This is a convo between a daoist and a xtain. Here, he proves his point, without much resistance. Take alook.
caoXcao: greetings
blufrawg10: hmm
: are you catholic?
blufrawg10: no
: y
: just wonderin
caoXcao: I'm Daoist
blufrawg10: ic
: soup nazi, seinfeld
caoXcao: good show
blufrawg10: ha
: yah
: do you find yourself angry at people often?
caoXcao: do you yell and scream back when they scream at you?
blufrawg10: so tell me why are you asking such weird things
: lol
: just read your profile, went to ur page
caoXcao: i want to know more of you
caoXcao: do you yell at people when they yell at you?
blufrawg10: thats not me in the pic u know right/
: i didnt pay attention to pics
blufrawg10: depends woh it iz......and why they yelled at me
: i rarely ever let myself slip into anger
caoXcao: it shows that you are not in balance
blufrawg10: sayswho
: examining things more, and not taking it too seriously brings better peace
caoXcao: says Dao, a man who lived in the year 324 B.C.
caoXcao: are you even on your webpage?
blufrawg10: no im not
: sorry
: im supposed to be the frog
: ahh
caoXcao: it's better you're not... most people believe the shell describes the nut
blufrawg10: ive heard of dao but hes not the one i look to for answers of philosopies
: yahz
: too bad, he is very wise
caoXcao: as well as confucious
caoXcao: ever heard the story of the baker, and the apartment rentee?
blufrawg10: umm
: i dont think so
: would you like to?
blufrawg10: go ahead
: i need to learn somethng new today
: Back in the day of ancient china, in a city called Hai-Nan
caoXcao: there was a man, who lived above a bakery
caoXcao: every day he would wake up to the smells of fresh bread, tantalizing his stomach, as he was a very poor man.
caoXcao: The baker; when he learned of it had demanded the man give him more money because he gets to smell his bread
caoXcao: After arguing, the two men decide to go to a wize profit who they hear is visiting the city
caoXcao: so they tell him the story, and the man gives them a solution
caoXcao: The baker was to be paid
blufrawg10: is that it
: The baker was to be paid, by the man standing above his shop, and drop a handful of coind onto the floor
caoXcao: the bakers payment, was the sound of the coins clinking on the floor.
caoXcao: well?
blufrawg10: oh ok i get it
: a sound for a smell
: yep
caoXcao: so, you must be a christian>
caoXcao: ?
blufrawg10: yah
: do you think I will go to hell, for being one of the Dao?
blufrawg10: i believe like it says in the bible .....that whoever believes in God and trusts him for eternal like shall be saved and therefore go to Heaven
: but idont wanna disrespect nor argue your beliefs im not that kind of person i hate being judgemental
: i've studied christianity very intently, it's actually an advanced form of Zoorastor
blufrawg10: yah ive heard the comparison before
: how old are you
: 16
caoXcao: and you?
caoXcao: 18
caoXcao: that's right, nm
blufrawg10: hehe
: you should look closer into daoism
caoXcao: or, *Taoism
blufrawg10: i studied it vaguely in school
: yeah, but the text books are all written by authors who are christians, and the viewpoint is very watered down
blufrawg10: not public school books?
: public and private
blufrawg10: i disagree
: ok, how much chapter wise would you say was written about christianity?
caoXcao: about 2, 3 chapters, right?
blufrawg10: not in the books we learned from
: who published them?
blufrawg10: i dont remember?
: maybe it doesn't seem that way to you, because you live in GA, a primarily christian place
caoXcao: i've lived in many places, and seen horrible and good things done
caoXcao: china, canada, michigan, california, japan
caoXcao: i've seen christian missonaries beat chinese children with sticks for asking the wrong questions about god
blufrawg10: hmm
: i duno where all that is
: where all what is?
blufrawg10: but those arent true christians im sure
: and the 1400's catholic ministers were true christians?
caoXcao: an entire religion who tortured peasants, and spent the taxes on themselves?
blufrawg10: honestly a lot of catholics are christian by name
: thats just an association
: everyone says "im a christian"
: the idea's of christianity are very correct, but the writings are far from truth
caoXcao: you know who paul is right?
caoXcao: notice how he's the only person who says inter-racialism is wrong, and says being gay is wrong, etc... etc...?
blufrawg10: no its not
: read exodus
: Paul is someone who has extreme mental problems
caoXcao: the rest of them are correct in much, wrong in some
caoXcao: and on the seventh day her rested....
blufrawg10: ehh?
: where was god all that time? and how did he become what he is/was?
caoXcao: was he just suddenly there?
caoXcao: there never is an end to anything... time is repetitive
caoXcao: but there has to be a beginning
caoXcao: where did god begin?
caoXcao: who created god?
blufrawg10: our minds are not meant to be finite
: if we all knew every answer toeverything we would be equal with God...andthats not how its meant to be
: im not saying i believe in truth through time, i'm asking where this guy came from
caoXcao: but, you achieve enlightenment freely through meditation, and rational though
caoXcao: *thought
blufrawg10: well obviously God didnt intend on us knowing that since he dindt record it in the Bible
: i think if this god existed, we would be out of this planet by now
caoXcao: for every true prophecy, there are 4 untrue
blufrawg10: the Bible is infallible
: familiar with Nostradmus (not sure on spelling)
caoXcao: ?
caoXcao: Nostradomus
blufrawg10: a lot of the nostradomous prochecies are very fabricated
: in what ways?
caoXcao: yeah, but to you was he a good christian prophet?
blufrawg10: i really havent studied a whole lot about not enough to form an opinion
: i do believe he has been pretty precise in some of them however
: you think he is a good christian prophet though?
caoXcao: i mean, was he a righteous man?
blufrawg10: im said im not sure?
: i dont know? i dindt live with him?
: its not my place to be the judge ofthat
: good, cause he was damned to hell by the very religion that now worships him
caoXcao: in some senses
blufrawg10: i wouldnt know
: but isn't god absolute?
caoXcao: nost. is either an oracle of god, or a fake
blufrawg10: men of God are not the only ones who are revealedthings
: who else?
blufrawg10: do you not believe that there are people who have satanic powers like psychics and stuff?
: psychosis is far from satanic
caoXcao: i think that there must always be a balance
caoXcao: yin, and yang
blufrawg10: see thats where we have to complete disagreements because of relgion
: religion is simply something for comfort, daoism admits that itself
caoXcao: all people are free to do as they please, it is in what they do that determines themselves
blufrawg10: i disagree
: thoughts are not held against you
blufrawg10: alright lets move on now
: please?
: bad people just become demons in the next life, good people become guardians
caoXcao: why? it's simple debate
caoXcao: i am simply reasoning my choices, as you do yours
blufrawg10: but its no good not changing my mind nor are you...and none of this is something i havent heardbe4
: im very sure you've not met many Daoist's...
blufrawg10: every religion brings up the same questions....who created God etc
: Christianity has been both bastardized since they day it began, in daoism bad people are a part of the belief
caoXcao: if either side gains control, then there is no longer the choice to be good or bad, and therefore the world comes to an end.