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Knights of the Road

This website was updated for the last time during the fall of 2003. However a new website has been created that can be found here.

Recent Additions and Updates

Call of Cthulhu London Times article (8/2), Scotland Yards files on the Tooting Sons of Terror and the latest stories from Mickey Mahoney and the Scoop (8/10)
TORG and Dunamis: The Companions Character Updates (8/2)
Pietro Dondalus, the origins of our Magister in Artibus(7/29)
Covenant Resources Updated for Black Death adventure, Summer 1156 (6/28)
And some call him Grim, a 'tall' tale (6/27)
The Black Death NPCs and Timeline for Ars Magica (6/20)
Halloween Pictures Here are some pictures from 1999, 2001 and 2002. Hopefully I should have more up soon (5/24)

Current Campaigns

AQ: Free-for-All The random GM Adventure Quest game
Ars Magica (Primary GM Chris B.)
Call of Cthulhu Explorations into horror and the supernatural (GM Stephen)
Deadlands: The Road from Prosperity (GM Joe)
Dunamis: The Companions Our oldest running campaign now based on the Dunamis © system (GM Leamon)
Dungeons and Dragons: Asharladon's Revenge (Primary GM Amy)
TORG Torg take two (GM Leamon)

The Campaign Graveyard

Legend of the Five Rings fantasy roleplaying in the realm of Rokugan (GM Leamon)
7th Sea The ill fated campaign (GM Bauer)
Star Wars Our long running Star Wars campaign (GM Bob)
Steve Hammer A roleplaying campaign I ran in the world of Middengeard with modified War Hammer rules.
Time Brats A time traveling campaign based on the Dunamis © system. Currently on hold but may be resurrected. (GM Stephen)
TORG: Otherspace Torg goes (went) sci-fi (GM Leamon)
The Whispering Vault A game where characters place themselves in the roles of supernatural entities (GM: Anthony)

Game World Information and Other Pages of Interest

Halloween Pictures Here are some pictures from 1999, 2001 and 2002. Hopefully I should have more up soon.
The World of Zordaria A collection of pages dedicated to the World of Zordaria as created by Leamon
EverQuest Some screenshots and links to EverQuest sites
Knights of the Ezboard A message board specifically created for this web page and our roleplaying discussions
Links Favorate RPG and gaming links

Page created and updated by Stephen B.