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Nogai, Cuman Shaman

Nogai is pretty pathetic physically, a sacrifice made for spiritual power. His grandfather, Yesugai was a shaman and the gift seems to run his family. When he was still young he fell into a deep illness that none the other shamans could or would heal. Nogai had been chosen by the spirits and alone had to face his ordeals if he was to become a shaman. Eventually he overcame their trials but the wounds he received in the spirit world were mirrored on his body. His hands became stricken as if from old age and his leg began withering away. Upon awaking his grandfather nursed him back to health and began to tutor him in the shamanic arts. As a child he became close friends with Nikola, a red headed Russian girl who had been brought back from a raid and adopted by his clan. Where Nogai was weak and sickly she was always strong and athletic. Had she not been a woman she would have gladly joined the warriors of the clan during raids. Instead she devoted herself to looking after Nogai and protecting him on his travels. She's a bit overbearing at times but she means well. She also has developed a fairly strong crush on Nogai that even now is painfully obvious to everyone except Nogai. (Being oblivious and all) ;) Many in his clan find them somewhat comical but have remained mostly respectful of Nogai's position. However this situation hasn't gone unnoticed by Nogai's fetch Kemenche, an ancestral spirit, who is his grandfather's grandfather to be exact. Kemenche is very old fashioned and doesn't approve of the foreigner Nikola and her unwomanly ways and doesn't seem to mind telling her so. This has lead to a number of confusing arguments for Nogai since his fetch can inhabit his body and speaks through him while he's traveling in the spirit world. Luckily the bond between Nikola and him seems pretty strong and they have managed to weather his fetch's disapproval.

The end of Nogai's training was marked by a tragedy. As it turned out his little brother Jochi was called upon by the spirits as well. Nogai was very conflicted. Happy that his younger brother might have something in common that he might be able to teach him. But at the same time watching his 7-year-old brother's body being stricken as his had and knowing the pain that he must be enduring was too much for him. He wanted desperately to help him and protect him from the hungry spirits that come for initiates but his grandfather forbid him. With great misgivings he eventually yielded to his advice and let events take their course. A few days later his Jochi died, a victim to the shamanic illness. Perhaps Nogai's anger and guilt for not helping him somehow created a link between the two of them. Jochi now haunts him as a ghost; unable or unwilling to find rest he clings to the living world. Sometimes he seems to have even forgotten he's died and gets angry that he can't play with the other children. He comes to Nogai now as his only companion, playing tricks on him and throwing tantrums when he isn't paying enough attention to him. It's fortunate that his ghost doesn't manifest too often since the memory is still very painful for Nogai.

Nikola and Nogai always travel together when they are away from their clan. She's a strong rider and usually carries him on her horse with her. He's been working on building a network of shaman and storytellers to share tales and lore with. Nogai's grandfather is one of the eldest shamans of the clan now. He's growing older but for the moment seems to be pretty vital.

Virtues and Flaws

Gentle Gift (free for shamans)
The Sight (free too)
Visions +2
Enchanting Music +2 (variation for storytelling)
Ghostly Warder +2 (variation from Dragon... to somewhat widen the scope of a shaman's fetch's abilities)
Social Contacts +1 (shamans and storytellers)
True Friend +1 (Nikola)
Free Expression +1
Strong Will +1
Obligation -2 (to clan)
Lame -2
Palsied Hands -2
Non-combatant -2
Haunted -2 (ghost of his little brother)

Legends and Tall Tales

The Story of the Hiimori The origins of Wind Horse spirit as told by Nogai

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