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::SR:: Match Server


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Date :: Tue::7/31/01 Date :: Wed::8/1/01
Time :: 8:30 PM EST Time :: 8:30 PM EST
Opponent :: [MS] Opponent :: -|oS|-
League :: Battle In The East League :: NWG
Map(s) :: de_nuke Map(s) :: de_dust
Starters :: Drax, SmEeZ, Sunman, Volcano Starters :: Drax, SmEeZ, Sunman, Volcano, DJ Flem
Backups :: Blackout Backups :: Blackout

We gots a public server!
      Welcome Furious to the clan, and THX A TON for hookin us up with the public server :). We got NWG tomorrow (wed. 8/8/01) @ 9:30PM. Its on Prodigy. We also have BiTE on Thursday. A couple more cobble scrims, and we are good to go. Also, welcome to BBC :) -Drax

We're doing good
      Well, I just updated the match history, upcoming matches, the roster, and the news :). We got some new members who for lack of a better word OWN. Welcome to Volcano, DJ Flem, RiotSquad, and Fei. We tied BD-CS in a scrim last night on Nuke. Good job guys, and GG to BD. Make sure you check the upcoming matches, and talk to me, SmEeZ, or Sun for upcoming matches. We've got Modem tonight vs EGO for the #1 spot! And next week we've got BiTE and NWG. BTW, Firex and Mars, where did you guys go?! (me cleand up the news, it was getting kinda long :P) -Drax


.srclan :: [SmEeZ/sabotage_].