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This page is basically for me to have a place to put my pictures on the internet. I don't care if you think my art is trash or if you think I have a terribly ill -made page. This is just an archive for me to make things easier. I did not put any effort into this page either, in fact, I went and d/led a n ancient basic program (AOLpress) because it will get the job done for what I need. However, I did place info. about each picture if you wish to read browse the archive.

first - This image was my first attempt at drawing, and somewhat of a trainer on how to draw better in the future

oddview - This image was my second or third attempt (not sure which), I tried to draw a sort of side view and read the one eye appears a little bigger than the other, (LOL) Seems I over exaggerated!

wildhair2 - Though it is saved as wildhair2, it was drawn before wild hair. This was an attempt to mess with hair strands. It got to the point that I could see there was no way to improve the image and just gave up

nonamemale2 - this was actually my 2nd drawing attemp I believe, but it could possibly be my third, it actually one of my better drawings as well. Haven't yet got a name for him, I think I'll wait til I learn to draw bodies before I start naming characters.

funny - this is an interesting little guy, ohh well, not much to say about it, just another badly drawn picture, don't worry, my drawing gets better

Iriaodd - this was my second attempt at drawing Iria, the first was a different view, but came out better than this one

---------------Odd Doodles---------------

hiddenmessage - well, the scan of this makes it look worse but it was already in bad shape, the paper it was on is old and written all over. Basically, it contains an hidden message using a style of drawing i use to use and stil do sometimes, with improvements

hiddenmessage2 - same thing as above, I colorized it a little, might be a little easier to see, in the real form, the message is in pen and the lines are in pencil but still hard to spot

scribble - this was some more doodling! I kept it because I liked the eye on the face with the "X" on it. The other face below it was an attempt to use some idea drawing lines under the eyes, it came about that it works on some face but not always, I am not sure what they are supposed to be either.

Flame - This was my attempt at drawing tribal images. It was supposed to be fire but I am told it contains an image of a face. If you can't find it, here is a hint, the circle spiral in the middle near the bottom is the nose. (There may be other pictures hidden in it as well as I've been told, but haven't seen them)

Heart - This is my second attempt at tribal drawings. As you can see, it is a burning heart. After drawing this, I discovered I was going about drawing Tribal all wrong (I knew it didn't seem right). Ohhh well, it still looks good and looks better on paper. A friend wants me to paint it on her bedroom wall, and I also made another version of in in PSP 7 to create my logo. (Logo2 & Logo3)

Dagger - Learning to draw horns, I began to think, it would make an interesting looking dagger. Also, the sparkle I saw done my another kid and liked it, so I stole it, LOL

Dagger2 - After the first dagger, I wanted to draw another, longer, more crooked dagger and this is what I came up with.

swordlake - This is an idea I gor from an older doodle I made of a floating sword next to a burning tree during a storm. This is unfinnished and may never be finnished.

heart2 - This was after I began to see how Tribal really should be drawn. Still likely isn't correct Tribal, but it is closer than the other heart. It was a quick scetch for an idea so the heart's side is off a little.

unfinnished - Well, it started out good but got a little boxy. At that point I gave-up on it because I knew I couldn't fix it and adding would make it look worse.

oddandhorn - This one was my first attempt to draw a person with horns. I don't care for it too much because he looks like Frakenstein's monster with horns. Too many scratches and stuff. Above was going to be just evil eyes, not sure what happened. (LOL) Looking at it now, I didn't even notice how far off the eyes are on the lower guy, one eye is higher than the other. (I like the feather on the side, even though I've drawn better)

---------------My Better Drawings---------------

hornfemale - well, this just barely made it in the list of better drawings. One of the first few that were drawn full ink (no pencil) and still came out decent. She is also my 3rd attempt at adding horns to people. Also, uses my new little signature symbol at the bottm.

hornmale - Another drawing of a person with horns. Better and drawn before the other. Another fully ink drawing as well. Messed up on the shirt a little, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it so I filled the area in. (LOL) Also, a new style for me to fill in the hair. I wanted to give him cat ears, but my practice attemps came out really bad.

Iria - This is one of my favorite, to bad it isn't an original character tho. I drew it off the tutorial they have at This is also one of my first drawings.

wildhair - This is another one of my first. This one is an original character, whom I haven't named yet. I want to redraw him with less hair, it will prolly be me. If it is me, if it is my character version of me, I would give him dragon wings as well, but I don't know. When I can draw bodies and stuff, then I will decide.

nonamemale - one of my favorites. This also uses the hair filling idea as hornmale. I think his hair looks to furry. Makes him look like a wolfman.

LoveforDana - This in my first real CG colored drawing. It is pretty much an abstract. I took my favorite colors and dana's favorite colors (mine: red & black / Dana's: Purple & black) to color. The fire was originally gonna be a solid red, but I liked the idea of the yellow in it to make it look more realistic. This is basically a way of expressing my love.

Lear & Lear2 - My 2nd drawing colored on the computer (I guess it is called CGing). I like the way it turned out, unfortunately it looks a little off on various computer screens (flat compared to regular). The two versions only vary in hair color, the biggest difference seen between computer screens. The image is a previous image, nonamemale, now given a name, Lear, son of Aphira in my story.

kinuane - I drew this for a friend of mine. After seeing my pictures, she asked me to draw her something. After finishing it, I noticed a few things I didn't like about it. The hair is to far off to one side, the right eye is to far from the right-side of the face as compared to the left eye to the left-side. Also, this picture was supposed to be a chic, but kinda looks masculine. I let Kelly, the person I drew it for, name it. I don't think she would want me to say what Kinuane is. I also colored it, using a few new tricks and ideas (KinuaneColor). (P.S. Kinuane was the orig. name of the image, after seeing it, I doubt she wanted the name to be used as it does not fully show the beauty of Kinuane.)

Cyborg - Really, no deep meaning to this. I could say that the metal and mechanics within represent my attempts to make everything seem fine and such, but really, I just felt like trying to draw a cyborg, so I did. I really like how it turned out. The only problem is that is was a pain to color due to all my mistakes I made and tried to erase. Using the threshold option just made it look worse, so I just tried to make due with the way it scanned originally. Also, my 2nd drawing in my new sketch-book my lil. bro. gave me for a Graduation gift (H.S.). The other one I will scan and upload later. The CGed version is (Cyborg2).

2Sides - A picture of a guy with the two conciouses on his shoulder. The devil was a pain in the butt to draw. For one, she hardly has any clothing on, which means more body to draw, second, both of her hands are seen, and third, she has the hardest eyes to draw on a head that size. I think it turned out godd though. The guy in the middle, I had some trouble with as well. I was trying to figure out how to do spiked hair. For yhose who know me, you may recognize some similarities, especially when I color it. That is because it is suppose to be me.