. from Sleep/Inc. Luck by 10 G

Platinum Band 6899 40 None S

Rabbit's Foot *1800 3 Inc. Speed by 40/Prot. from Paralysis G

Rain Pendant 3000 15 Prot. from Freeze G,S

Red Ribbon 179 25 Paula only S

Ribbon 89 20 Paula only S

Saturn Ribbon *3980 90 Paula only/Inc. Luck by 40 P

Sea Pendant *5000 20 Prot. Fire, Flash, Freeze G

Shiny Coin 4000 70 Inc. Luck by 30 G

Silver Bracelet 599 15 None G,S

Souvenir Coin *6000 80 Inc. Luck by 35 G

Star Pendant *7000 30 Prot. Fire, Freeze, Flash, Paralysis E

Talisman Coin 3500 60 Inc. Luck by 25 P

Talisman Ribbon *3500 60 Paula only/Inc. Luck by 25 G

Travel Charm 60 -- Prot. from Paralysis P,S







ATM Card 0 Use this to withdraw/deposit cash --

Backstage Pass 0 Use this to get into the theatres P

Bad Key Machine 0 Use this to open locked doors P

Bag of Dragonite *1000 Turns you into a dragon for one attack G

Bazooka *950 Jeff only/Hits many enemies with single att. S

Bicycle 0 Only one person can ride at a time P

Big Bottle Rocket 139 Jeff only/Stronger then a Bottle rocket S

Bomb 149 Multiple enemies in a single attack S,G

Bottle Rocket 29 Attack single enemy S

Brain Stone 0 Keeps you from being "held" in battle --

Bubble Gum 1 Give to Bubble Monkey S

Carrot Key 0 Use to move Rabbit Statues G

Chick *25 Hold on to it for a bigger prize --

Chicken *220 Sell for cash/will escape if you use it --

Contact Lens 0 Exchange for pair of dirty socks CH

Conter PSI Unit 0 Jeff only/Counters enemies PSI attacks (G)

Cup of Lifenoodles *178 Same effect as Heal 4 G,P

Defense Shower 0 Jeff only/Use to inc. def. of all party (G)

Defense Spray 500 Increases one persons defense S

Diamond 0 Use to pay off Topolla theatre manager P

Eraser Eraser 0 Use to get rid of eraser shaped statues P

Exit Mouse 0 Leads you out of mazes, caves P

For Sale Sign 0 Attracts customers to you any time S

Franklin Badge 0 Deflects Thunder attacks P

Hand-Aid *19 User fully recovers HP P

Handbag Strap *39 Freezes an enemy during battle G

Hawk Eye 0 Use to light up Deep Darkness CH

Heavy Bazooka 0 Jeff only/Can be used multiple times (G)

Hieroglyph Copy 0 Shows you how to open pyramid P

HP-Sucker *800 Jeff only/Takes enemy's HP & adds it to Jeff(G)

Hungry HP-Sucker 0 Jeff only/Takes all enemy's HP (G)

Insecticide Spray 19 Spray on insect type monsters S,G

Insignificant Item *2 Find owner to recieve a Magic Truffle CH

Jar of Fly Honey 0 Give to Belch during battle CH

Key to the Cabin 0 Use this to free Paula E

Key to the Locker 0 Use this first before getting Bad Key Machine P

Key to the Shack 0 Use this to open traveler's shack in Onett P

Key to the Tower 0 Use to enter Dungeon Man P

King Banana 0 Moves monkey from doorway in Monkey Cave P

Meteorite Piece 0 Give this to Dr. Andoughnuts for machine CH

Meteornium *2000 Sell for money E

Meteotite *4000 Sell for money E

Monkey's Love 0 Freezes an enemy during battle P

Multi Bottle Rocket 2139 Jeff only/Stronger then a Big Bottle Rocket S

Mummy Wrap *128 Freezes an enemy during battle S,G

Neutralizer 0 Jeff only/Removes enemy's PSI on one person G

Pair of Dirty Socks 0 Freezes enemy during battle P

Pencil Eraser 0 Use to erase pencil shaped statues P

Pharaoh's Curse *290 Poisons one enemy during battle G

Picture Postcard 2 Nothing S,P

Piggy Nose 300 Use to search for Magic Truffles S

Protractor 2 Worthless/Use to Size up enemy in battle S,G

Receiver Phone 0 Get calls from Apple Kid or Dad P

Ruler 2 Worthless/Measure enemies in battle S,G

Rust Promoter 89 Use on mechanical enemies S,G

Rust Promoter DX 289 Stronger then Rust promoter S,G

Shield Killer 0 Jeff only/Destroys enemy's shield (S)

Show Ticket 30 Use to get into Topolla Theatre S

Shyness Book 0 Cures Tenda of thier shyness CH

Signed Banana 0 Give to museum guy to gain entrance to melody P

Slime Generator *420 Jeff only/Freezes enemy during battle (S)

Snake 220 Poison enemy during battle S,G

Snake Bag 290 Poison enemy during battle S

Sound Stone 0 Records "your sanctuary" melodies --

Stag Beetle 8 Temp. freezes enemy during battle S,P

Sudden Guts Pill 500 Inc. guts during battle G,S

Super Bomb 399 Same effect as Heavy Bazooka S,G

Super Plush Bear 1198 Absorbs enemy attacks S,G

Suporma *50 Plays song about the Orange Kid P

Teddy Bear 178 Absorbs damage from enemy S,G

Tendakraut 0 Gets you into Tenda Village (Underworld) P

Tiny Ruby 0 Give to museum guy in Summers P

Toothbrush 3 Freezes an enemy during battle S

Town Map 0 Used to view Onett and Twoson P

Trout Yogurt *48 Recover 30 HP/Poo 6 HP P

Viper 550 Poison enemy during battle S,G

Wad of Bills 0 Give to manager at the Twoson Theatre P

Xterminator Spray 630 Destroys nearly all insect enemies on screen S

Yogurt Dispenser 0 Gets access to top floor in Monoteli bldg. P

Zombie Paper 0 Traps wandering zombies P







Bag of Fries 8 24 0 HP- 6 Inexpensive but effective

Banana 5 25 0 HP- 6 Sold in Burglin park

Bean Croquette 12 42 0 HP- 6 Sold in Scaraba

Beef Jerky 70 150 0 HP- 6 Bought in Winters or Scaraba

Boiled Egg 9 42 0 HP- 6 One of Jeff's first items

Bottle of DX Water 198 0 1 PP-40 Helps Poo recover PP

Bottle of Water 4 0 1 PP-10 Helps Poo recover PP

Bowl of Rice Gruel 88 216 0 HP- 6 Sold in Dalaam

Brain Food Lunch 800 300 50 FULL Inc both HP/PP

Bread Roll 12 30 0 HP- 6

Calorie Stick 18 60 0 HP- 6

Can of Fruit Juice 4 6 0 HP- 6

Chef's Special 298 216 0 HP- 6 Sold in Summers

Cookie 7 6 0 HP- 6 First food item you find

Croissant 18 60 0 HP- 6

Cup of Coffee 6 12 0 HP- 6

Cup of Noodles 98 42 0 HP- 6 Expensive and ineffective

Double Burger 24 96 0 HP- 6

Fresh Egg 12 84 0 HP- 6 Keep till hatches into a chicken

Gelato de Resort 49 30 0 HP- 6 Sold in Summers

Hamburger 14 48 0 HP- 6

Kabob 54 126 0 HP- 6 Sold in Scaraba

Kraken Soup 648 FULL 0 HP- 6 Fill's everyones HP to full

Large Pizza 238 240 0 HP- 6 Everyone recovers 240 HP

Lucky Sandwich 128 -- - -- Recovers random HP/PP

Luxery Jerky 210 300 0 HP- 6 Sold in Lost Underworld

Magic Pudding 680 0 40 PP-40 Sold in Magicant

Magic Tart 480 0 20 PP-20 Sold in Summers

Magic Truffle -- 0 80 PP-80 Found in Deep Darkness

Mammoth Burger 98 204 0 HP- 6 Get in Lost Underworld

Molokheiya Soup 20 84 0 HP- 6 Sold in Scaraba

Pasta de Summers 128 108 0 HP- 6 Sold in Summers

Peanut Cheese Bar 22 108 0 HP- 6 Sold in Saturn Valley

Picnic Lunch 24 84 0 HP- 6 Sold in Dusty Dunes Desert

Piggy Jelly 222 300 0 HP- 6 Sold in Saturn Valley

Pizza 48 120 0 HP- 6 Call for delivery

Plain Roll -- 24 0 HP- 6 Trade in Tenda Village for it

Plain Yogurt -- 168 0 HP- 6 Trade in Tenda Village

Popsicle 7 18 0 HP- 6 Sold in Dusty Dunes Desert

Protein Drink 38 86 0 HP- 6

PSI Carmel -- 0 20 PP-20 Find these in gift boxes, etc

Royal Iced Tea 78 60 0 HP- 6 Sold in Summers

Skip Sandwich 38 6 0 HP- 6 Walk very fast for about 10 sec.

Skip SandwichDX 98 6 0 HP- 6 Walk very fast for about 20 sec.

Spicy Jerky 140 252 0 HP- 6 Trade in Tenda Village







Carton of Cream 4 Trout Yogurt, Banana, Lucky Sandwich, Popsicle

Jar of Delisauce 300 With any food item

Jar of Hot Sauce 3 Pasta de Summers, Pizza, Cup of Noodles

Ketchup Packet 2 Bag of Fries, Hamburger, Fresh Egg, Magic Truffle,

Croissant, Double Burger, Bean Croquette, Kabob,

Beef Jerky, Mammoth Burger, Spicy Jerky,

Luxury Jerky

Salt Packet 2 Boiled Egg, Picnic Lunch, Chef's Special, Brain

Food Lunch

Sprig of Parsley 2 Rice Gruel, Peanut Cheese Bar, Piggy Jelly

Sugar Packet 3 PSI Carmel, Rock Candy, Magic Pudding, Magic Tart,

Bread Roll, Calorie Stick, Plain Yogurt

Tin of Cocoa 4 Cookie, Gelato de Resort, Skip Sandwich,

Skip SandwichDX, Plain Roll







Cold Remedy 22 Cures colds

Guts Capsule -- Permenately increases guts by 1

Horn of Life 1780 Completely cures unconsiousness and other conditions

IQ Capsule -- Permenately increases IQ by 1

Luck Capsule -- Permenately increases Luck by 1

Refreshing Herb 80 Cures colds, sunstroke, crying, poison, feeling

strange and nausea

Rock Candy -- Permenately increases random attribute by 1

Secret Herb 380 Cures all bad conditions and unconsiousness

Speed Capsule -- Permenately increases Speed by 1

Vitality Capsule -- Permenately increases Vitality by 1

Vial of Serum 58 Antidote for poison

Wet Towel 24 Cures sunstroke






For PSI, the symbols I will use are:


à = A

á = B

ç = C

ê = D

ä = E

















Special A N 10 ALL 40-120 HP Based on Ness's favorite thing,

B N 14 ALL 90-270 HP Also will dec. enemy's shild by 1

C N 40 ALL 160-480 HP "

D N 98 ALL 320-960 HP "

Fire A P 6 ROW 60-100 HP Also dec. one enemies shield by 1

B P 12 ROW 120-200 HP "

C P 20 ROW 180-300 HP "

D P 42 ROW 240-400 HP "

Freeze A P,PO 4 ONE 135-225 HP Dec. Enemy shield by 1

B P,PO 9 ONE 270-450 HP "

C P,PO 18 ONE 405-675 HP "

D P,PO 28 ONE 540-900 HP "

Thunder A P,PO 3 ONE 60-180 HP Also dec. enemy shield by 1

B P,PO 7 ONE 60-180 HP Double damage

C P,PO 16 ONE 100-300 HP 3x Damage

D P,PO 20 ONE 100-300 HP 4x Damage

Flash A N 8 ALL ------- Enemies suffer from crying,

B N 16 ALL ------- numbness, feeling strange or

C N 24 ALL ------- unconsiousness

D N 32 ALL ------- "


A PO 24 ALL 270-450 HP Dec. enemy's shield by 1

D PO 42 ALL 540-900 HP "

LifeUp A N,PO 5 S/A 75-125 HP Recovers HP

B N,PO 8 S/A 225-375 HP "

C N,PO 13 S/A FULL Full HP one ally

D N 24 A/A 300-500 HP Recovers HP

Heal A N,PO 5 S/A ---- Recovers cold, sunstroke, sleep

B N,PO 8 S/A ---- Heal A + nausea, crying, poision,

feeling strange

C N,PO 20 S/A ---- Heal A, B + numbness, diamondized

and unconsiousness

C PO 38 S/A ---- Same as above

Magnet A P,PO 0 ONE ---- Absorbs PP from one enemy

D P,PO 0 ALL ---- Absorbs PP from all enemies

Shield A N,PO 6 S/A ---- Reduces damage by half

B PO 10 S/A ---- Reflects damage at enemy

E N,PO 18 A/A ---- Everyone in group gets shielded

D PO 30 A/A ---- Same as above

Psychic Shield

A P 8 S/A ---- Reduces enemy's PSI attacks by


B P 14 S/A ---- A + Reflects back

E P 24 A/A ---- Everyone in group

D P 42 A/A ---- Power shield

Offense Up

A P 10 S/A ---- Inc. Offense during battle

D P 30 A/A ---- Inc. Off. to max of last amount

Defense Down

A P 6 ONE ---- Dec. enemy defense

D P 18 ALL ---- Decrease all enemies defense


A N 6 ONE ---- Puts enemy to sleep

D N 18 ALL ---- "


A N 8 ONE ---- Puts enemy into numbness

D N 24 ALL ---- "

Brain Shock

A PO 10 ONE ---- Causes enemy to feel strange

D PO 30 ALL ---- "


A N,PO 2 A/A ---- Teleport to place you've been

B N,PO 8 A/A ---- " but needs less space






Here's a few things in the game I thought you might enjoy.


1) Try sneaking up on enemies where possible. You can save yourself the

trouble of fighting, but can still get all the same experience, money

and presents if the enemy is carrying them.


2) Magic Butterflies give you back 20 PP, so use PP carefully if you are

in a place where there might only be one or two of them around.


3) Anywhere in the known world except caves and the lost underworld, you

can take advantage of Escargo Express. Use them often to store unneeded

items! Things you cannot get them to take are your ATM card, sound

stone and the receiver phone.


4) Check all trash cans on your journey..some hold more then just garbage!


5) Dont be afraid to use an Exit Mouse in a cave that might be too strong

for you at the time. It's better to go back out and in to gain

experience then to keep dying cause you will be revived with half your

money and no PP.


6) In Happy Happy Village, the Self Service Stand offers you Fresh Eggs.

Though nothing will happen to you if you dont pay, if you talk to the

guy watching the stand he will fight you. Buy as many fresh eggs as

possible while walking around town gaining levels, and wait till they

turn into chickens. Once they do, you can make a huge financial

profit! If you paid only a few dollars, or nothing, you can sell the

chickens for a modest $110 a piece..not a bad days work!


7) If you pick up a For Sale Sign in Twoson, you can call people to come

buy your unwanted items no matter where you are. This can be very

helpful when you are in places that you can get lots of gift boxes and

have lots of unneeded things.


8) If you get a wierd mushroom growing out of your head, head for the

hospital. There is an old guy there that will buy it from you for



9) If you dont see any change after you put down the Zombie Paper in

Threed, spend the night at the hotel. During the night the zombies

will go to the tent clearing the way for you to go to Saturn Valley.


10) Jeff is a very handy boy to have around. When his IQ level goes up,

he can fix a variety of different items. Here's the list of what and

at what IQ he can fix things.



Machine Counter PSI Unit 1

Spray Defense Spray 1

Iron Slime Generator 10

Air Gun Magnum Air Gun 12

Laser Laser Beam 24

Water Pipe (Pipe) Shield Killer 30

Cannon Spectrum Beam 32

Gadget Double Beam 34

Tube Hungry HP Sucker 36

Trumpet Defense Shower 40

Bazooka Heavy Bazooka 45

Harmonica Baddest Beam 55

Parabolic (Antenna) Baddest Gaia Beam 65


11) Watch enemies such as the Live Oak, Smiling Sphere and other exploding

monsters. Once they are destroyed, they will quickly depleate your

HP, so make sure to attack them last if they are with other non

exploding enemies. Once the battle is over, your HP will stop cycling.

The battle wont last long if you dont!


12) When in doubt of how to operate or fix something, use the "check"

command. There are some places it's the only way you can move on in

the game.


13) Certain monsters will give you some great prizes. Here's a list of

who will give some of the game's better items, weapons. Watch out

though, some have pretty high odds!



Bionic Kraken Gutsy Bat 1/128

Starman Super Sword Of Kings 1/128

Chomposaur Magic Frypan ---

Ghost of Starman Goddess Ribbon ---

Major Psychic Psycho Star Pendant ---

Whirling Robo Meteornium ---

Hyper Spinning Robo Meteorite ---

Master Barf Casey Bat ---


14) Paula's PREY command not only will help you in the final battle of the

fight against Gigyas, but can help during your normal trip as well.

Here's a list of what effects the PREY command can do at random.


WARM LIGHT - Paula increases the HP of friends and foes alike.

VERY SUBTLE LIGHT - Up's everyones HP twice as much as the warm light.

DAZZLING LIGHT - PK Flash zaps everyone.


MYSTERIOUS LIGHT - Envelops party and ups thier PP.


GOLDEN LIGHT - Maxs out one randomly choosen characters HP.


SHEET LIGHTNING - Causes same damage as the PK Flash.


RAINBOW COLORED LIGHT - Brings all desceased party members back.


MYSTERIOUS AROMA - Puts everyone to sleep temporarily.


THUNDER - Strikes all parties with Brain Shock.


HEAVY AIR - shrouds all parties in fog, causing defense to drop.


15) The Franklin Badge works anytime there are monsters who can shoot out

lightning, not just on Mr. Carpainter. When you get to places where

you think there are lightning monsters, make sure to have in on you!

Two good places are the dept. store in Fourside and the Cave of the

Pink Cloud.


16) In the Deep Darkness, there are 5 Magic Truffles waiting to be found.

Come armed with a Piggy Nose! Here's where you can find them (atleast

the general area. Once you get a whiff of them, it will give you

exact directions where they are).

A) When you first get into the water, go around the first bend and go

down and to the left. (in deep water, not shallow)

B) Near the wilderness trader you'll see one big tree not on the green

part, but the brown part.

C) To the left of the 2nd gift box you'll find one. (all the way over)

D) After you see the crashed Helicopter, and right before you get to

the next patch of land, look just north of the shallow part (in

the deep water).

E) After you meet Master Barf, keep going all the way north and in the

deep water (it will be right near where the shallow water is just should see a few flowers in the shallow water, go to

the right of them) you will find one on the right.


17) When you see the monkey with the hair bow on the grassy part of Deep

Darkness, talk to her and teach her teleport. She will give you the

Monkey's Love.


18) When in certain caves, you can evade a large group of monsters by

simply leaving the room and coming back in. Each time it will give you

a different amount/group of monsters so if you aren't ready to fight

a bunch of them yet...avoid them!


19) It's rumored that the Ego Orb is the monster that carries the elusive

parabolic (antenna). It's a hard monster to find too. (It's a bright

gold, round monster). If anyone ever gets it..please let me know! I

even called Nintendo and asked if they found it..and believe it or not

they haven't ever found it either!


20) Make sure you dont just turn off the game after you beat Gigyas and

go home. Remember that photographer you kept meeting on your journey?

Now you can see all the pictures he took of you and your friends!





If at any time you have trouble with these codes...please EMail me and

let me know. Not all codes work for the same GG, so it's possible you

might get strange effects.


(c) 1996, Game Genie Code Creators Club(tm), All rights reserved.

This material may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

transmitted, or published, in any form or by any means, electronic,

mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without being fully credited

or without the prior written permission of the club. E-mail to Game Genie(tm) is a product of Galoob Inc.(tm)



Created by:



This is better than the start up level code...because it

affects your HP and PP. You'll get maximum after 1 battle...

works for all characters.


Created By:




Swap O' Rama

1. Turn off GG.

2. Got to a shop and BUY!!!!

3. Turn on the GG and you will scroll thru out all the shops in the GAME!!!

4. If you found a particular item turn off GG to buy.

WARNING: There is only so far you can go before your game will freeze, so

SAVE your game each time before using code. Remember the last

items you can buy before the freeze so you can turn OFF your GG

before you go past it.


Buzz Buzz is back!!!


Yes Buzz Buzz will JOIN your party all you have to do is....

1. Turn on the GG

2. Get out of a room....

3. Buzz Buzz joins you.

5. Turn off GG.


Future Change!


This will allow you to talk about stuff that happen and stuff that will

happen... just talk to anyone and turn on the GG! Or use it in battle it

will SCROLL through various messages...use this to your advantage...


1. When "Poo" scenario occurs...turn on the GG and talk to your master...

2. He will talk to you regularly and he will talk to you as if you passed

your test...

3. Turn off the "GG" and WALLAH!!!! You got Poo... to join your party

without going through his test....


There are lots of places to use this.. like:

1. MoonSide - Talk to the guy blocking your way...

2. Tenda Village - Talk to the STRONGEST Tenda...




DATE: 6/18/96


NOTE: Do not turn on your Game Genie until your are out of the setup screens.



Weird sound test. Start a new game and you will go to a blank screen with

some VERY weird sounds and music playing.



Sound test. Start a new game and when you get to Ness's house, press the

left direction. Ness will start walking and will walk through several scenes

of the game while almost all of the music from the game plays.



(c) 1995 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available for the

private use of Game Genie owners. NO COMMERCIAL USE WITHOUT

AUTHORIZATION. This file may be freely distributed FOR PRIVATE,

NON-COMMERCIAL USE as long as it is not altered and all text

remains intact.

Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not

manufactured, distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc.

Super NES is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles are

trademarks of their respective owners.

Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.

U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051.

Earthbound(tm) Game

1. DB23-77D1 Start with a level 9 character

2. DE23-77D1 Start with a level 15 character

3. 7423-77D1 Start with a level 50 character

4. 1723-77D1 Start with a level 100 character

5. EE23-77D1 Start with a level 255 character

6. EE2E-7D01 Start with a super strong character

7. BB2D-5461 Start with a lot of H.P.

8. BB2F-54A1 Start with a lot of PSI

Earthbound is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

















Here's the list for the 9 main bosses you'll find at the "Your Sanctuary"

locations. (I know..there are 8 spots, but the last one has both Carbon

and Diamond Dog remember?) Also, with the EXP. Given, that is divided up

into how ever many of your party members are still alive when you defeat

the monsters, not per each person!





Titanic Ant Paralysis, Sleep 685 235

Mondo Mole Paralysis, Flash 5791 498

Trillionage Sprout Fire, Freeze, Sleep 30303 1048

Shroom Fire, Flash 96323 1700

Plague Rat of Doom Fire, Flash 115272 1827

Thunder & Storm Fire, Flash, Freeze, Sleep 129026 2065

Electro Specter Fire, Freeze 261637 3092

Carbon Dog Flash, Freeze, Paralysis None 1672

Diamond Dog Almost None 337738* 3344

* You get these EXP when you have defeated both Carbon & Diamond Dogs.


Here's the list for the rest of the lesser bosses and other monsters.




Starman Jr. 200 999 11 10 1

Spiteful Crow 24 0 5 3 77

Coil Snake 18 0 3 4 2

Runaway Dog 21 0 4 5 26

Frank 63 0 12 17 7

Pogo Punk 35 0 8 10 3

Yes Man Jr. 33 0 8 9 4

Skate Punk 31 0 7 8 5

Black Antiods 34 25 14 13 4

Franystein Jr. 90 0 15 18 4

Crooked Cop 75 0 15 18 5

Captain Strong 140 0 20 24 15

Rowdy Mouse 36 0 7 20 5

Attack Slugs 30 6 9 2 1

Mobile Sprout 79 9 17 12 6

Cranky Lady 95 0 16 18 6

Unassuming Local Guy 73 0 18 13 5

Li'L UFO 82 0 18 17 53

Ramblin' Evil Mushroom 60 0 15 10 5

New Age Retro Hippie 87 0 19 14 5

Annoying Old Party Man 99 0 20 25 6

Spinning Robo 113 17 21 22 7

Territorial Oak 145 41 26 30 5

Mole Playing Rough 103 0 22 28 9

Mr. Carpainter 262 70 33 45 8

Mr. Batty 86 0 25 5 29

Happy Happyist 94 0 19 25 8

Mighty Bear 167 0 29 31 7

Gruff Goat 45 0 8 23 12

Worthless Protoplasm 38 0 11 21 27

Mad Duck 51 0 12 24 30

Cave Boy 314 0 21 33 79

Arachnid 216 0 61 30 23

Elder Batty 294 0 66 72 33

Strong Crocodile 417 0 85 131 17

Handsom Tom 133 16 27 25 11

Trick or Treat Kid 142 0 30 37 7

Smelly Ghost 194 50 35 89 10

Putrid Moldy Man 203 0 36 41 9

Urban Zombie 171 0 31 24 10

No Good Fly 100 0 23 13 10

Zombie Processor 176 0 28 19 30

Slimy Little Pile 616 0 45 71 10

Armored Frog 202 0 108 7 37

Plain Crocodile 234 0 40 55 10

Zombie Dog 210 0 39 51 30

Violent Roach 209 0 30 26 35

Foppy 120 10 29 9 1

Master Belch 650 0 50 88 16

Rainboob 232 42 41 63 20

Skelpion 137 20 41 23 37

Criminal Caterpillar 250 168 37 16 134

Smilin' Sphere 233 60 50 65 17

Cute Li'l UFO 162 25 49 32 58

Crested Booka 265 0 53 73 17

Bad Buffalo 341 0 164 104 11

Noose Man 231 0 47 52 18

Desert Wolf 247 0 57 67 33

Desert Coil Snake 270 0 52 80 18

Guardian Digger 386 110 59 129 17

Mad Taxi 253 0 53 68 38

Crazed Sign 295 98 64 96 17

Gigantic Ant 308 81 54 112 17

Annoying Reveler 288 0 58 77 17

Scalding Coffee 190 0 55 20 23

Mystical Record 263 35 63 78 20

Musica 292 0 69 85 21

Enraged Fire Plug 309 0 60 81 14

Evil Mani Mani 860 88 86 145 15

Sentry Robot 372 0 77 105 17

Clumsy Robot 962 0 88 137 83

Department Stork Spook 610 290 82 135 19

Dali's Clock 296 0 65 66 4

Abstract Art 301 60 67 79 19

Robo-Pump 431 0 70 113 19

OverZealous Cop 325 0 69 75 18

Tough Guy 342 0 69 75 18

Shattered Man 694 0 72 92 18

Tangoo 371 5 96 99 19

Kraken 1097 176 105 166 21

Kiss of Death 333 0 91 100 19

Conduction Menace 445 238 107 107 20

Great Crested Booka 452 0 100 110 20

Beautiful UFO 339 15 86 87 59

High Class UFO 433 72 93 103 60

Guardian Heiroglyph 470 126 94 106 20

Fierce Shattered Man 516 0 101 116 12

Guardian General 831 6 109 214 21

Pitbull Slug 217 11 79 77 2

Zap Eel 370 0 97 93 29

Hard Crocodile 522 0 110 128 23

Demonic Petunia 478 0 102 111 26

Even Slimier Little Pile 326 0 103 101 22

Hostile Elder Oak 609 76 134 146 14

Big Pile of Puke 631 0 120 158 16

Manly Fish 500 0 83 114 22

Manly Fish's Brother 526 210 114 123 24

Master Barf 1319 0 136 177 24

Whirling Robo 374 36 78 90 18

Military Octobot 604 0 138 147 26

Lesser Mook 401 190 76 102 17

Starman 545 155 103 126 24

Atomic Pover Robot 594 0 119 133 25

Mook Senior 501 700 108 122 25

Starman Deluxe 1400 418 143 186 27

Starman Super 568 310 112 129 24

Hyper Spinning Robot 553 83 122 130 28

Fobby 240 19 98 84 5

Wetnosaur 1030 0 126 172 17

Ego Orb 592 0 125 140 17

Chomposaur 1288 320 139 183 17

Soul Consuming Flame 602 0 131 262 30

Psychic Psycho 591 252 124 144 30

Major Psychic Psycho 618 574 145 152 31

Evil Elemental 564 0 121 136 30

Molecule 280 21 118 97 18

Loaded Dice 307 0 146 113 77

Electro Swoosh 543 338 140 156 40

Carefree Bomb 504 0 135 215 31

Ness's Nightmare 1654 882 172 253 31

Ghost of Starman 750 462 152 170 46

Evil Eye 720 400 141 162 38

Wild 'N Wooly Shambler 722 212 171 38 144

Bionic Kraken 900 60 155 195 42

Ultimate Octobot 768 0 147 176 43

Nuclear Reactor Robot 768 0 147 176 43

Mechanical Octobot 768 0 163 81 44

Final Starman 840 860 178 187 47



Written by: GWS Mara

Date: 08/6/95