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Secrets and Tips

Fortune/Prosperity Rune:

At the beginning of the game when you return to your house with Teo, You are supposed to go up the stairs and talk to Ted. Instead you can leave the town and head west to Mt. Tigerwolf. Cross the mountain and go to the town of Sarady. Talk to a man in a house and he will be impressed that you came all the way on your own and he will give you a free Fortune Crystal(doubles experience received from battle). You can also go up the Stairs in the hero's house and Ted will join your team and instead of going to your room you can leave and go to Sarady to get a Prosperity Crystal(doubles the money received from battle). Unfortunately you can't do both. You must choose either Fortune Rune or Prosperity Rune.

Free 100 bits:

At the beginning of the game before you talk to Kraze search the armor in the room on the right side of the hall. You will receive 100 bits.

Special Scenes:

Take Clive to the Tombstone in Rockland and see what happens
Take Krin to the man on the second floor of the inn in Lenankamp and see what happens
Take Meg to the big house in Lenenkamp and see what happens
Take Flik to Warriors' Village and talk to the man near the northwest of town
If you can't afford to pay for Vincent De Boule's meal, It will show Humphrey, Flik, and Hero washing dishes.

Scenes in the Bath:

If you place the following items in the bath it will show a special scene.
*6 Hex Dolls
*6 Persian Lamps
*6 Hex Dolls and 2 Grafitis
*6Flower Urns, 1 Nature Painting and 1 Landscape Painting
*1 Peeing boy above a male party member

Recharging Items:

If you take an multi-use item, like medicine or antitoxin, and put it in your vault, it will be completely refilled.

Lots of Cash:

Early in the game you can play Marco's cup game in Rockland. She will fallow a certain pattern so use small amounts first and find out her pattern, then enter a building and when you come back to her the pattern will have restarted. The pattern may change if you leave town and sometimes it doesnt restart after entering a building. If your patient you can get 999,999 bits in only about 99 turns.

Good Ending:

In order to get the good ending you must have all 108 characters before the final battle(Gregminister). To do this you must save Pahn. Many people find this hard but it really isn't. all you have to do is know what Teo is going to do. Some say to just defend the whole time. I say think about what he says and make the right moves. Or just visit the dueling section of my site. Defending the whole time is just pathetic.

Window Rune:

Many people overlook the window crystal. It is in the Cave of the Past(Qlon Cave). For each screen, search the southern wall there is a flat surface that is a hidden path leading to the window crystal.

Finding Crowley:

Many people have trouble finding Crowley. He is in the Cave of the Past(Qlon Cave). For each screen, search the southern wall there is a flat surface that is a hidden path leading to him.

Rage Rune:

There is a hidden rage crystal at the top of Neclord's castle. It is hidden by the big stained glass window at the bottom of the screen. Pick it up when your getting Pesmerga. Don't waste time on a seperate trip up there.


Once you have given Ivanov all the paints he needs he will give you his binoculars. In battle you can use a second controller to rotate the camera angle. This isn't of much use though.

Blocked Staircase:

In the Japanese version you can take your three elves to those stairs and the owner will let you pass. Upstairs you will find the two remaining characters.

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