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Site Staff

Admin- Sorrow

Admin- Dragon

Animator- Cannibal




Hello and welcome to the year 2002. This is Dragon again and i think im talking to noone cause even i never come to this site, i came today to see if it was still up and running so i decided to add a new message to the home page, if anyone still plays warcraft and visits this site, keep on pking in the free world! anyway, i have a talent show in about a week and i cant wait. we are gonna play "the game" by motorhead, i dunno if we will win but we will rock the hell out of that little gym. well this is Dragon once again signing off...


Hey Everyone who still visits the site, I have no idea why you do besides for the codes and such. I am very bored at work right now and have nothing to do.(for any of you who didnt know i work at an internet service provider.) Well its pretty much the same for the clan we still never play, but I actually tried to play starcraft the other day but got kicked off the first time I logged on. Oh and about the subject of Bin Ladin, I hope he chokes on the supper he is eating right now, there is now an anthrax scare in alabama, THATS US PEOPLE! Man I hope that shit dont get in my backdoor or frontdoor for that matter. anyway peace out, this is Morbid_Dragon signing off...


This is Dragon speaking, the clan is dead, noone ever gets online anymore. I am now into dreamcast online play along with Sorrow. We never play warcraft, but I play starcraft more often now than ever. So if any of u were left in the dark sorry. This is Morbid_Dragon signing off....


HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! I have done a little work on the site today and I still could use your suggestions. Well hope to see you on bnet. Pk until they are bloody red, scared white, and bruised blue. Have a safe and happy Independence Day.


Well Im still working on the site a little at a time. I hope to see our members visit the members and events page. We have a lot of fun things coming. Have a good day of Bsing,ladders, and comp stomping. Sorrow


I have been working on the site map. It looks a lot better with Cannibal's buttons. After I finish working on the Warcraft 2 part of the site I hope to start working on a Starcraft Page. I would like to remind everyone that Cannibal is having a tournament so please sign up, Everyone is welcomed. Sorrow

I am still updating the site and trying to make improvements. I am very thankful to Cannibal who has volunterd to be our animator and I like to thank him for the banner and buttons he has made. Any suggestions that you might have would be GREATLY appreciated. I've got good news Morbid_Cannibal is having a tournament. To go to the site and learn more just click here. Well thats all for today.Have a good day of Pking and comp stomping. Sorrow

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