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The Portal

(Note: a small portable lab has been set up near the portal entrance)

Magic Aura: 9
(The portal entrance it's self is in an aura 6 on our side)

Through an ancient gateway lies a strange place more akin to the magic realm then our own. Where the portal truly leads is hard to say. The stars there are not our own and even time seems to pass differently. Although it is rich with vegetation there were no signs of animal life upon our arrival. We have found signs of recent human activity, however. Since the arrival of the Wind Horse spirit the realm has been filled with steppe life forms in abundance.

Not long after its discovery the covenant was visited by a woman claiming to be a follower of Guernicus who wished to study the portal in detail and determine if it had been infected with infernal powers. Too late the magi of the covenant uncovered her deception. She was definately not a Quaesitor and was most likely responsable for the deaths of the natives from within the portal, trying to use their spirits in a bizarre (possibly infernal) ritual whose purpose has yet to be determined. She is still loose and was last seen fleeing from the relams guardian, the Wind Horse, into the portal's sub-realm of fire.

This place seems to sperated into various realms by a boarder made of blue energy. Outside the main realm there seem to be four more smaller realms, possibly each connected to a different element. More investigation is needed before a more through understanding can be gained.

Travel through the Portal

The Portal its self is 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide. All entering the portal (including mundanes) are subject to an immediate twilight experience. Leaving the realm for the first time by way of the portal also requires an aging roll. (See below)

Time and Aging within the Realm Beyond the Portal:

For every four seasons that pass within the portal only one has passed in the normal world (4 to 1 ratio) The conflicting natures of time in the portal causes a great deal of stress upon the body and soul, leading to premature aging and twilight.

Aging rolls are required at the end of each season spent in the realm (portal’s seasons, not real world) or upon leaving during the middle of the season through the portal, whichever comes first. Anyone born inside the portal is immune to the additional aging rolls, although it has yet to be seen what effects a native might incur upon leaving the portal.

First Season (excluding winter): Stamina Stress Roll of 3+ required to avoid aging.
Second Season (excluding winter): Stamina Stress Roll of 6+ required to avoid aging.
Third Season (excluding winter): Stamina Stress Roll of 9+ required to avoid aging.
Winter Season: Aging automatic.

Botched Aging Rolls: Single botch and failed aging roll can cause a twilight experience. A double botch causes an additional year of aging (two max), three years of aging for a triple botch. Etc.

The Wind Horse Spirit:

Magic Might: 65
Statistics and Powers: TBA

After consulting with the Magi of the covenant the Shaman Nogai requested the aid of powerful spirit of the Cuman from the Far Lands to protect the realm.

Legend of the Wind Horse The story as told by Nogai to the Cuman.

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