Hardcore Pin To Win

Mask vs. Mask Match

Pin To Win

Elimination Tag Match


"All Or Nothing" Pin To Win Match
Winner becomes World Title Number One Contender

Standard Match
For Anarchy GM position

504 BOY
Double Title Ladder Match
Two titles hanging in opposite corners of the ring



The ring is set up for a special event to kick off the pay-pay-view, but what is it?…

AUTUMN IN HELL kicks off with an episode of HONKEY TV! There are two TV shaped chairs in the ring and HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE is sitting in one of them. In between them is a TV shaped table.

HONKEY: Welcome to HONKEY TV with your host, me – HONKEY LIHTHOUSE! And tonight’s guest is none other than the former I.D.I.O.T. champion, DR. BADD! Get out here BADD!

Back in Black by AC/DC starts to play and out comes MR WS! As he walks down to the ring, HONKEY has a confused look on his face. They glare at each other for a few moments before they both smile and shake hands.

HONKEY: So, WS, it’s great to have you here but where is DR. BADD?

MR WS: Well that’s nice, isn’t it? I grace you with the presence of the King of Anarchy, and you ask me where DR. BADD is?

WS laughs.

MR WS: I’m just fooling with you. Well, can I just say that MR WS has been very intrigued by this little segment, however, he didn’t love it too much as, due to the lack of commercials, it meant I had no time to go get beer. But that’s ok cause I now usually wait till a DR. BADD match to go and get some. Anyways, we’re straying off the point here, I’ve locked DR. BADD in this fine arena’s boiler room so he can go and play with his little rat friends.

HONKEY: Ok, so why are you here?

MR WS: Because with DR. BADD being locked in the boiler room you’d have no guest - duh! As I say, I’ve been very intrigued by this lovely interview section. Back in the days of LSCW, Bob used to have one of these. And I saw you tell everyone that this show was only for the best talents and, well, the day DR. BADD is one of the best talents is the day before the night I sleep with BOB FAIRWAY. So as you wanted only the best talents on here, I thought, well, how better a talent than Mr. WS? And as I’ve not been booked a match at this little Pay Per View event - I had to show my face on here somewhere.

HONKEY: You’re absolutely right, WS, DR. BADD was never good enough to star on HONKEY TV. However, you are more than worthy of a spot on this show! So why the hell weren’t you given a match? I for one don’t know! Anyway, welcome to HONKEY TV! So you are a fan of my little segment?

MR WS: I certainly am - I think it’s an ingenious idea to allow us XWF talents to rant and rave in the presence of someone who knows what it’s like to be in the ring, unlike those interviewers. After I saw the show with DARKHAN, I knew I had to come on.

HONKEY: Yes, the DARKHAN one went well. It seems HONKEY TV has really taken off around here.

MR WS: Well, MR WS saw that you had received word from JONATHYN BROWN that he wanted HONKEY TV on every show. Now what I want to know is why weren’t you on Massacre or Anarchy?

HONKEY: Well, I didn’t think I should go onto the big shows whilst I’m still developmental talent on Impact.

MR WS: You make a good point, but can I just say HONKEYTV and HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE are wasted on Impact. No offence to the Impact Roster or MIYOKO - you guys put on a hell of a show week in and week out. But HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE, you are Anarchy material!

HONKEY: HONKEY LIGHTHOUSE on Anarchy? I don’t mean to be big headed, but that’s what the WORLD would like to see. Unfortunately, it’s harder Impact stars to move up. I’m not sure why because enough Massacre and Anarchy stars are leaving – surely there is enough room? It’s not problem though, I’ll keep slogging away and winning every goddamn match I’m put in.

MR WS: It’s not fair. You deserve to be on Anarchy and I deserve to still be King! Oh yeah, and I WILL get revenge for that. Y’know, HONKEY, if we ever star on the same show, we’ll help each other out so we both won’t be screwed so often! But enough of this - what MR WS wants to know is, what questions you have prepared for him

HONKEY: Well, I was expecting DR. BADD so most of my questions were about rats and idiots. Let me think of something? Umm… What do you think of Simon Cowell?

MR WS: That’s an interesting question, and know one thing…I’m not being sarcastic. Simon Cowell is a legend, he was much better when he was evil before he turned all soft and left that Louis Walsh pussy to be the hard man on the X Factor. But you know what? I have a story. Once a little while ago now, after the ICWF v3 died, me and Bullet were doing our thing in England and Bullet got invited to a wedding and while he was waiting at the hotel for the bride and groom to arrive he actually met Simon Cowell! Was a good story, but I can’t be doing with finishing it. The King is tired.

HONKEY: So you know someone who met Simon Cowell? That’s amazing. A HONKEY TV exclusive right there! No wonder they call this show the intelligent diversion. Ok, thanks WS. Nice to have you on the show. Are you gonna let BADD out now?

MR WS: I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to let him out yet. I obviously will sometime, I’m not evil enough to kill the poor guy no matter how much I look it. But back in the old country, when someone was bad during my school years they would be sent into the corner to think about what they’ve done. I think I shall leave him in there, as he has been really BADD. I’m not sure how successful I’ll be though. I mean the guy is a doctor, even if his PhD is in Mental Disorders.

WS shrugs.

MR WS: Either way, good luck with everything in the future, and I am going to do everything I can to get that Anarchy Crown back from JEN JETSON so I can get you on Anarchy full time!!

HONKEY: Thanks WS, best of luck to you there, and thank the lord I got WS instead of BADD! He’s so annoying and boring. That’s HONKEY TV over for tonight. See you all soon and enjoy the rest of AUTUMN IN HELL!!

We pan backstage, as we discover MR AMAZING walking the hallways. He makes a turn and bumps into something. MR AMAZING falls back a few steps and then looks up. It's KORE’s young protege ETHAN SPIRIT! ETHAN glances at MR AMAZING, shaking his head in disappointment. ETHAN: Good luck tonight, KID. You're going against the toughest of the tough. The most extreme wrestler in the history of this company. MR AMAZING looks at ETHAN with a puzzled expression on his face, as ETHAN walks past MR AMAZING, bumping his shoulder once more. MR AMAZING watches on as ETHAN struts in the opposite direction. It's no surprise that ETHAN is trying to intimidate his friend, KORE's opponent before the big match-up tonight.

Hardcore Pin To Win

The match starts with all three men staring each other down in the middle of the ring. MR. AMAZING and BRADY start to talk trash KORE and BRADY slaps KORE! BRADY and MR. AMAZING start to double team KORE in the corner. KORE starts to choke MR. AMAZING against the ropes and BRADY whips KORE hard into the corner. MR. AMAZING sets up KORE in the corner and kicks him a few times. KORE turns around and BRADY takes out KORE. BRADY drops an elbow on KORE two times. MR. AMAZING fights back against KORE, giving him some stiff kicks in the corner. MR. AMAZING then lifts KORE in the air and slams him back down hard. MR. AMAZING gets KORE up on his shoulders, but KORE holds onto the top rope. MR. AMAZING then flips KORE the other, launching him to the outside. BRADY then jumps off the top turnbuckle to hit KORE, but he inadvertently takes out MR. AMAZING with a flying forearm. BRADY looks shocked as he runs to help up MR. AMAZING, but AMAZING slaps his hand away and gets to his feet! He pushes BRADY into the side of the ring! BRADY grabs AMAZING and tries to shake some sense into him, but AMAZING reacts to his move with a snap DDT on the concrete!! BRADY looks hurt! AMAZING gets back into the ring, where KORE is waiting for him. KORE gives MR. AMAZING some chops in the corner. KORE sends MR. AMAZING to the corner, charges, but MR. AMAZING gets his foot up and KORE hits it face first. MR. AMAZING gets in a right hands on KORE and follows that up with a few more in the corner. KORE irish whips MR. AMAZING to the corner. MR. AMAZING bounces off and KORE catches him, hitting a running bulldog. KORE attempts a moonsault off the ropes, but MR. AMAZING moves out of the way and KORE lands on his feet. KORE kicks MR. AMAZING to the outside of the ring and KORE follows. KORE sends MR. AMAZING into the ring barricade with impact. KORE sends the timekeeper flying and he nails MR. AMAZING's head off a steel chair. KORE removes the top of the spanish announce table, picks up MR. AMAZING, attempts a suplex, MR. AMAZING dodges both and MR. AMAZING gives KORE a big DDT. KORE then takes out MR. AMAZING, throws him in the ring, covers, but only gets a two count. KORE starts to choke MR. AMAZING in the middle of the ring and then applies a rear naked choke. MR. AMAZING fights back with a few elbows, but KORE stops that with a few punches. MR. AMAZING takes out KORE with a clothesline and a big shoulder block. MR. AMAZING dodges a clothesline from KORE and hits an inverted side slam. MR. AMAZING goes off the ropes, but BRADY trips him up and he sends MR. AMAZING into the steel steps!!


KORE then nails BRADY with a baseball slide. KORE throws BRADY back in the ring then sends him into the ropes, attempts knee to the gut, but BRADY counters that looking to apply the a Boston crab. MR. AMAZING gets up on the ring apron, KORE pushes BRADY into MR. AMAZING, MR. AMAZING falls off, BRADY gets a quick rollup for a two count. KORE gets up on the top, BRADY chops him, gets in a few punches, grabs KORE attempting a superplex, MR. AMAZING comes from behind in a powerbomb on BRADY and all three come down in a tower of doom from the corner! MR. AMAZING covers BRADY, but only gets a two count. MR. AMAZING then covers KORE and gets a two count as well. MR. AMAZING takes out both BRADY and KORE with clotheslines. MR. AMAZING gives BRADY a scoop slam and then drop toe holds KORE on BRADY. MR. AMAZING does a double elbow on KORE and BRADY. MR. AMAZING gets in a sunset flip on BRADY, KORE comes from behind to break it up into a pinfall of his own for a two count. BRADY rolls up both MR. AMAZING and KORE for a two count. BRADY starts to climb up the top, MR. AMAZING hits the ropes and BRADY falls down. MR. AMAZING grabs KORE and nails his head off BRADY's groin! MR. AMAZING rolls up KORE, but gets a two count. MR. AMAZING attempts the Amazing Driver on KORE, but KORE rakes the eyes and hits an inverted DDT on MR. AMAZING. KORE covers, but gets a close two count. KORE can't believe it. KORE leaves the ring and grabs a chair.. The referee stops this and as it happens. KORE then comes in, covers MR. AMAZING again, but MR. AMAZING kicks out after two. MR. AMAZING launches KORE over the top rope. BRADY rolls to the outside as MR. AMAZING hits a DDT on KORE. BRADY rushes the ring with a chair. BRADY connects with a chairshot as MR. AMAZING hits a big boot all three men are down!…

KORE slowly gets to his feet, and he’s had enough. He reaches under the ring and comes out with a SLEDGEHAMMER!! BRADY turns to see him, just in time for a HUGE HAMMMER BLAST to the forehead!! BRADY is busted open! KORE brings the hammer down once more across BRADY’s chest! BRADY is spitting blood! AMAZING gets up and grabs the hammer from behind KORE! KORE looks terrified as AMAZING lifts the hammer to finish him off! BRADY is struggling to get to his feet as KORE backs up a few steps. AMAZING looks down at his fallen partner and realizes he’s out of action! KORE uses the lapse in AMAZING’s attention to grab the hammer back, but AMAZING holds his grip! The two struggle with the hammer, and fight to the ramp! AMAZING wrenches the hammer out of KORE’s grip and SWINGS! KORE stumbles backwards, the hammer just missing his chest! He backs up the ramp and AMAZING chases after him!! They’re off the arena floor and in the back now! BRADY rolls around in agony and EMTs head down to check up on him..

Cameras are scanning around in the back, but we’ve lost them! KORE and AMAZING are SOMEWHERE, but we don’t know where!!..

This match will continue once we find the two remaining competitors!!

Mask vs. Mask Match

GOLDEN BOY is standing in the ring, as we return from the scramble in the back. Making his way from the entrance, is also GOLDEN BOY. The two meet in the ring as the bell sounds. They look at each other, each touches their own mask and then, both shrug, and attack. GOLDEN BOY goes for a clothesline but GOLDEN BOY goes for a leg sweep, and as GOLDEN BOY falls to the mat in writhing pain, GOLDEN BOY gloats to the crowd, pointing at the injured GOLDEN BOY. He laughs, as he signals that he's going to unmask the impostor! He bends down over the fallen Golden One, and rams his knee into the other's throat. He presses down and begins gently peeling back the mask, but... WAIT! BOOOOM! GOLDEN BOY brings a knee up into GOLDEN BOY's groin. He falls slack against the mat, as the other GOLDEN BOY rolls over, in pain. Ripping himself, he stands to his feet and begins stomping on the other GOLDEN BOY, dropping down with furious elbows. He rams his knee into the other GOLDEN BOY's face, busting out a few teeth and painting the ring in blood. He then leans into the other GOLDEN BOY, biting his nose, then headbutting him. BLOOD IS EVERYWHERE!!! The Golden Mask has now become a crimson mask, both GOLDEN BOY's dripping. GOLDEN BOY stands back up, and swirls around, hollering. He climbs the turnbuckle and...


Golden Lights dawn all around the arena, and darkness covers for just a moment. When we return, we see GOLDEN BOY has a GOLDEN BAT! The other GOLDEN BOY slowly makes his way to his feet, his hand going to his bloody face. He stumbles around, just as GOLDEN BOY flies through the air with the Golden Bat! He brings it down, in a wide arc!


He took a homerun shot with the Golden Bat and knocked GOLDEN BOY in the side of the head with it. He falls limp, completely knocked out. The other GOLDEN BOY's chest rises and falls, as he looks at the barely recognizable mask of the other Golden One. He looks at the blood-smeared bat in his hand, and shakes his head as if in disgust. With a sickening smile, bloody and curled, we see him heft the bat in one hand and...

OH... MY... GOD!

He's hitting himself in the forehead with the bat, over and over again, he begins stumbling, as blood drips down himself. He then leans over the prone GOLDEN BOY, dropping to his knees. He takes one finger and slides it down both his mask and his own, gathering the blood. Then he rubs it between his fingers, and reaches to the other GOLDEN BOY's eyes, closing them, leaving bloodstains on his eyelids.

He leaves his hand on GOLDEN BOY's face, as the ref counts!




As the ref goes to raise GOLDEN BOY's hand in victory though, the entire arena goes black.

When the light returns, we have one GOLDEN BOY left in the ring with bloody eyelids.

And two masks.


Who won?

Who was unmasked?


A camera comes to life in the back with a shaky handheld shot in what looks like the kitchen. Suddenly, MR. AMAZING’s body flies across the shot, and the camera pulls back to see KORE running at him with a rolling pin! They’re still fighting for the title! KORE nails MR. AMAZING in the back with the rolling pin, and MR. AMAZING falls across a table covered with small cakes just out of the oven. MR. AMAZING grabs a cake and shoves it in KORE’s face, blinding him temporarily. He grabs a giant pot and throws it over KORE’s head! He then jumps up on the table and dropkicks KORE right in the pot on his head, sending him flying across the kitchen!




ZACH RIZZA is seen walking down the hallway. He is getting loose for his upcoming title match against BOONDOCK SAINT and STAR. "MR. AMAZING" VINCENT JAMISON bumps into RIZZA. The two men are at a stare down and JAMISON tilts his head down and sighs.

JAMISON: RIZZA look. I got somethi...

Before JAMISON can finish, RIZZA walks away in disgust as JAMISON looks on.

Before the Hart title match, BRYAN STEVENS is standing in the empty ring with a microphone. The audience acknowledges him with some claps.

BRYAN STEVENS: Thank you for the warm introduction, Dan. First of all, let me introduce the greatest female diva in the XWF. She is the Princess of Pain and the Raven Haired Wonder. Weighing in at 150 pounds from Brooklyn, New York. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome PATIENCE PRYCE!

The crowd gives a big round of applause.

BRYAN STEVENS: And finally, The XWF has had many Hart Champions in it's history. Tonight, the BOONDOCK SAINT will defend his Hart Championship once again. While he is the future of the XWF. He wants to give a nod to all of the famous wrestlers that have held the Hart Title. Superstars such as JEN JETSON, DYNAMIC DYNAMITE, FAITH, TIKE MYSON, CONFUSION, E-DOGG, MAXIMUS, CHRIS CAGE, GUKAS, LEE STONE, ACHROMA, ZACH RIZZA, GRAVY, KID MONEY, FRED L, FUZZ, CHASM, PAUL ROACH, PSYCHO SCORPIO, JASON CASH, STEVE SANDERS.

BRYAN takes a drink from his bottle of water.

BRYAN STEVENS: Continuing on.. people such as WILLOW, DEMETRI, T MONEY, MARK WILDER, JEN JETSON, THE BEAST, 504 BOY, SPOOK, JANDROMYTE, ZUELSDORF, SEWASIDE, JOHNNY HAYES and introducing tonight the greatest Hart Champion in XWF history. Weighing in at 237 pounds. That's 108 kilos to all are your European friends. Don't try count it on your fingers RIZZA. If you want someone to give you knowledge on kilos, ask STAR. She'd know about that stuff if you know what I mean. (clears throat) Anyways, weighing in at 108 kilos. He is the King of Kings, the Prophet of Pro Wrestling, the Pope of Anarchy, and your F***ing God of Pro Wrestling. He is the current reigning and defending XWF Hart Champion. Ladies and Gentlemen, the BOONDOCK SAINT.

The fans show their appreciation and throw a large array of silver, black, and gold streamers a la Japanese Pro Wrestling. SAINT kneels in the center of the ring and is covered by the paper streamers.

Pin To Win

The three competitors all look to see who is the first to make a move, BOONDOCK SAINT takes that opportunity and throws a quick jab at ZACH RIZZA. RIZZA rocks back to try and avoid the punch but isn’t quite fast enough. SAINT follows up with a clothesline. STAR takes the opportunity to attack SAINT while he is focused on RIZZA. She lands a hard right hand sending SAINT’s body weight into RIZZA sending both men to the ground.

All three are quickly back to their feet and SAINT and RIZZA are turning their attention back onto each other as STAR watches from the corner. SAINT with a quick kick to the gut making RIZZA bend at the waist. SAINT then hooks RIZZA's head and lands a evenflow DDT onto the mat sending RIZZA squirming around the ring on his back holding his head. Before SAINT can even get back to his feet, STAR is coming in for the attack, Just as BOONDOCK gains footing STAR grabs his neck and does a swinging neck breaker. STAR gets to her feet and immediately goes over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. STAR is on the top rope as the other two men are trying to regain their footing, SAINT is using the ropes to help him up as RIZZA is just kind of stumbling around holding his head. STAR jumps off the top rope and extends trying to land a cross body attack on RIZZA.

But ZACH is too smart for that as he catches the flying STAR in mid air and looks like he is trying to slam her down to the ground with all his weight. BOONDOCK SAINT jumps off the second rope and uses it as a springboard to down a moonsault onto the fallen ZACH RIZZA and STAR.

SAINT gets back to this feet quickly and then he helps STAR get back to her feet. He grabs her by the waist and starts to lift her up over his head and delivers a belly to belly suplex on STAR. STAR starts to grab her back in pain. ZACH RIZZA is there so as soon as SAINT is done executing his move he can lock up with him and then irish whip him into the ropes. SAINT bounces back and ducks under a what could have been the Rizzaliner. SAINT is returning from the opposite rope and lands a drop kick right on ZACH RIZZA sending him to the ground quickly. SAINT quickly pops back up from the maneuver and accepts a charging STAR, he ducks another dangerous move by countering it with a drop toe hold sending STAR face first into the mat.

SAINT stands up tired from exhaustion it is obvious. He looks at both of his opponents and decides to slip out of the ring. Movement in the ring catches SAINT’s eyes and he stops in his tracks. RIZZA is gaining his footing and starts to help the smaller STAR up. RIZZA grabs ahold of STAR and picks her up in the air and lands a suplex on the mat. RIZZA starts to walk towards the rope. He is calling BOONDOCK SAINT back in. As he gets to leaning on the ropes SAINT grabs his legs out from underneath him and slams RIZZA back down to the mat.

SAINT then climbs back in leaving the chair behind and starts climbing the ropes. He reaches the second turnbuckle, before bouncing up to the third and leaping towards the fallen ZACH RIZZA landing a shoulder block. SAINT goes for the cover.




STAR just saved this match with a quick elbow drop to the back of SAINT’s head. RIZZA is not moving in the middle of the ring. SAINT is getting brought to his feet by STAR. STAR flings SAINT off the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Both go for it at the same time. Nobody moves for a couple of seconds. All three are lying there from exhaustion and from pain and agony.

STAR gets to her feet first but is quickly followed by ZACH RIZZA. The two lock up and STAR throws the bigger man against the ropes. STAR puts her head down and the groggy RIZZA runs into it and STAR lands a nasty back body drop. SAINT is just getting to his feet. The big man RIZZA seems to have not been phased as bad as STAR from the recent move. RIZZA moves over to the hurting SAINT and set him up and pick him up by his shorts. RIZZA picks the limp SAINT up and stalls as he is doing a suplex.

RIZZA slams BOONDOCK down to the mat. And quickly regains his footing. RIZZA does not notice but STAR is slowly creeping up behind him. RIZZA is backing up towards the corner. Looks like he is going to try and hit the Rizzaliner. But he doesn't notice STAR waiting for him to back up into the right position and at the perfect moment STAR jumps off the second rope using it as a spring board and lands an implant DDT on ZACH RIZZA.

STAR goes for the cover on ZACH RIZZA. RIZZA’s only hope is BOONDOCK SAINT who looks to be unconscious in the corner.




SAINT dives in at the last second and breaks up the pin. Both SAINT and STAR are slow to make it to their feet. But once they do, STAR nails SAINT with a chop that gets the usual 'WHOOOO!' from the crowd. She nails him another... then another, before SAINT started firing back. After the second chop, STAR immediately grabbed SAINT and flipped him over with a side headlock. But SAINT hooks her with a head scissors... STAR flips and now has SAINT pinned...



SAINT powers out and turns STAR. He hooks both her arms, despite her best efforts to break free, and he nails her with the Excomunicator!





BOONDOCK SAINT gets up as his hand is raised..

Out of nowhere, a figure jumps over the barricade with a black bag in one hand and a flourescent light tube in the other and slides into the ring behind the BOONDOCK SAINT’s back and kicks the two other competitors out!!


The crowd begins to recognize the XWF veteran as PSYCHO SCORPIO drops the black bag on the ground and readies the light tube as the crowd starts to scream..

As BOONDOCK SAINT turns around SCORPIO nails him right in the face with the light tube busting him wide open. BOONDOCK SAINT falls to the ground with blood gushing out of his forehead and quickly leaving a big red stain in the middle of the canvas.

SCORPIO grabs the black bag from the ground and pours it out on the mat.

Thousands of thumbtacks spill out on the canvas as the crowd roars!!

Suddenly, "Faithless" by Lostprophets plays, and the lighting in the ring begins to dim down so that the only lighting in the ringside area is coming from on each side of the ramp, and is a deep blue in color. SCORPIO turns his attention to the ringside in surprise, eyeing the ramp cautiously, when suddenly we see a figure emerge from the curtain, running a hand through his dark hair...

It's STEVE JASON! Last we saw of STEVE, he'd been abducted from BRING THE PAIN by GGTX! How did he manage to get loose? He looks slightly different, with a very wary, almost haunted look in his ice-blue eyes and a rock-solid, gruff expression on his face, which is now covered in He wears a pair of black utilitarian cargo pants and shoes, and a simple blue polo-neck shirt underneath. He stops approximately halfway down the ramp, then raises his hands in the air and brings them down as four blinding white pyro fireworks fire off the sides of the ramp, followed by several repetitive pyros on the stage behind him, and ended finally by one enormous pyro from the area directly in front of the entrance curtain, emitting an enormous explosion and a blinding white flash of light. After his pyro ceases, STEVE makes his way to the foot of the ring and hops up onto the edge of the apron before springing the ropes and entering the ring. BOONDOCK SAINT watches in confusion as STEVE signals for a microphone. Once he receives it, he speaks- but not before SCORPIO has something to say about it.


STEVE JASON: Do yourself a favor, SCORPIO.. BACK OFF. I’m not here for you, I’m here for THAT GUY..

BOONDOCK SAINT: Er... sure, STEVE. Are you all right? Where have you been?


BOONDOCK SAINT: OK, OK, really. Where?

STEVE JASON: I told you, Hell. My own personal Hell. At the hands of GGTX. For weeks, they've had me. They've been doing... sick stuff. Sick. I've only just managed to catch up with the XWF. I got loose after ASHEN got thrown to the dogs. Provided enough of a distraction for me to get loose.

STEVE JASON: No. I can't get back in the ring yet. Not until... things are sorted out. Which shouldn't be long, but I don't know. I'm here for two things. First and foremost, to prepare the XWF for the time where we have to stop GGTX and all who supported them for good...

BOONDOCK SAINT: But... didn't T MONEY throw ASHEN to the dogs? The battle's over, STEVE. You don't have to do this.

STEVE JASON: I'll believe he's dead when I see his body. The man's my antithesis, and I know I could survive that- so there's a chance he could. And besides, GUN and VEIGNS are still out there. I have to stop them. But back to the point at hand. BOONDOCK SAINT, I need your help.

BOONDOCK SAINT: Wait, STEVE. This isn't my fight. GGTX aren't even here, but why do you need to pull me into this fight? I've got enough problems of my own here.

STEVE JASON: SAINT... listen to me. I've been to the HEART of GGTX. I KNOW what they're capable of. I know what they stand for. And believe me when I tell you that they'd gladly flush you, me, everyone else, AND your religion if they had half a chance. But that's not the point here. If you don't want to get involved, you don't have to. It's your choice, and I won't confront you with an ultimatum at this point. What I DO need though, SAINT... is liberation.


STEVE JASON: Isn't it obvious, SAINT? Of my SOUL. Believe me when I tell you, things have happened to me while I was detained that... well, let's just say, they'll scar my soul for a LONG time. Do you know what they did to me, SAINT?


STEVE JASON: They tried to turn me into a WEAPON, SAINT. That brainwashing stuff ASHEN rambled on about? It's TRUE. Every last bit of it. If you want to know why I'm not myself, THERE is your answer. I'm not me because, until I could get away, they were turning me into SOMETHING ELSE.

The crowd fall silent, and BOONDOCK SAINT himself stares at STEVE in disbelief. STEVE's face remains stony and hard as he continues.

STEVE JASON: If they'd succeeded, I could have been the most dangerous thing out there. Like ISCARIOT... but WORSE, both in terms of danger and of psyche. I would have been sicker, more evil, and since I'm a better fighter than ASHEN, I would have been harder to stop. I would have handed this federation to my... my... ugh... my MASTER, ISCARIOT, on a plate. I think I'm safe, SAINT. I hope to every deity out there that I am. But I don't know how much stuff they've drilled into my head. I could be that twisted demon they wanted me to be, and I just don't know it yet. Maybe the dragon's sleeping beneath the waves. I HAVE to clean my soul, SAINT. I NEED to purify myself of evil NOW, before it's too late. I need help, SAINT. I don't even know if your God exists... but if he does, I NEED his help more than I ever have before in my twenty-eight years of life.

BOONDOCK SAINT: What do you need me to do for you, STEVE? Do you need a priest to save your soul?

STEVE JASON: No, SAINT. I need YOU to save my soul. In return, SAINT, I'm willing to do anything. You're taking on the Lord Of The Ring battle-royal. SAINT, I won it, and I know how it's done. If you can save my soul, if you can TRY to, if you can even ATTEMPT it, I will do EVERYTHING in my power to guide you to being the LORD OF THE RING. I will make it my mission to train you, to prepare you for it. I'll have your back leading up to it. That's what I propose, SAINT. If you help me, I'll do my damnedest to make YOU the next Lord Of The Ring. No strings attached. What do you say?

STEVE steps back slightly upon asking this question, giving SAINT space to consider the question. SAINT looks up at STEVE in thought, then out at the crowd, then down to consider his response, then back up at STEVE again.

BOONDOCK SAINT: Well, STEVE, if you really do need my help, I can't deny it to you, even if you were offering your help. But I would greatly appreciate it.

STEVE JASON: That's only fair, SAINT. I believe in fair exchange. You help me, I HAVE to help you. It's the only honorable thing to do.

BOONDOCK SAINT: OK. I'll do it. If what you say is true, then I'll do everything in my power to help cleanse your soul and get through this.

As SAINT says this, STEVE's face, while still rock-hard, seems to lighten slightly, and his shoulders slump in relief. His eyes close for a few moments as he lets out a quiet breath, then he speaks.

STEVE JASON: And in turn, BOONDOCK SAINT, I will make you the next Universal Champion. And that... IS UNDENIABLE!

As soon as STEVE finishes speaking, he nods slightly to SAINT, then sets his microphone on the ground. "Faithless" plays over the PA system again as STEVE eyes SAINT for several moments, then slowly turns his back and leaves the ring, taking a slow walk up the ring and towards the back.

PSYCHO SCORPIO: Well that was touching.. But it doesn’t change the fact that your ass is MINE! That title in rightfully mine, and as you can see I am willing to take it by force!

PSYCHO SCORPIO turns and walks backstage, leaving BOONDOCK sitting on the ground.

As SCORPIO gets backstage, STEVE SAYORS is right there with a mic in hand.

STEVE SAYORS: SCORPIO, does this mean that you are planning on stealing the HART title?

PSYCHO SCORPIO: I am not stealing anything STEVE, this title is MINE and I will keep it that way. As you saw out there it takes someone of the NEW BREED of superstar to compete with the likes of me. Oh and the power battle on MASSACRE taking up all of JONATHYN’s time I figured why not come back now and raise hell where he can't stop me. You see SAYORS, nobody can stop me, I am immortal a wraith you could say I am a crow, you have to get to my little birdie before you can get me. I am just a pissed of spirit that wants revenge and I will not stop until I get it. My mission is clear. Defeat the evil that is here in the XWF. If anybody tries to stop me then they will feel the fury of the Astrological drop. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!!!!!

SCORPIO storms out of the arena doors and into slides his door open on his car. He steps inside and drives away.

The camera heads to the back, where KORE is now alone, stalking MR. AMAZING. He heads to the boiler room.


He moves to the back parking garage. No sign of MR. AMAZING. KORE calls out to MR. AMAZING.

KORE: Come out come out wherever you are! Come on, JAMISON!! I ain’t got all night! I gotta get home and get ready for the Trick Or Treaters!!!

Just then, the headlights of one of the cars light up, and the car speeds toward, KORE. KORE dives out of the way and the car slams into another parked car. KORE runs to the driver’s seat and pulls out MR. AMAZING, uninjured thanks to the air bag. The two go at it in the parking lot and KORE lands a great double-arm DDT on the concrete floor! MR. AMAZING gets up and whips KORE into a parked truck, setting off the alarm system! He goes for a follow-up attack, but KORE boots him in the face! He then whips him.. INTO THE CAMERA! The camera goes to static!! For ten seconds, there’s nothing on the screen! The action returns to the main ring as another camera is rushed back to the garage.

Elimination Tag Match

MC TERRIBLE and GLASS CASKET start the match. MC TERRIBLE stares down GLASS CASKET, CASKET walks over and the two men meet in the middle of the ring. TERRIBLE holds out his hand for a handshake. CASKET slaps TERRIBLE across the face and pushes him back into his own corner. TERRIBLE gets up and dropkicks CASKET. TERRIBLE picks CASKET up and tries a suplex but CASKET blocks it and tries his own but TERRIBLE blocks his as well. TERRIBLE and CASKET break their holds and stare each other down again. CASKET points to SAVIOR, TERRIBLE turns his back to go tag SAVIOR but CASKET clotheslines him from behind. CASKET starts hitting TERRIBLE with a series of right hands. CASKET picks TERRIBLE up body slams him and follows it up with an elbow drop. CASKET goes for a cover. 1..KICKOUT . TERRIBLE gets up and CASKET tries a punch put TERRIBLE grabs his fists and twists his arm around behind his back. CASKET tries to get to the ropes but TERRIBLE trips him up and both men fall to the mat. TERRIBLE breaks the hold and picks CASKET up and hits a ddt on him. TERRIBLE drags CASKET over to his corner and TERRIBLE tags SAVIOR. SAVIOR picks CASKET up and throws him into the corner. SAVIOR moves CASKET back off the corner and climbs it himself he pulls CASKET toward him and hit’s a tornado ddt. SAVIOR covers CASKET 1...2..BOSTONGOD breaks it up. SAVIOR gets up and pushed BOSTONGOD and the two men start trash talking until the ref breaks it up and sends BOSTONGOD back to his corner. CASKET hits SAVIOR with a low blow while the ref is distracted. TERRIBLE comes into the ring and the ref cuts him off trying to get him to get back out of the ring. CASKET tags BOSTONGOD in and BOSTONGOD comes in a starts hitting SAVIOR with rights and lefts. The ref picks him up and tells him to get back to his corner having not seen the tag. CASKET comes in and the two men start to argue with the ref. TERRIBLE runs in behind the refs back and hands drags SAVIOR to his corner. The ref get CASKET and BOSTONGOD to cooperate and BOSTONGOD goes back to his corner. As soon as the ref’s attention is back on the match SAVIOR tags in TERRIBLE. CASKET runs at TERRIBLE but TERRIBLE side steps him and CASKET runs into the turnbuckle. CASKET staggers back and TERRIBLE bulldogs him. TERRIBLE picks CASKET up and sets him up into his corner. TERRIBLE distracts the ref and SAVIOR starts to choke CASKET. The ref turns around but SAVIOR already had released the choke hold. TERRIBLE starts hitting CASKET with martial arts style kicks until CASKET slumps down in the corner. TERRIBLE tags SAVIOR in and picks CASKET up. TERRIBLE picks CASKET up as if going for a spine buster but stalls it. SAVIOR hit’s a missile dropkick to CASKET and TERRIBLE slams CASKET to the mat. SAVIOR covers 1.. 2.. KICKOUT. SAVIOR complains to the ref but gets nothing. SAVIOR picks CASKET up and body slams him. SAVIOR signals its over and climbs to the top rope. SAVIOR attempts a shooting star press but CASKET moves out of the way. CASKET gets up and picks SAVIOR up and hits neck breaker. CASKET gets up and throws SAVIOR into the ropes and hits a big boot to the face on SAVIOR’S way back. CASKET picks SAVIOR up and hits the Burial. CASKET gets up and knocks TERRIBLE off the apron. CASKET goes for a cover 1...2..KICKOUT. CASKET gets up and tags in BOSTONGOD. BOSTONGOD runs in and spears SAVIOR. TERRIBLE comes running in and BOSTONGOD hits him with a sidewalk slam. SAVIOR gets up and gets dropkicked. CASKET comes in and clotheslines TERRIBLE. BOSTONGOD gets on the top rope waiting for SAVIOR to get up. SAVIOR staggers up and pushes CASKET into BOSTONGOD. BOSTONGOD falls off the top rope and onto the floor. The ref counts the bump as a tag CASKET is now the legal man. SAVIOR hits two back to back suplexes. TERRIBLE climbs the top rope and hits the pimp twist. TERRIBLE slides out of the ring and SAVIOR covers CASKET. 1... 2... THREE!

GLASS CASKET is eliminated.

TERRIBLE grabs BOSTONGOD on the outside floor and throws him into the ring. SAVIOR drags him into the middle of the ring and applies the Texas Cloverleaf. BOSTONGOD screams in pain and starts to crawl to the ropes but SAVIOR takes him back to the middle of the ring. BOSTONGOD starts moving around wildly and somehow manages to get to the ropes. CASKET gets up on the apron and throws something to BOSTONGOD. Neither SAVIOR the ref sees it. The ref tries to get CASKET to leave but CASKET continues to distract the ref. SAVIOR turns his attention back to BOSTONGOD and BOSTONGOD punches him with brass knuckles on his fist. SAVIOR is out cold. BOSTONGOD throws the brassnucks out of the ring. TERRIBLE sees the cheating hit and comes in to argue BOSTONGOD spears TERRIBLE and goes back to SAVIOR. CASKET drops off the apron and gets escorted by security to the back. BOSTONGOD picks SAVIOR up and hits the lights out. BOSTONGOD covers 1.. 2.. THREE!

SAVIOR is eliminated!

BOSTONGOD goes over and starts to pick up TERRIBLE but TERRIBLE pokes his thumb into BOSTONGOD’s eye. TERRIBLE takes advantage of the temporarily blinded BOSTONGOD and bulldogs BOSTONGOD. TERRIBLE picks BOSTONGOD back up and piledrives him in the middle of the ring. TERRIBLE climbs to the top rope and hits a pimp twist!! TERRIBLE covers 1.. 2.. THREE! TERRIBLE and THE SAVIOR are still tag champs!



The flame jets had been set up around the ring on the floor, and the first man to get burned would be the loser. LESNAR and GOD OF THUNDER both entered the ring and they were left alone, without a ref. The flames were ignited around the ring and they reached above the bottom rope. The match began with LESNAR getting in a cheap eye poke and then dropping GOD OF THUNDER with a DDT. LESNAR then picked up GOD OF THUNDER and bodyslammed him hard to the mat. GOD OF THUNDER got up and hit a belly-to-belly suplex followed by an attempted sharpshooter that LESNAR wriggled out of. The two men battle for several minutes, exchanging impressive moves, until GOD OF THUNDER whipped LESNAR to the ropes and followed with a clothesline, but LESNAR caught himself on the ropes and MONKEY FLIPPED GOD OF THUNDER OUT OF THE RING! He landed on the floor, just inside the flames! He scrambled to his feet to get back in, but LESNAR bounced off the ropes and nailed him with a baseball slide kick to the mouth! GOD OF THUNDER flew backwards, but luckily still had his grip on the bottom rope. He used the momentum to launch himself back into the ring and pound LESNAR in the face as he tried to get up! LESNAR fell back and the two men got back to their feet!

The match continued in the ring when all of a sudden, MR. AMAZING and KORE came careening through one of the ticket holders’ entrances to the main floor! They were surrounded by screaming fans as they pounded on each other! MR. AMAZING grabbed a fans drink and threw it in KORE’s eyes, and followed with a modified STUNNER! KORE was down! LESNAR and GOD OF THUNDER continued to fight as KORE and MR. AMAZING struggled and fought through the crowd, inadvertently heading for the ring! LESNAR booted GOD OF THUNDER in the gut then hit a spinning neckbreaker, and GOD OF THUNDER was down! LESNAR picked him up, but GOD OF THUNDER caught him with an eye rake! He then nailed him with a bulldog! MR. AMAZING and KORE were now at the barrier in the first row, and KORE pounded MR. AMAZING with a clothesline that sent him over!! The two men were dangerously close to the fire, but they didn’t care! LESNAR got to his feet and ran to the ropes, GOD OF THUNDER ran to the opposite ropes and the two men bounced off and collided in the center of the ring with a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! They were both down! The crowd turned their attention to MR. AMAZING and KORE as the battle exchanged upper hands left and right! MR. AMAZING pushed KORE into the announce table, then clotheslined him! KORE was sprawled out across the table! MR. AMAZING got up on the table and picked up KORE! The two men stood on the table and MR. AMAZING set up KORE for the tombSTONE! He grabbed him, but KORE blocked and hit MR. AMAZING with the KORE ON THE KOBB on the TABLE!! CRASH!! The table collapsed and both men fell to the ground! LESNAR and GOD OF THUNDER were getting to their feet as MR. AMAZING rolled off the table debris. KORE got up as LESNAR grabbed GOD OF THUNDER and went for the BIG FAT KILL, but GOD OF THUNDER countered with a huge boot to the gut!! LESNAR was OUT!! KORE grabbed MR. AMAZING and punched him in the face two more times, then he hooked him up for the SUPLEX! He picked him up and aimed for the FLAME JETS!! NO!! DON’T DO IT!! BANG!! BA-WOOSH!!! MR. AMAZING dropped across the flames the long way, and his body was surrounded by flames!! The impact broke the pipe and suddenly the flames stopped on that side! The pipe had broken at the corner and one giant flame was now shooting ten feet in the air! While this was happening, GOD OF THUNDER has picked up LESNAR and THREW HIM OUT OF THE RING! LESNAR hit the pipe that had been broken!! NO FLAME! And the X-Treme Title match wasn’t an inferno match, but BOTH MATCHES CONTINUE! GOD OF THUNDER jumps out of the ring as KORE heads to the corner where the broken pipe is. As MR. AMAZING gets to his feet, the fans see his charred clothing and the missing hair on the back of his head, but he is still standing! KORE sees that he’s up, and tries desperately to re-attach the broken pipe without burning himself. GOD OF THUNDER picks up LESNAR outside the ring and starts punching him. He goes to whip him to the other side of the ring where the flames continue, but LESNAR hits the steel steps and falls on top of them instead! The force of the whip made GOD OF THUNDER fly to the left and trip over the dead pipe. But all of a sudden..


THE FLAMES CAME BACK as KORE got the pipes reconnected with GOD OF THUNDER standing right there!!!!

GOD OF THUNDER was burned!!


GOD OF THUNDER jumped out of the flames and saw that his leg was on fire! He quickly put it out and ran over to LESNAR, who was still out cold. He picked up LESNAR and mercilessly threw his unconscious body into the flames!! LESNAR was being COOKED ALIVE! GOD OF THUNDER watched for a moment, but suddenly KORE crashed into him from a whip from MR. AMAZING, and the collision caused a chain reaction that sent both men flying into LESNAR, knocking his smoldering body out of the flames. KORE got up and MR. AMAZING threw him into the ring. Both men got up inside the ring and MR. AMAZING whipped KORE to the ropes, then went for the Amazing Driver, but KORE caught it and spun him around! He picked him up from behind and dropped him backwards onto his burnt back! MR. AMAZING was reeling! KORE went for the pin! A ref yelled from outside the flames!!






"All Or Nothing" Pin To Win Match
Winner becomes World Title Number One Contender

As the technicians scramble to disassemble the gas jets, there’s some confusion from the back..

Suddenly, the shot cuts to STEVE SAYORS in the backstage area.. The X-Tron lights up to carry this message as well..

SAYORS: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we have a situation back here. DARKHAN, NITRO and RAZIEL all failed to arrive this evening.. There’s been no answer in their hotel rooms and nobody has seen any of them in days.. We’re looking into the situation, but for now, it looks like there will be no Number One Contender named tonight!

Suddenly, in the arena, "Weakest Link" by Pitt Bull hits the sound system, and KID MONEY steps out to the ramp! The crowd cheers the former Cruiserweight champ as he stands on the stage..

KID MONEY: I couldn’t help but overhear that the big “contenders” weren’t even smart enough to show up here tonight. What a f***ing shame, because I guess that means they all LOSE! And since they all LOSE, I guess that means they’re all FIRED!!. LOSER LEAVES XWF, DOG! And they ALL LOST! I guess they saved JONATHYN the hassle of firing them by not even showing up at all. That’s what we had to choose from for the WORLD title? Three guys who don’t even believe in themselves enough to SHOW UP and be MEN? Damn, dog. DAMN. So let me get this straight.. Since nobody won tonight, that Number One Contender shot is up for grabs, hmm?.. INTERESTING..

KID MONEY turns and exits without saying another word..


Is KID MONEY eyeing the WORLD title?

Standard Match
For Anarchy GM position

FRAN DAMAGE looks furiously at MIYOKO as he grabs her and drives her into the ground with a spike piledriver. SHANE VALLEY looks on helplessly as FRAN once again covers MIYOKO. 1... 2... SHANE VALLEY can't help it anymore and attacks FRAN violently with a thrashing of punches and kicks. He picks FRAN up but gets clocked with a huge right hand. FRAN looks at SHANE like he's gonna kill him and then acts on that feeling as he roars his fist right into SHANE's temple, once, twice, then a third time. MIYOKO gets angry and plants a foot in FRAN's back and sends him tumbling through the ropes. She starts to help SHANE up but then sees FRAN climbing back in the ring and drops him like a STONE with a DDT. MIYOKO doesn't cover him but instead continues to plant her foot into his face over and over. FRAN grabs her ankle and drops her to the mat, locking in an ankle lock. SHANE VALLEY watches and realizes that submission might be inevitable. FRAN turns around and tells SHANE to bring it but SHANE decides not to. Just then, a familiar face from last night runs down the ramp. It's SHANE’s good friend THOMAS EXCALIBUR! He rushes down the ramp and a slight smile crosses SHANE's face as THOMAS slides in the ring. FRAN doesn't see him but THOMAS sees FRAN, and sprints to the ropes on the side of the ring that FRAN is facing. He rebounds and catches FRAN with the colossal spear he exhibited last night! FRAN and THOMAS EXCALIBUR go flying and the mat quakes as the two hit the ground. FRAN almost convulses in pain as he wraps his arms around his stomach. THOMAS EXCALIBUR stares at FRAN, then looks to SHANE VALLEY and gives a thumbs up. He lifts FRAN DAMAGE by his shirt and drops him center ring, next to MIYOKO. THOMAS EXCALIBUR shakes SHANE VALLEY's hand and drops to the outside, watching the match from a valet's point of view, now. The fans start to rile up and chant "MI-YO-KO" but their view of SHANE VALLEY is far from friendly. MIYOKO slumps over onto FRAN DAMAGE and SHANE VALLEY drops to his knees. Sweat drips from his forehead knowing this might be it. His hand slaps the mat. 1........... but nothing else! MIYOKO looks frustrated but exhaustedly towards SHANE and screams for him to finish the count. SHANE nods. His hand drops to the mat again. 2........ MIYOKO's voice echoes through the arena now as she screams for three. SHANE looks at THOMAS, who nods. He looks at MIYOKO who is violently staring him down. His hand slaps the mat a third time.



THOMAS EXCALIBUR slid into the ring and SHANE VALLEY got to his feet, helping MIYOKO get to her feet as well. The three of them stand in the ring staring down at FRAN DAMAGE who might not be able to breathe. THOMAS EXCALIBUR kneels down and offers to help FRAN up, but FRAN honestly is not moving. EMTs swarm the ring and one of them pushes THOMAS EXCALIBUR away. FRAN DAMAGE might have broken ribs after that colossal spear. There is a slow-motion instant replay on the screen accompanied by the fearful "Eww" that the fans all let out at the same time. The trio from IMPACT stand in the ring, and THOMAS EXCALIBUR looks at FRAN like he's made a huge mistake. SHANE VALLEY grabs a microphone. SHANE VALLEY: FRAN, what I just did was the hardest thing I might ever do. And maybe it was a mistake. But there is no 'chemistry' between MIYOKO and myself when it comes to love. Our relationship was strictly business. Sure she helped me learn the ropes of being an XWF GM, but that was it. FRAN, if you want to know why I did what I did, then I'll explain it to you. You see JONATHYN and I talked on the phone about the options that might be available for me. He told me that if MIYOKO won I would rule Impact solely. He also told me that your loss to MIYOKO might even demote you to Impact. Now I told JONATHYN that I didn't want 'FRANARCHY' to take over Impact, and he said there might be a chance that I could take Massacre and leave you alone with those...jobbers...down on the Impact scale. So I called THOMAS EXCALIBUR, who had already had plans to show up last night, and told him the deal. He agreed to follow whatever I told him, and that just happened to be "Take FRAN OUT." And he's done just that. So now FRAN DAMAGE, you're laying in the middle of HELL, and the last thing you're gonna see is the VALLEY OF DEATH.

SHANE drops the microphone and assaults the EMTs before picking FRAN up and tossing him into the corner. THOMAS EXCALIBUR steps in and refuses to let SHANE VALLEY do what he has planned. FRAN DAMAGE limps and falls to his knees. SHANE VALLEY pushes THOMAS aside, but THOMAS gets angry and irish whips SHANE VALLEY into the ropes, and heads to the opposite ropes. FRAN DAMAGE stumbles over to where SHANE VALLEY is, and THOMAS EXCALIBUR comes head on at SHANE VALLEY. SHANE grabs FRAN, throws him at THOMAS who is already in position, and dives out of the way. Unintentionally, THOMAS EXCALIBUR collides once again with FRAN DAMAGE and the crack is heard around the entire city as the two smash into the ground. FRAN DAMAGE wails agonizingly and kicks the ground, holding his ribs and having trouble breathing. THOMAS EXCALIBUR stares at FRAN DAMAGE, and MIYOKO stares in shock as well, but SHANE VALLEY is nowhere to be seen!

504 BOY
Double Title Ladder Match
Two titles hanging in opposite corners of the ring

The bell rings and VASH JUSTICE goes straight at CHAD, lunging in with a series of punches. 504 comes from behind but is met by VASH’s elbow knocking him a few feet back, dazed. VASH whips CHAD to the ropes but as he prepares a clothesline for the oncoming CHAD, FIVER counters the maneuver with a drop toe hold, sending VASH face first to the mat. CHAD screeches to a halt and as he notices VASH laying momentarily on the mat, he starts stomping mercilessly. 504 BOY notices this and does the same, both men stomping the hell out of the United States champion. VASH is slow to get up, and as he crawls his way to reach the ropes, CHAD smashes him right in the face with the sole of his boot. 504 BOY carries VASH by the hair, and whips him to the ropes. As VASH bounces off the ropes, CHAD and 504 BOY both catch him with a double clothesline sending him doubling over to the mat. Both CHAD and FIVER laugh momentarily at VASH, who seems to be clutching his back in pain. And suddenly realizing the time being wasted, they seized the opportunity, both of them immediately rushing to the opposite corners of the ring where the ladders were set up. CHAD climbs the ladder on the UNITES STATES TITLE corner while 504 BOY climbs the ladder to reach for the CANADIAN TITLE. VASH notices this as he quickly gets to his feet and rushes to CHAD, dropkicking the ladder, causing him to lose balance before falling back on the mat. VASH picks up CHAD, and with a show of power, swings him over to the other corner of the ring, causing him to smash right into the opposite ladder and 504 BOY who was only inches away from grasping the CANADIAN title topples over from the top of the ladder, landing his back on the mat to a loud crack. VASH starts stomping on CHAD rapidly, finishing the series of stomps with a running leg drop. Picking CHAD up, VASH hyper extends the CANADIAN champion’s arm, before kicking him the solar plexus and executing a reversed neckbreaker! FIVER has recovered from his dazed state and immediately rushes at VASH, but VASH sees this and counters with a knee to the gut. VASH grabs FIVER’s shoulder and signals the cut throat! FINISHING TOUCH! VASH hit his finisher! CHAD rouses and sees this and lunges at VASH but VASH ducks the clothesline! CHAD turns… ANOTHER FINISHING TOUCH! Both FIVER and CHAD are out cold right next to each other! VASH sets up the ladder and starts to climb. He climbs each rung to a loud pop from the crowd and as he reaches the top, he looks at the UNITED STATES title and shakes his head! He positions himself carefully at the top of the ladder and… OH MY GOD, he’s signaling to the crowd! Is he serious?! He leaps! LEAP OF VASH on both CHAD and 504 BOY!! VASH sets up another ladder… HE’S GOING FOR THE CANADIAN TITLE! He climbs as fast as he can… and just when he’s about to reach his hand for the CANADIAN title, CHAD crawls into position and pulls the ladder! VASH starts to stumble as the ladder rocks, but wait! He jumps and grabs the CANADIAN championship, unhooking it before falling on the mat! The crowd is ballistic! The referee rings the bell! We have a new champion!


The referee signals for the bell to be rung again and the match restarts. A furious looking CHAD grabs VASH by head and nails him with a hard right hand! FIVER clutches at VASH’s arms tightly from behind as CHAD proceeds to nail VASH with a series of punches, each with a rumble of boos from the crowd. CHAD backs away a few steps and attempts to nail VASH with a super kick but VASH slips off the grasp of FIVER at the last moment, causing CHAD’s boot to catch FIVER right in the face! FIVER falls dramatically to the mat, holding his nose as CHAD rushes to his friend, to check on him. FIVER screams something and lashes at CHAD with a forearm smash, knocking CHAD down to the ground. Both men look furious! CHAD is screaming obscenities at FIVER and FIVER doesn’t care. FIVER slaps CHAD mercilessly and whips him to the ropes and as the stumbling CHAD returns to the center, FIVER catches him with a spinning heel kick to the face. FIVER grabs him CHAD by the hair, kicks him the midsection and nails and uppercut, sending CHAD reeling back to the turnbuckle. VASH starts struggling to his feet at this point and attempts to sneak on FIVER, but FIVER notices and spears him! FIVER has gone ballistic! He picks VASH up, and swings him over with snap suplex, causing VASH to scream in obvious pain. He picks VASH up with an evil sneer on his face and sets him up… BUYA BOMB! VASH JUSTICE IS OUT COLD! FIVER sets up the ladder to the delight of the screaming fans and starts ascending! CHAD is aware of this and also climbs the ladder alongside FIVER! The climb of each rung is started with a fist fight between both FIVER and CHAD, with the winner of each fight ascending one step at a time. The fist fight continues between both CHAD and FIVER… and FIVER is gaining the upper hand. CHAD looks weary and tired as FIVER climbs higher and higher but doesn’t give up! He gains on FIVER and the fist fight continues all the way to the top rung of the ladder! The crowd is going nuts! It’s running close! FIVER reaches for the title! CHAD slaps his arm away! CHAD reaches his hand out, struggling… and SLAP! FIVER hits a weak forearm, knocking CHAD’s hand away from the gold! The fist fight immediately resumes… and as FIVER gains the advantage, CHAD headbutts him off the ladder, sending him crashing down the mat! FIVER is out cold! CHAD climbs the final step and unhooks the belt! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! VASH comes to senses… and he looks livid! He can’t believe it! CHAD has got the victory over him!


Every week, another CLASSIC moment.......


The show returns from commercial backstage in JONATHYN’s office, where the XWF Chief can be seen going through some important documents. Suddenly, the door barges open and a sweaty and panting VASH JUSTICE, still clad in his wrestling gear, The Canadian Title strapped across the waist, walks in. He approaches JONATHYN’s table and glares at the Boss with an expression that depicts indecision of some sort.

JONATHYN: My, what a great costume! I’m afraid I don’t have any candy for you.. Could I offer you Dr. BADD’s contract?.. Oh, it’s you. What do you want, VASH?

VASH shakes his head slightly at the mention of the name.

CHRIS CAGE: Nah, you know what? Screw that whole VASH JUSTICE thing, it’s starting to sound really pathetic. I don’t even know why I thought of bringing back that dead persona. So I’m reverting back to my old self. The name’s CAGE, CHRIS CAGE.

JONATHYN rolls his eyes heavenward.

JONATHYN: Great, now I have to update my cell phone again.. OK, CAGE. What do you want?

CHRIS CAGE: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, lately. Y’know, about what it means to be the Canadian champion? So, yeah, I’ve come down to some kinda conclusion, boss.

CAGE unstraps the title across his waist and places it on JONATHYN’s desk.

JONATHYN: And what exactly does this mean?

CAGE: It means I’m vacating the damn title.

JONATHYN: I know you’re vacating the damn title! What I meant was WHY?

CAGE: Let’s just say that a certain tournament that I happen to have a great history with… is CALLING, eh? And I can’t do that when I’m still a champion.

JONATHYN’s eyes start bulge in disbelief.

JONATHYN: You don’t mean…

CAGE: Oh, you’re damn right, I do. LORD OF THE RING calls, old friend, it calls. And as the reigning LORD OF THE RING, I’m going right back to defend it!

JONATHYN: You want to be first BACK TO BACK Lord Of The Ring? Wow. That WOULD be something.. Good to have you back, CAGE.

The scene fades out with JONATHYN looking pleased, with the CANADIAN TITLE in his hands.

JONATHYN: Wow. This is going on my fridge..


We shoot into the ring, to see 6 different spotlights moving up and down the canvas, as the crowd cheers wildly, as they watch the HELLDOME dangle, the huge, mechanical monstrosity hanging above the ring, a daunting reminder of the momentarily ensuing carnage. The HELLDOME itself, is frightening. It is made of titanium walling, each grate in the 45-foot high cage, shapes in circles, or rather ovals. On the insides of the circles, are tiny serrated barb. Spikes that are barely a half an inch long, but as the camera zooms in, we see that they are razor sharp and gleaming in the spotlights.

There are two levels, with the divider being 5 4x10 planks, the scaffolding made of regular oak, yet with nails and thumbtacks rooted from the bottom. Scattered around these planks are various objects, trash cans, tables, chains, etc.

There are remote fire-inhibited combustors every 3 grates on every side of the cage, time-released to begin shooting off at the 10:00 mark. The top of the cage, narrows until there is a 8-foot wide opening at the top, that itself is raised 6-feet off the top level of the cage. There are only two ways to reach the top opening. Either by climbing the top level barb grates, which are now nearly two inches long, with razor blades taped to them, or by climbing the very convenient tarp which is swaying back and forth. Only the tarp is made of sandpaper, with crystallized metal shavings embedded within it, with jagged silver edges poked through it's entirety, with each small hand-sized opening covered in diminished sulphuric acid.

The ring-padding for the ring has been completely removed, leaving rusted metal corners. There are two ladders propped in the middle of the ring, the only way to reach the first level of the HELLDOME. Outside of the ring, the regular padding has also been taken away, completely replaced by dry ice and cotton, soaked with grain alcohol. There are 3 men with Flamethrowers circling the ring, their heavy gas-masks making them look demonic. At the 15:00 Mark, they will set the outside of the ring on fire, and will not put the fires out until the match is over. That means for the competitors... you either leave with your entire team... or you don't leave, period.

There are no music entrances for this match, the electronic signals and pyre’s too much of a caution with the natural winds of the area, possibly lighting the outdoor crowd and officials on fire. There are two teams of paramedics waiting near the entrance way, with 6 different 'crash carts' in the chance of anyone's heart stopping and needing to be restarted.

As the 6 men each make their way to the ring in silence, the only sounds the wildly chanting XWF fans, each man looks at this hellish environment, truly deserving of the name...

H E L L D O M E!!!

The XWF Stables titles swing back and forth from the winds, hanging off a steel pole, directly attached to the top of the HELLDOME. All 6 men look at them, with hunger and fear in their eyes.



The ring bell sounds, and Hell... is now unleashed!!!!!

-------0:21 Seconds----

T MONEY, KID MONEY and JUGGALO stand on one side of the ring, looking like the thugs they are, each sporting Blood Hounds shirt, though JUGGALO’S is slightly remixed with a picture of a psychotic clown with blood dripping down his teeth. He holds two hatchets in his hands, and rests them at his side, T MONEY walks over to his stablemate, grasps one of the hatchets, and points to the other team of CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, TRENT GEIN and LEE STONE. He motions with the hatchet to 'come over here.'

They do, as the entire other team rushes at the others, TRENT GEIN attempting a flying clothesline, Lee STONE going for a spear, and CHRISTIAN going for a chop block. As GEIN flies through the air at T MONEY, the Champion deftly twirls, gripping the hatchet and slamming it's handle into the back of TRENT GEIN's skull, then bringing his knee up into GEIN's gut, throwing his arm around the man and hitting a vicious DDT.

JUGGALO isn't as fortunate though, as he gets speared by LEE STONE into one of the other ladders, completely knocking it over, as JUGGALO smacks his head into the third rung. Blood splatters almost instantly, and flies through the air painting CONNOLLY who is diving downward, his motion is slurred though, as he is momentarily blinded. He's even more impaired though, when he falls forward, the falling ladder collapses on top of him, smacking into his leg, pinning him down. He falls in a mangle of limbs and steel at the feet of KID MONEY. The twisted veteran laughs at him, and then hit's a leg drop on the back of CONNOLLY's head. He jumps back to his feet refreshed and turns to joke with T MONEY, who is seen testing the caging of the HELLDOME, right before pricking his finger and bringing it to his mouth.

T MONEY: Damn, man... this shit's sharp! OH, F-ck man, watc---

As T MONEY sucks the blood from his finger, he sees LEE STONE running behind KID MONEY. The warning from his team member isn't enough though, as KID MONEY turns around only to get hit with a running dropkick from LEE STONE. He falls backward, tripping over CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY onto his team member JUGGALO. JUGGALO starts to get up, but TRENT GEIN has returned to his feet. He rushes at the man, hitting a bulldog...


JUGGALO’S eye is busted completely open, a artery clipped, as blood begins a 4-foot spurt from his brow. Seeing the severity of the situation, TRENT GEIN steps back as if shocked, as the T MONEY runs to his friend, ripping off his Blood Hounds T-Shirt and making a tourniquet, wrapping it around the left half of JUGGALO’S head. Red stains through the colored design of the shirt. As TRENT GEIN is stepping backward dazed at what he's done, KID MONEY has returned to his feet in the corner. He grabs TRENT GEIN firmly and.... HOLY SHIT!

--- 5:34 Minutes ---

HE HITS A GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE EXPOSED TURNBUCKLE! The back of GEIN's head smacks hard, and the man falls limp into the corner. KID MONEY instantly, starts stomping on GEIN, again... and again... and... OH NO! KID MONEY picks up one of the hatchets, and... no! He's dragging it across TRENT GEIN's, mask. He's cut the mask to shreds! The mask falls off leaving the destroyed and now bloodied face of TRENT GEIN staring dizzily into the center of the ring at the ocean of bloodied bodies. And they haven't even GOTTEN to the HELLDOME yet!

These men must want to kill each other!!!

CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY has returned to his feet, propped against the ring ropes, as he holds his left arm which is now heavily bruised and swollen. He makes his way over to the crouching T MONEY and locks in a sleeper hold! He holds it for several moments until T MONEY goes out, as LEE STONE goes over to KID MONEY and the two begin exchanging punches in front of the dazed GEIN! JUGGALO is sluggishly limping around the ring as if lost, blood dripping down his face, as he clutches on e of his hatchets in his hand. CONNOLLY, seeing the lost JUGGALO, makes his way slowly over to him, lifting him by the shoulder's and...





JUGGALO, in blind desperation, begins swinging with his hatchet, clipping CONNOLLY's face! Deep cuts run along his jaw line, as he jumps back, cradling his skull. He bumps into the fighting STONE and Kid MONEY, confusing them. This leaves an opening as LEE STONE kicks Kid MONEY in the stomach and hits a POWERBOMB!!! He hits the powerbomb onto the ladder!

Kid MONEY screams in pain, holding his back. LEE STONE sees an opportunity as the Blood Hounds are reeling, he leaps onto the still-standing ladder and scurries up it, to enter the HELLDOME! He motions to his team mates, but they're both in a daze. CONNOLLY and GEIN both shocked at the horror they'd endured in only 5 minutes of Hell. T MONEY is slowly rousing, as JUGGALO leans himself face first against a ring rope, his bloody weapon dangling from his fingers. KID MONEY is on his side, holding his back! He could very well have broken his back!

TRENT GEIN suddenly wakens, being the freshest man in the match, and walks slowly to the ladder and the encouraging LEE STONE. He makes his way up quickly, as LEE STONE smiles. But... on the final rung, TRENT GEIN catches his reflection in the blood-smeared steel. He pauses for a moment.

And a moment is only what T MONEY needed. The reinvigorated Champion, bounces off the ropes and throws himself into the ladder, knocking it to the ground, but what... WAIT! GEIN jumps off the ladder, hanging onto a bottom conclave of the HELLDOME, but... those openings are covered in.... Blood rains down into the ring, oozing from the many opened cuts in GEIN's hands. He's grunting in pain, as he holds on for dear life. LEE STONE leans through the opening in the first level of the HELLDOME, reaching for his friend! T MONEY stares upwards as GEIN's blood drops onto his face. A sickening smile bursts as he sticks his tongue out and receives a drop of blood.

Is T MONEY insane????!!!

JUGGALO seems to have regained his balance, squinting out of his right eye, as KID MONEY bolsters him on his shoulder. The two make their way over to CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY and both kick him in the groin. He bends over and they DOUBLE-SUPLEX HIM ONTO THE LADDER!



CONNOLLY IS OUT! The two Blood Hounds stumble to their feet and meet up with T MONEY in the center of the ring, all three of them staring at the dangling, bleeding like a stuffed pig GEIN, in fascination. T MONEY huddles with them, and they grab the remaining ladder! KID MONEY and JUGGALO place it directly underneath GEIN!

What do they have planned?

T MONEY makes his way over to the corner and sits on the top turnbuckle, heckling with the fans outside.

---9:00 Minutes---

Kid MONEY and JUGGALO are on the top rung now, each grabbing one of GEIN's feet, pulling down with all their might. This forces GEIN's grip to tighten, and blood to flow downward even more quickly, as his hands slide up and down. Deep wounds open up, and it's running down his face and body. He begins to pale, as KID MONEY and JUGGALO are drenched!!

Lee STONE though, sees his friend is in peril... and.. OH MY GOD! He's plucked a chain off from the first level of the HELLDOME!!! He swings it over to his friend, and GEIN kicks KID-MONEY and JUGGALO off of him, sending them crashing below!!! They smack like flies onto both ladders!!!

GEIN hops off the cage, as STONE sticks both his feet into some grates, for leverage., wincing as they pierce his leather boots, drawing even more crimson! He his pulled forward, barely hanging on as GEIN flies onto the chain! STONE's face turns purple, as he begins trying to pull his friend up even as GEIN begins pulling himself up on the chain!




T MONEY jumps off the turnbuckle, just barely getting to the middle of the ring, as he hugs TRENT GEIN to him! He then stares at the disfigured GEIN!

T MONEY: You... (Punch)... Ugly...(Punch)... MOTHER(Kick)....----

T MONEY rears back and headbutts GEIN forcing him to fall onto KID MONEY below. Both men groan in pain, as they crumple. LEE STONE's eyes are closed, every vein in his neck bulging, as he still pulls the chain!

Does he know what's on the other end?

T MONEY smiles as he quickly climbs up the chain into the first level of the HELLDOME, smiling as Lee STONE opens his eyes exhausted.


Lee's eyes widen as a buzzer goes off loudly from speakers.


The automatic flame dispensers have torched the lower half of the first level, surrounding T MONEY and LEE STONE. The two men stare as flames shoot off around them. The different planks are becoming slowly singed!

T MONEY runs forward and catches LEE STONE with a European uppercut, quickly hitting a reverse DDT on LEE STONE ONTO A GARBAGE CAN!


OH MY GOD, WILL THIS CHAOS END???!!! Seeing an opportunity, T MONEY grabs two more long steel chains and lowers them through the top opening, to his team mates! The dazed Bloodhounds, now barely standing, watch as they descend to them.

They take a look at the knocked out GEIN and the slowly kneeling CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, and climb the chains quickly, as T MONEY ties the other ends to the bottom grates of the HELLDOME! As they burst onto the first level, the Bloodhounds reunite, and lean against each other, bloodied and bruised.

Lee STONE though, still has fight in him, and clutches a kendo stick underneath him, concealed as he rises to his knees. The three bloodhounds, surround LEE STONE, as T MONEY picks him up by the hair, cursing at him. He's surprised though when... LEE STONE SWINGS BACK THE KENDO STICK AND UNLEASHES, HITTING T MONEY... AND KID MONEY...


The three men fall to the ground, groaning as they hold their heads, as Lee STONE drops to his knees, licking a droplet of blood from his lip. He looks at the dangling chains in the ring, and tells CONNOLLY to climb up. The bleeding CONNOLLY does so as quick as he can, but only getting into the HELLDOME, as T MONEY and KID MONEY are ganging up on LEE STONE, unleashing rabbit punches and kicks.

JUGGALO is still on his knees, as CONNOLLY swings his lower half onto one of the planks. JUGGALO squints through his good eyes, at the surprising CONNOLLY, only to be punched closed-fist, as CONNOLLY looms over him. JUGGALO reels back, as CHRISTIAN does a snapmare, landing on his feet, at a low angle.


JUGGALO falls 10 feet into the ring... but he's caught! He's caught by what appears to be a very strong, very pissed, very much still in the match, TRENT GEIN! He does a spinebuster outside of the ring!

---13:00 Minutes---

CONNOLLY in the HELLDOME, charges forward hitting a double-bulldog on Kid MONEY and T MONEY, forcing Kid MONEY in between two of the planks, tacks and nails grinding into his back, ripping his shirt to pieces. T MONEY lands awkwardly over LEE STONE onto a 'STOP' sign, cracking him in the face. He loses a tooth in the sign, falling backward, getting a neckbreaker from LEE STONE!

CONNOLLY helps STONE to his feet, as they both sink to the ground, leaning against one another, a growing pool of blood forming in the cage. Kid MONEY rolls over, dragging BRASS Knuckles with him. As CONNOLLY stands back up over him, attempting a figure four leg-lock, KID MONEY punches him in the stomach, then uppercutting him with the knuckles, breaking CONNOLLY's jaw! Blood splatters onto the horrified STONE, as Kid MONEY gets to his knee.

----14:38 Minutes---

TRENT GEIN, is clubbing JUGGALO in the back of the head, caught in a furious rage. Even as the three flamethrowers around the ring, begin encircling the two men! TRENT GEIN goes for a Boston crab, even as the fans chanting down the time clock on the entrance screen!

And then... when the fans stop chanting, silence spreads.

--- 15:00 Minutes---



GEIN and JUGGALO scream and roll around, as almost every official at ringside stares blankly at what they'd done. However, one of the paramedics takes a pity, and rushes forward with a fire blanket, putting the two men out as best he could, even though both of them received First-Degree burns. The hero steps forward and blocks the three men with flamethrowers from the two wrestlers, giving them both the middle-finger, and suddenly... moving it in the air, making the letters... 'X... W... F!'

The men relent, settling on turning the rest of the area outside of the ring into a blistering Inferno! The paramedic, fireman carries JUGGALO over to his medic team with the crash cart, but his team steps back, shaking their heads. The man's eyes widen, as he sees the lack of help. With no other options, he chose to return JUGGALO to the lesser Hell. The ring.

He then, somehow, rolls TRENT GEIN in bit by bit, also. The two men are smoking, and unconscious.

T MONEY has gotten back to his feet and is trying to rouse KID MONEY, but as he is doing so, Lee STONE hits a low blow, and a reverse back breaker on him! T MONEY smacks hard into the bottom grate, staring upwards, realizing the entire first floor of the HELLDOME is in flames.

CONNOLLY is on his knee, staring through the conclave opening at the charred bodies of GEIN and JUGGALO. He shakes his head, as he gets back to his feet. Just as KID MONEY runs at him with a steel chair!! CHRISTIAN ducks, but hadn't realized LEE STONE was walking up beside him!

STONE JUST GOT CRACKED IN THE HEAD WITH A STEEL CHAIR!!! STONE STUMBLES BACKWARDS...OH, NO... HE'S FALLEN SLACK AGAINST THE BURNING BARB WIRE CAGE!!! HE'S SCREAMING, AS IF STUCK. Seeing his friend being tortured, CHRISTIAN runs forward and pulls him downward putting him out with his bare hands. STONE is rolling back and forth, even as KID MONEY runs up and kicks CONNOLLY in the gut!

T MONEY is back to his feet, holding a...


T MONEY'S GOT A GUN!!! IT WAS LAYING ON THE GROUND!! He walks over to CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY and puts the muzzle of the gun to his forehead.

T MONEY: Say Goodnight!


OH MY G---


CONNOLLY falls backward, blood dripping down his forehead... but there's no entry wound!

It's a...

Oh my god, there's a BEEBEE stuck in CHRISTIAN's forehead. T MONEY SHOT HIM WITH A BB GUN!!!

T MONEY stares at the gun, snivels, then shrugs his shoulders. He unloads the BB's into CHRISTIAN, hearing the other man scream as the small metal balls impact him. Blood smears his chest as the BB's hit hard!

CHRISTIAN falls backward on top of LEE STONE, both men completely out! But... wait.. what's this behind Kid MONEY and T MONEY! OH MY GOD, IT'S TRENT GEIN... IT'S TRENT GEIN!!!

There's a ladder in the ring, covered in blood... and GEIN carried JUGGALO up it, slung over his shoulder! GEIN now stands before T MONEY and KID MONEY... and... HOLY SHIT! He just launched JUGGALO like a lawn dart into his team mates, forcing all 3 of them into the side of the cage... AND ON FIRE!!!

They all fall forward, rolling around on LEE STONE and CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY, igniting them!


Luckily, there's a fire extinguisher on the cage, and TRENT GEIN plucks it, putting all of the men out with the last bit of his strength. All of the flaming men, fall still against one another, bleeding and cauderized. Then... TRENT GEIN falls on top of them. EVERYONE IS DOWN!

After several minutes, all of them find themselves back on their feet, save GEIN who is prone. T MONEY grabs a lead pipe and swings at LEE STONE, who merely throws up his arm, screaming as we hear the sick sounds of bone snapping! He shrugs it off though, and spears T MONEY... RIGHT BACK INTO THE FLAMES!

But... OH MY GOD, LEE STONE IS STANDING ON TOP OF T MONEY's burning shoulders, as he rips his shirt off, wrapping it around his hands!! HE BEGINS CLIMBING THE CAGE... HE GETS TO THE OPENING! HE BURSTS THROUGH TO THE FINAL LEVEL OF THE CAGE ON FIRE!!! He rolls around on the nails and thumbtacks, trying to put himself out. He is bleeding EVERYWHERE, BUT HES PUT HIMSELF OUT!

Meanwhile, the flaming T MONEY screams and spears CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY TO THE GROUND! They roll around, throwing punches, as T MONEY goes out. T MONEY rears back, his fist still on fire, and hits a haymaker on CHRISTIAN!


T MONEY's fist goes out, and he falls smoking on top of CONNOLLY, as Kid MONEY rises to his feet. T MONEY's eyes glaze over, as JUGGALO tugs him forward. The two men look at one last rope on the top floor, and throw it through a top-floor grating. It falls forward, and they tie a knot.

Before he knows what's going on, JUGGALO has pushed him into the rope, and as if by instinct, he begins climbing it, with JUGGALO in tow. They burst into the final floor, tripping over the limp body of LEE STONE! Kid MONEY on the bottom floor, looks as if he's about to climb the rope too, but he's stopped BY BOTH TRENT GEIN AND CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY! The two men each have one of Kid's ankles, and they both hit a low-blow! These men will do anything it takes to win! Kid MONEY falls to his knees, double over, as both CONNOLLY and GEIN rush up the rope to the final floor!

They find LEE STONE being stomped and kicked once more by T MONEY and JUGGALO, and they rush forward. Each grab a baseball bat wrapped in spikes, and slam them into T MONEY's sides. JUGGALO turns around and catches CONNOLLY with a clotheslines, but is taken out by a baseball bat shot to the head!

GEIN helps LEE STONE to his feet, and instructs him to climb on top of him to reach the tarp to the outside of the cage! STONE, dazed and damaged, climbs upward and screams as his fingers begin burning on the acid-covered tarp. He continues climbing though, and bursts through the HELLDOME! He falls onto the top of it, staring at the STABLE TITLE BELTS BEFORE HIM... AS THEY...

What the... ?

The pole contraption dangling the belts, swings backward, dangling the belts... OUTSIDE OF THE CAGE, over the burning floor outside! To win this... you have to leap off the cage into fire!!!

GEIN Turns around, smiling ready to fight some more, but T MONEY pulls a RAP CD from his back pocket and slings at GEIN's eyes! GEIN falls backward into flames! T MONEY, looks at the flames and bodies surrounding him, then sees LEE STONE on the top. Dropping his head, T MONEY rips JUGGALO’S shirt, and pants off, creating padding for his hands as he climbs up the final grating, wincing as nails pierce his hands, and jumps onto the tarp! He climbs up the tarp quickly, and gets to the top of the HELLDOME! He's slightly on fire and throws the clothes off the HELLDOME, into the crowd! He picks LEE STONE up, and smiles at him. Bringing his body upwards, and STONE to his feet, he drags him to the edge.


OH.... MY...

OH... MY...

T MONEY JUST THREW LEE STONE OFF THE TOP OF THE HELLDOME, 45-FEET DOWN! STONE SCREAMS AS HE FALLS INTO THE FLAMES! HE... IS QUICKLY EXTINGUISHED BY THE SAME MAN AS BEFORE! The man leans down and presses his ear to the chest of STONE, and quickly straightens. He drags one of the crash carts over to STONE, and charges them up. He presses...




Electricity sparkles as LEE STONE's body convulses.

On the top of the cell, T MONEY looks at the stable title with appetite. He leans on the edge of the Dome, ready to jump when....













The event ends abruptly as EMT’s take over.

Nobody walked away from this one on their own..

At the end of the night, when all's been said and done. There is a river of blood and flesh in the ring. The HELLDOME is charred and slick with crimson, and carries the faint scent of charred human flesh.

Through the top of the HELLDOME, an object falls all the way through to the ring. It's a mask. It's a promise.

There's a man, bloodied and disheveled, sitting on a chair at the top of the HELLDOME. He speaks quietly to himself, not needing to, seeing as almost no one is there.

“I was here once, and in Hell, I cemented legacy. Boiled to the brim, my demons spoke and my angels screamed. I was the infection, the first plague. I created an Order, I demanded Disorder, and in my career, I finished other's.”

The man brings a cigarette to his mouth, then drops it through the grating.

“I was a Sickness, but had a disease. I was a monster, but held by captive by the man in me.”

He pulls his hand through his dark red hair.

“Today... I'm merely a shadow, the shadow of a Monster and a Man. The chaos-maelstrom, am I.”

He smirks, his blue eyes dancing with mirth.

“Tomorrow... I reclaim my legend, I further the myth... I take back my name. In misery, I was dangerous. Now though... now... I'm just...”

He smirks... as he gets up and drops through the HELLDOME.

..The sickness is back.


NOVEMBER 27,2005