- - Standard Tag Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

- - Standard Match - -

It’s one day after DEVASTATION, and the crowd is still in shock over the twists and turns of the evening before. The shocking win by the CLOWNS, the complete dissolving of the ORDER, the multiple winners of the GM match, the controversial Universal win from JEM.. The program opens with Massacre GM MiGRaiNe stepping out to the stage with mic in hand! The crowd goes nuts!

MiGRaiNe: wELL, YoU aLL kNOw By NoW wHAt HappEnEd LAsT nIGhT, aNd I HavE to AdMiT.. I’Ve BeeN DoIng A LoT oF thINkIng abOUt ThinGs.. QuiTe FrankLy, I'M Not HAppY.. i’M nOT hAPPY wITh ThE RoStERs.. I’M nOT hApPy WiTh ThE raTinGS fOR ANArChy oR IMPAcT.. AnD i’M ESPECiALLY noT hAppY wiTh thE wAy PSyKO SteVo hAndLEd ThE mAIN EvEnT LaST NiGHt! SO nOW i’M iN a ReaL BiND.. WhO do I PuT iN chArGe oF ANArCHY? WhO caN hANdLe AnArCHy bEsT, anD Do ThE kIND oF jOB I’vE DonE WiTh mAssAcRE?

"Pet" comes over the PA, and the fans get on their feet to cheer for Impact GM ADAM RICARDIO. Everyone wonder's what business he could have with MIGRAINE. ADAM walks to the ring casually, waving at a few fans along the way. His face is set and grim as he climbs into the ring. He pulls a mic out and stares up at the much taller man. ADAM stands at 5'11" and MIGRAINE at seven feet, it makes quite the sight.

ADAM: MIGRAINE, I know you have been in the XWF much longer then me. I know you have a closer relationship to JONATHYN then I would care to have. The fans know this. My guys in the back know this, and so do yours. But I am SICK of that! I am SICK of the lack of RESPECT!

The fans wonder where he is going with this.

ADAM: I am SICK of not being able to run a show that people actually want to see, instead of having to be dragged their kicking and screaming! I am tired of the crap I put up with to try and pull off a decent show, when it looks like everyone else is dragging their ass! So, screw it! IMPACT IS OVER! I QUIT! The show has been CANCELLED anyway!! You think I didn’t know that? So what are you going to do with me now that your ‘developmental show” has failed?

MIGRAINE waits, stunned at ADAM's words.

ADAM: MIGRAINE, you are the worst general manager ever to have been in the XWF. You think you can handle MASSACRE? To handle MASSACRE, you have to handle the ORDER! The CLOWNS! The CHARMS! And all those WOMEN! There is only one person good looking enough to handle a WOMAN! And that is GUKAS! But he is not SMART enough! So that is where I come in! MIGRAINE..

ADAM pauses and looks MIGRAINE in the eye.


The fans give an uproar at this statement! MIGRAINE looks taken back. ADAM wants to take over MASSACRE and kick MIGRAINE to the curb? But how? MIGRAINE could looks at ADAM and make him shrivel up if he wanted to do so!

MiGRaiNe: ArE yOU suGGesTinG thAt I sTeP doWn aS thE GEnEraL mAnaGer oF mASSAcrE, WhiCh iS a JoB I neVer WantEd IN THe FiRsT pLAcE? WeLL thAt’S FINE BY ME!! TAKE IT, IT’S YOURS!!

ADAM: Uh, what?

MiGRaiNe: Go fOr It, JuNiOR! I’Ve haD enOUgh Of THe WHinINg anD The MoanING ANd tHE BItchineSS! And THosE arE thE GUyS! The WomEn ON This ShoW haVE mORe BaLLs thaN thE mEn! AnD WiTh ThE ORdEr ComPLeTELy DissOLVeD anD the CLOwNS ALL gEttIng TiTLe SHoTS In The NexT sCouPLE WeeKs, I Don’T wANt To HAve AnYThinG to do WiTH iT!! TAkE iT, AdAM!! GooD riDDAnCE!

ADAM:So.. I’m the GM of MASSACRE?

MiGRaiNe: SuRe.. BuT thEre’S ONe MOrE thINg I thINk I nEEd To Do, beFore ANyThinG eLSe hAPPENs.. iF yOUr’E tAking OVeR the ShoW, anD somEOne eLse is TAkinG oVeR AnARChY.. I wANt iT To StARt FReSh.. The RosTerS aRe STALe. IN mY FINaL acT aS AcTinG GM, I am GOinG to hOLd a RoStEr DrAFt!

ADAM concentrates for a minute, wondering if MiGRaiNe has been watching too much WWE programming...

ADAM: Look, I’m all for a fresh start, but as much as I’m tired of Impact, I don't want to leave my guys in the dark. I want the IMPACT roster moved up to FULL STATUS.

MiGRaiNe: Of course, they can be included in the DRAFT.

ADAM: Oh.. Goodie!

ADAM and MiGRaiNe head up the ramp to prepare the draft list.. Suddenly, the thunder of a red flamed pyro sounds as the lights dim and the figure of a woman steps onto the stage. It is the same woman that drew Warrior's attention from the match at last night’s Pay-Per-View. She appears with a mic, and yet her face is still hidden within the shadows. She steps out onto the platform.

The crowd cheers a bit more.. She steps out from the darkness and reveals herself to the crowd........

JEN smiles and she looks as beautiful as ever. The fans can’t believe she’s back from the dead!!

JEN: Ladies and gentlemen, I owe you all an explanation.. But most of all, I owe you an explanation, James.. My husband.. James... I survived the crash. When the plane hit the ground I was the only one not under a chair or ripped to shreds. I got up and attempted to make it back to the airport knowing the authorities would soon be at the crash site, I had to let you know I was ok...that I was alive. And then, something happened. I pasted out and when I hit the ground the world went black. When I awoke the two-week coma... I couldn't remember anything. I didn't even know my own name. The memory of what we shared and our own little girl was erased from my mind. It wasn't until I was released and was staying in a hotel that I saw the funeral of ACHROMA, and there I saw you standing by my smiled for a moment and that is what tripped my memory. All of the times we've shared, all my matches, our dead son, our beautiful girl, all of that came flooding into my mind. And I remembered. And that was last night.... I want to talk to you more about this...but, not in now...I want to see my little girl...

JEN dropped the mic and headed to the back as the fans cheered wildly for the return of the former Women’s champ..

On the X-Tron James is backstage staring at the TV set. He looks as though he don't believe a word she says. A female's voice is heard a little further down the hall in a room.

James! You coming?

WARRIOR: Yeah, just got distracted...

James shakes his head in disgust at the TV then walks down the hall and turns in a room as the cameras leave the scene.

- - Standard Tag Match - -

GILLESP gets in for the DW team and he and MAXIMUS circle each other for a couple of seconds but then GILLESP grabs MAXIMUS and gives him a vicious DDT and locks in a sleeper hold, but then MUNGBEAN comes in and he breaks the hold. DARKHAN heads in and throws MUNGBEAN like a rag doll clean over the top rope and into the barricade!! GILLESP then grabs MAXIMUS by the head and he drags him on top off the apron and into the ring. GILLESP throws MAXIMUS into the ropes and when he comes off GILLESP does high knee and it hits MAXIMUS. MAXIMUS is down and GILLESP comes in with a double axe handle smash to the head. He follows that up with grabbing MAXIMUS and handing out several punches to the head. He then delivers a shoulder breaker on him. GILLESP drags MAXIMUS over to his corner and he tags in his partner DARKHAN. DARKHAN comes in and he picks up MAXIMUS and chops him to the chest. DARKHAN then does a standing dropkick and MAXIMUS falls down to the mat. The immense DARKHAN drops over MAXIMUS for the cover, 1... 2.. THREE!! This was a slaughter!!


GILLESP and DARKHAN continue to assault Maximus and Mungbean as the crowd screams on. But suddenly out of the rampway come out two shadowy figures to stop the brutal attack. They run down to the ring and as the light hits them they are revealed as….

JET AND SUICIDAL FROM DYNASTY WRESTLING!!! The crowd is utterly stunned at the arrival of two more DYNASTY WRESTLING superstars! They are forced to watch as the four comrades all team up together to take down what’s left of MUNGBEAN and MAXIMUS!! The crowd is looking all around trying to figure out what is going on as JET and SUICIDAL pick up MAXIMUS and GILLESP and DARKHAN grab MUNGBEAN! They are carrying them out of the ring and back up the rampway! The crowd is screaming at the top of their lungs trying to get someone out to help the XWF stars from the unexpected attack from the DW stars but no one comes and the DW wrestlers leave with their XWF hostages and big sadistic grins on their faces.

"Cry Me A River" by Lost Prophets hits the Pa system causing the lights to dim slightly. SHAWN MATTERS flashes on the screen as the fans boo loadly at the former Order member. Fireworks shoot out all over the entrance ramp as Sensational SHAWN MATTERS struts out onto the entrance ramp. The entrance video shows clips of Sensational SHAWN MATTERS performing death defining stuns in the ring as well as high lighting some of his matches from NEWF, XWA, PWA, BAW, ICWF and LSCW. SHAWN MATTERS continues down the entrance ramp with a cocky smile across his face wearing his smart and slick clubbing shirt . Some fans try and touch him and he goes to slaps there hands but stops and taunts them. SHAWN continues down the entrance ramp and into the ring before bringing a microphone to his lips. The most noticeable feature of SHAWN MATTERS is his lip is cut from KITTEN who tried to break SHAWN MATTERS sick and twisted advance.

MATTERS: Welcome to another chapter.. Welcome to another Era... Welcome to the Sensational SHAWN MATTERS Era..

The crowd boo as SHAWN MATTERS laughs and smirks producing the most cockiest expression possible for a human being. He waves at the crowd causing them to boo even more loudly. SHAWN MATTERS brings his microphone back to his lipe before beginning to speak once again in his arrogant cocky tone of voice.

MATTERS: Why SHAWN? Why? Why did you turn on the Order? Why did you CRIPPLE CYREN? WHY YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH? You want to know Why? Why I attacked KITTEN? Why I got her all worked up and frisky?.. Why I became the second Order member to drop that stable of gothic retards... The answer’s simple... I used them! Like I use my charm to get what I want... CYREN I hope that your enjoying your days of forced retirement because I enjoyed Snapping your neck as much as I enjoyed sleeping with your sister...Did that hit you as much as the chair shot did? CYREN she was so sweet... She was innocent... She was thin... She had great assets... She was an easy target... CYREN you should have seen her face as I showed her why I am the SENSATION... Her cute little face... CYREN your nothing but a cripple now in that hospital bed of yours... Unable to move and left to write your pathetic little book... CYREN, I hope you write like its your last because after yesterday night your last day of being in the ring came to an end... I know you can’t forget what happened, CYREN... You will never forget the day the man standing in this very ring ended your chances to become Immortal... I will never forget the day your 19 year old sister screamed in pleasure...You see CYREN whether its your girlfriend, Mother or just another opponent. When you face the Sensational SHAWN MATTERS you always end up on your back....

"Closer" by Nine Inch Nails hits the pa system as KITTEN walks out onto the entrance ramp. She seems pissed off as she walks slowly down the entrance ramp and into the ring. She stands face to face with SHAWN MATTERS with a microphone in her hand as she slowly begins to speak.

KITTEN: You bastard.. SHAWN, you’re nothing but an a**hole who's head is stuck so high up his ass...You’re sick... How could you, Sha.....

SHAWN MATTERS cuts KITTEN off by grabbing her microphone off her.. SHAWN MATTERS throws the microphone into the air towards the entrance ramp before speaking down his microphone.

MATTERS: Someone had to cut you off for once maybe I should finish off the job and shut that mouth of yours for good but then again you can have some uses with that mouth of yours....

The crowd laugh at SHAWN MATTERS comment as KITTEN's face goes slightly red...She moves towards SHAWN MATTERS and looks to go to kiss him...He leans forwards but is taken down with a kick to the crown jewels!! SHAWN MATTERS falls onto the mat in pain as KITTEN bends down and picks up the microphone from the mat. She laughs at SHAWN MATTERS who is nearly in tears before she begins to speak.

KITTEN: SHAWN don’t worry its only three inches...It shouldn't hurt that much if its that tiny..... However I’m not here to make comments about your small below average tool.. I’m here to challenge you to a match next week.... How about it SHAWN MATTERS? You go on about how you finished CYREN... Can you get the job done with me SHAWN? Or are you scared of a girl like me?

SHAWN MATTERS climbs to his feet still slightly in pain...He looks at KITTEN and breaths in before grabbing the microphone off her.

MATTERS: You.... want.. me?

SHAWN MATTERS breathes in and holds his groin area.

MATTERS: ..You got it....BABY!!

KITTEN smiles before taking the microphone off him.

KITTEN: Oh, and SHAWN....

SHAWN MATTERS cuts KITTEN off grabbing the microphone off her.

MATTERS: I get to pick the stipulation....

KITTEN snatches the microphone off SHAWN MATTERS.

KITTEN: No you don’t...If you lose...You become my slave until the Pay Per View of this month.

SHAWN MATTERS seems a little hesitant but takes the microphone off KITTEN and gives his answer.

MATTERS: Fine...However the only way I win is by STRIPPING YOU TO YOUR BRA AND PANTIES!

KITTEN thinks for a few seconds before taking the microphone off SHAWN MATTERS and replies..

KITTEN: Fine by me SHAWN...The only person who’s going to be on there back is you though when the referee makes the “1...2...”

Suddenly, GRAVY steps out to the stage!! KITTEN seems a little surprised...

GRAVY: Don’t worry though KITTEN...I will cut this match down the middle and I will be as fair as SHAWN MATTERS girlfriends are too his 3 inch wonder...... Don’t worry though... I will allow you at least to reveal KITTEN’s Bra and Panties but not long enough for your 3-inch wonder to become too perky... Now play nice because next week GRAVY will be YOUR GUEST REFEREE!!!

SHAWN MATTERS chances seem slimmer than ever as he seems agitated...KITTEN laughs but SHAWN MATTERS makes his move towards her...He grabs her by the hair looking to repeat what happened last night at the PPV but KITTEN BOOTS HIM ONCE AGAIN IN THE GROIN!!! SHAWN MATTERS drops onto the mat screaming in pain...KITTEN laughs as she bends down and kisses him on the forehead.

KITTEN: See you next week SHAWN baby... Let’s just hope you last longer than 3 seconds...

KITTEN climbs out of the ring as SHAWN MATTERS breathes heavily in the ring.

- - Standard Match - -

XXX and DRAVEN square off in the middle of the ring. XXX gets the advantage and whips DRAVEN into the ropes. DRAVEN comes flying back at him and attempts to chariot XXX. XXX ducks underneath DRAVEN’s arm and Russian leg sweeps DRAVEN. DRAVEN falls onto his back, but rolls backwards and back to his feet. XXX gets a hand under DRAVEN’s arm and on his side, and lifts him high into the air. DRAVEN gets thrown up into the air and back onto the mat hard on his stomach. XXX pulls DRAVEN to his feet and sends him flying into the ropes again. XXX bounces off the ropes on the other side and jumps at DRAVEN. XXX pulls off an impressive hurricana, causing DRAVEN to somersault in the air and land hard on his back. XXX and goes for the cover! 1…2…KICKOUT! DRAVEN kicked out at the last second, but is dead tired. DRAVEN pushes XXX away from him angrily, and tries to get to his feet. XXX growls and climbs up the turnbuckles. DRAVEN gets to his feet while XXX jumps into the air and connects with DRAVEN with a 450 splash! XXX goes for the cover again…1…2…3! XXX wins his debut match in the XWF, and performs a TOTAL ASSAULT on DRAVEN!!


The camera pans the audience as everyone is standing to their feet, cheering for TRIPLE X’s first XWF victory. The camera pans to the front row as two familiar faces appear on the screen: They are that of MORGAN and STEVE HUNTER. MORGAN is to her feet cheeringly wildly for TRIPLE X who is making his way out of the ring at the current moment, unaware she is present. STEVE sits back within his chair as everyone around him is standing with his arms crossed before his chest. As STEVE is staring down at his feet, TRIPLE X happens to walk by MORGAN and their eyes lock. MORGAN smiles and sends him off a teasing "blow-kiss." TRIPLE X plays it cool as he pants softly due to his match and sends off a wink in return. This enrages STEVE HUNTER who rises to his feet as X's head is turned. As X makes his way towards backstage, STEVE HUNTER makes his way into the squared circle. He grabs the mic from the ring announcer as he calls out.


TRIPLE X turns around and spots HUNTER on stage. He places his hands firmly on his waist and stands motionless, his chin tilted upwards as his eyes fill with rage. STEVE paces back and forth as MORGAN's eyes flare in frustration and embarrassment for STEVE's actions...though they were expected. All-in-all ... in her head she is loving every waking moment of this. STEVE continues to speak:

STEVE HUNTER: You have no respect for the XWF coming straight from the penetentery on criminal charges of MURDER! THREE COUNTS TO BE EXACT! Yeah...I've been doing some research on you.. FROM MORGAN'S MAGAZINES!

TRIPLE X's eyes widen simultaniously with MORGANS as they stare upon STEVE HUNTER from their respected areas.

STEVE HUNTER: YEAH, that's right! I'm sick and tired of all this crap you're talking about as well! Making up that cute little rap about me...then about taking me girlfriend.'s a little rap for you..

There once was this D**KHEAD who went by TRIPLE X
He messed with STEVE HUNTER and ended up GETTING WRECKED
And now he tries to steal his life, and his girlfriend too
All I know is HE'S AN A**HOLE, AND MOST OF ALL.. F**K YOU!

As this is said, rage flows throughout the face of TRIPLE X who dashes down the isle in fury. Fully aware and awake, STEVE HUNTER throws his mic aside and gets in a ready position - but it is too late. TRIPLE X has already rolled into the ring and executed a text-book spear: the back of STEVE HUNTER's head ricochets off of the hard canvas in a loud boom! TRIPLE X shows great agility as he quickly rises up to his knees and executes hard close fisted blows to the face! These blows are followed by a shirt grab - pulled into several head-butts! The crowd cheers for the vivid imagery as X is simply annihilating STEVE! MORGAN cries out in sadness as STEVE gets way-layed. The blood of STEVE drips from the forehead and hands of TRIPLE X who rises up to his feet and walks to grab the mic. As soon as he touches the mic the crowd cheers wildly!


TRIPLE X looks down at the fallen, panting, and bleeding body of STEVE HUNTER who is coughing up his own blood from a deep gash over the right brow.

TRIPLE X: You have shown NO CARE and devotion to YOUR LOVING AND PASSIONATE GIRLFRIEND...JUST LIKE YOU SHOW NO CARE AND DEVOTION TO THIS FEDERATION! You are nothing to these people because you AREN'T anything! You are not even a has-been: You are a NEVER WAS! And quite frankly you NEVER WILL BE! Let this be an example to anyone in this entire federation! You mess with the X and he'll lay your ass to REST!I am the new face of destruction in the XWF...AND I CAN GARUNTEE YOU THAT DESTRUCTION HAS NEVER LOOKED SO GOOD!

The fans cheer wildly from the upcoming star as he speaks, STEVE's blood still falling down his face. He climbs the turnbuckle facing the sobbing Morgan who is now in her seat with her face buried in her hands. X calls out to her:

TRIPLE X: MORGAN...You are an amazing women! I am sorry you had to witness such brutality on the man that you love. But you know as well as I do...AND AS WELL AS THE FANS OF THE XWF know that you deserve much better than this asshole can provide for you!

MORGAN looks as if she's saying "who do you think you are?!" through her sobs as the camera pans over towards her. Then there is a split screen shot of both MORGAN and X who is now leaning deeply forwards over the turnbuckle so he may look more deeply into her eyes. MORGAN's speaking and sobbing stops as a slight smile appears on her lips:

TRIPLE X: I can provide you all of this comfort and protection and more! I can promise you that I will get out of the pen because I WILL make my way to the top and achieve my ultimate goal of freedom by grasping the XWF Heavyweight Championship belt. Just please...give me a chance...

Morgan's eyes glaze over in tears as she is totally devoted to STEVE. TRIPLE X doesn't hear anything, and sees the look on her face. He throws the mic down where the body of STEVE HUNTER was, but as the camera pans back all we see is the pool of blood which he was laying in. As TRIPLE X turns around STEVE HUNTER is up and ready to double axe handle him to the back of the head. TRIPLE X executes a sharp front kick to the midsection and puts STEVE up in the TORTURE RACK for a good 10 seconds bruising up the ribs and neck. He then spins him about his head in "F-5" fashion and catches the body mid-swing by the neck in a Stunner. He allows his body to follow and fall with STEVE's body, slamming the tricep of the arm holding STEVE's neck down HARD onto the canvas. This knocks the wind out of him while closing the windpipe quickly and knocks STEVE OUT. "X is Coming for you" By DMX, TRIPLE X ‘s entry song, blasts over the system as TRIPLE X rises up to his feet and returns backstage safely.

In the back, TRENT GEIN is standing outside of FAITH's locker room. He knocks on the door. He appears to be sweating under his mask. He steps back and waits for an answer. FAITH opens the door and her eyes light up.

FAITH: TRENT, I am so glad you came back. Now we can be a formidable team again.

TRENT: Right, exactly. Glad you won your match.

FAITH: Didn’t think I would… I’m sorry you lost yours. You should have won.. But you lied to me!

TRENT: What? How did I lie to you?

FAITH: You said I’d see you yesterday…

TRENT: Right... sorry. But there is something I want to tell you. I wanted to say it before you went into your match yesterday but never got the chance.

FAITH: Sure TRENT what is it?

TRENT stops for a moment and takes a deep breath.

TRENT: Well first off I’m sorry for what DOMINATOR did to you. I swear I’ll knock him down for what he did to you.

FAITH: Look TRENT we’ll get him back. He did it to get to you but pay backs a bitch.

TRENT: I know. That's all but that's not the only thing I wanted to tell you. FAITH, despite my ghastly appearance you still cared for me enough to sought me out. You didn't care about my looks, you just cared about me and I haven't really ever had that before. Maybe what I'm trying to say here is I care for you too. I want us to be a team again and what better way than to have some gold to go around our waists.

A smile goes across Faith’s face.


FAITH suddenly walks towards him and gently plants a kiss on his lips! He responds, and they kiss gently. The kiss becomes more passionate as she reaches her hand behind his neck gently to draw him closer. We hear from the arena crowds screaming! They break apart from each other.

FAITH: Let’s go inside.

FAITH grabs TRENT’S hand and leads him into the room and shuts the door.

Back in the ring, TYGER LILLY and CLIO “LADY REVENGE” MASTERS step out to the ring with their successfully-defended tag belts.. The crowd cheer them on after their big win over ANDREW GIBSON and NECTOR last night, and they roll into the ring and show off the shiny belts to the fans..

Well, WE DID IT! We are still the tag team champs, and it’s all because we were able to beat..

Suddenly, LILLY’s speech is interrupted by the music of ANDREW GIBSON! GIBSON and NECTOR hit the stage and head down to the ring, looking angry and vengeful! LILLY and CLIO look a bit concerned, but they stand their ground! GIBSON rolls into the ring and looks at LILLY with the belt. He walks right up to her, looks her up and down, and... GIVES HER A BIG HUG! GIBSON and LILLY are still tight! GIBSON asks for the mic, and LILLY hands it to him.

GIBSON: Yeah, yeah, yeah.. I know “You lost to a couple girls..” Well you know what, I lost to the BEST DAMN GIRLS the XWF has EVER SEEN!! At first, I didn’t want to fight you LILLY, but once you got a couple shots in, I realized you were in it to win it, and I admire that.. In fact, NECTOR and I were hoping that maybe we could get a rematch sometime.. I mean, look at it this way, if you two have..

Suddenly, the X-TRON lights up and the sound of a scuffle shoots across the arena, and the four all turn their heads. The scene that is displayed is an unexpected one...

WHO THE HELL? It’s that psychotic beast from last night, OMEGA! And he's being led through the back by a pack of police officers, while his entire body is chained up. For some reason the officers are leading OMEGA to the ring! The fans begin to boo as the officers take OMEGA right down to ringside and they begin to unchain him. After they remove all the chains they make their way back up the ramp as OMEGA wastes not another second before he slides right into the ring and starts throwing underhand chops to the throat of ANDREW GIBSON! GIBSON stumbles back a few steps as NECTOR runs toward OMEGA only to receive a big boot to the face, sending NECTOR to the canvas. OMEGA turns back to GIBSON as GIBSON begins to unload a flurry of closed fists to OMEGA's face. OMEGA steps back and then kicks GIBSON in the groin. OMEGA now turns to the TYGER LILLY and CLIO MASTERS, who both look ready to attack or defend themselves if need be. OMEGA begins to laugh as suddenly all the fans rise to their feet because behind the two girls... ENFORCER has just entered the ring! ENFORCER IS ON MASSACRE!?!? OMEGA smiles and laughs as ENFORCER catches both girls in the backs of their heads with a gigantic double clothesline! The girls both land face down on the canvas as ENFORCER leaps up and drops a massive elbow across the back of CLIO as OMEGA runs off the side ropes and nearly decapitates TYGER LILLY with a leg drop to the back of her neck. ENFORCER and OMEGA quickly roll to the outside and dig under the ring for two big bags. The two of them enter the ring with the big bags... looking as if they are ready to pull the old "stoning" trick again, like last night. NECTOR and GIBSON both stand guard along side CLIO and TYGER LILLY as the two mammoth lunatics open up their big bags and instead of stones.... THEY'RE FILLED WITH LIVE SNAKES! OMEGA and ENFORCER both toss the contents of the bags toward the foursome as all four of them quickly get the hell out of the ring! OMEGA and ENFORCER drop the bags and also leave the ring as several large snakes make their way around in the ring and some slither to the outside. TYGER LILLY, CLIO, GIBSON, and NECTOR all quickly escape to the back before any of the snakes can bite them and as they are regrouping in back, STEVE SAYORS happens to pop in!

SAYORS: Hey guys, can I get a quick word?

Before any of the four can answer the over anxious interviewer, OMEGA and ENFORCER appear behind them with sticks. The two bloodthirsty animals beat their sticks into the heads of GIBSON and NECTOR and then as the girls turn around they get jabbed in their stomachs with the sticks. Now ENFORCER gets ready to "batter up" and he swings and cracks his stick across the side of GIBSON's head and the end of it flies off and hits STEVE SAYORS in the face! OMEGA shoves the end of his stick into NECTOR's face and a stream of blood begins to flow from his nose before he collapses. Next OMEGA and ENFORCER turn to the girls, but they have armed themselves with steel chairs! They both begin to smash the chairs into the skulls of ENFORCER and OMEGA. Both big men rock back a few steps and then go down to their knees after getting chairs jammed into their stomachs. With both men down to their knees TYGER LILLY and CLIO both bring their chairs down across the tops of their skulls! Just as they nailed them, a small glass bottle was thrown down to the ground by OMEGA and it broke open. Whatever was in the bottle is taking quick affect now because both TYGER LILLY and CLIO are beginning to get weak. ENFORCER and OMEGA have quickly placed masks over their faces, which were conveniently sitting just a couple feet from them before hand. The two men, unaffected by the gas, now begin to beat all four of the helpless victims with the steel chairs. The beating continues until both chairs have more red on them than their original color. At that point XWF security arrives on the scene and threaten to use pepper spray on OMEGA and ENFORCER but since they have those masks on they really don't care and they begin beating the hell out of the security with the chairs! One man down, then two, then three, then the fourth! All out cold at the hands of OMEGA and ENFORCER. The two culprits quickly make their escape before their master plan can stop going their way. CLIO, LILLY, GIBSON, and NECTOR, along with the four security members are all laid out and not moving. Are these two psychotics going after the TAG belts?

- - Standard Match - -

The two ladies strafe each other from their opposite corners. VAMPIRA appears very calm, and smiles coolly at NERA. NERA is already sweating, and appears to be a nervous wreak, and is easily caught by VAMPIRA. VAMPIRA rushes at NERA and captures her by her hair, then quickly moving her into a head locking. NERA pushes VAMPIRA into the ropes and straightens up just in time for VAMPIRA to bounce back and be speared by VAMPIRA! VAMPIRA picks up NERA by her hair, and grabs her around her waist, performing a belly to belly suplex. NERA scrambles to the corner, but is chased down by VAMPIRA. NERA turns and gets nailed with a bronco buster from VAMPIRA! NERA looks completely wasted, and slumps down in the corner. VAMPIRA pulls her to the middle of the ring, then runs back into the ropes. She jumps on the top rope, balances like an acrobat, then back flips off, landing on NERA! 1… 2… THREE! VAMPIRA wins, with an impressive finish!


After being away for most of the show, MiGRaiNe steps out to the stage again, with ADAM RICARDIO at his side! He has a clipboard in his hand as the two head down the ramp and into the ring..

MiGRaiNe: HeLLo aGaiN! FoR thOSe Of You JUsT TuniNg iN, You are LooKinG aT a FoRmeR mAnAGer And A UrrEnT mAnAgEr! I aM sTePPinG doWn fRom My PosiTiOn herE aT mASSAcRe, AnD mR. RiCArDiO hErE iS tAKinG oVEr NexT wEEk.. wE hAve ALso AnnOUncEd ThaT thEre WiLL be A ComPLEte ReWoRkiNG of THe roSTErs ThiS THursDAY NIght aT AnARchY! We’Ve BEen iN ThE bAck DeTerMInING Who’S iN And Who’S ouT, AnD aFtEr DEciDiN whAt Tag TeAms And StaBLes We WanT tO kEEp inTAcT, and Which OnEs we CoULdn’T carE LESS AbouT, aS wELL as WhO wSAS InjURed Or RemOVeD fRom The RosTer FoLLowinG laST Night’s EvEnt.. We HavE CreaTeD thE FoLLowiNG LiSt OF XWF sTaRs thAt WiLL go inTo A rAndom drawING.. AdAM, If yOU WouLd do The HonOrs..

ADAM: Certainly. Listen up everyone.. If I say your name, expect to be involved in this draft in three days..































And, last but not least.. a man who simply wants to be known as “CHAD.”

..Now, if you didn’t hear your name and you aren’t a champion, you’d better come and talk to MiGRaiNe or myself by Thursday, or you may find yourself out of a job!

MiGRaiNe: aNd fOR RiCK LasCEy, DeFAuLT anD BReTT SiMMons, SinCe YoU aLL wAnT To RuN AnArChy So BAd, we’Ve DeTErmINed thAt The LAST onE to BE PiCKeD Of The ThREE oF yOU, WiLL becOME thE GENERAL MANAGER oF ANArCHY! We’LL sEE yOU ON THuRsDAY!!

MiGRaiNe and ADAM leave to a delighted fanfare.. This Thursday’s ANARCHY is going to be a HUGE event!!

The scene abruptly cuts to a live feed from outside! It’s the bridge from last night’s HART title Bridge Match where RAZIEL disappeared!

The scene is dead until some hushed whispers are heard and the four DW wrestlers, JET, SUICIDAL, DARKHAN, and GILLESP arrive laughing and carrying two large burlap sacks. The sacks start to shake a bit but JET and SUICIDAL quickly begin to punch the bag until it stops moving again. The men walk dangerously close to the edge of the bridge with the burlap sacks still in tow. They keep laughing and keeping up the talking before all four of them look at the long drop to the water below. They nod to each other and in one swift motion THROW BOTH OF THE LARGE BURLAP SACKS OVER THE BRIDGE AND DOWN TO THE WATER BELOW!! Was that MAXIMUS and MUNGBEAN?? They laugh a bit more, obviously proud of their actions before walking off the scene.. Leaving the crowd wondering what these maniacs are going to do next… and if we will ever see MUNGBEAN and MAXIMUS again.

Check out the XWF LEGACY POSTER!

JEM grabs his leg and hooks into a figure four!! STEVE JASON shifts his weight and reverses the hold!! JEM is caught in the figure four!! You can see the pain in JEM’s eyes!! PSYKO STEVO gets in his face and asks him if he quits, and STEVE JASON starts yelling at him!!


JEM is screaming out in pain, but refusing to give up!


Suddenly, STEVO’s eyes light up, and he hops to his feet! He calls for the bell!!

As the show heads back to a live shot of the fans watching last night’s finale on the X-Tron, they still can’t believe it! This was supposed to be an epic matchup, and STEVO ended it on a foolish technicality! JEM came away with a controversial victory!

And here comes PSYKO STEVO himself down to the ring!! And wait a minute.. JEM is with him!! The two roll into the ring!

As PSYKO STEVO raises the hand of the Universal Champion the arena suddenly erupts in cheers as SEVEN FOOT MAN hits the PA and XWF GM, MiGRaiNe appears from the backstage area with a smirk on his face.

MiGRaiNe: WeLL JeM, ConGRaTuLaTIonS oN yOUr VicTOrY, I GueSS..

STEVO suddenly drops the hand of the winner and marches towards MiGRaiNe with a smile on his face, snatching the mic from his hand.

STEVO: Hey MiGRaiNe, I just had a totally awesome idea... you know, I really actually had a pretty good time out here, the XWF is a kinda fun place now that JONATHYN BROWN is no where to be seen or heard from. So I was wondering... could you maybe hire me back here to compete in a couple main event matches here in XWF? You know, give the fans what they want to see which is obviously more of the PSYKO ONE himself.

MiGRaiNe starts to laugh as he snatches the mic back from PSYKO STEVO.

MiGRaiNe: StEvo, dO YoU tHiNK i DoN'T kNOw oF YoUR sITuAtiON? I KnoW yOu’re BroKE NoW, I KnoW yOu HaVE nOthINg!

STEVO: Well anyways... what do you say huh? Toss the PSYKO ONE here into a couple main event matches, cut me a couple paychecks, the fans will be happy, ratings will skyrocket, come on, it's a win/win situiation.

MiGRaiNe: StEvO... YoU PreTTy MuCh RuiNed My Main EvEnt, anD NoW YoU WanT a FavOr? I’LL teLL yOU whaT.. I WiLL hIrE YoU bACk, BuT yOu WiLL nOT gEt YoUR MaiN EvENt MatCHes. YoU AbANdoNeD tHe XwF tHe LaST tImE YoU wERe HerE, sO YoU WiLL StARt aT ThE BoTToM!

STEVO: What? Come on man... you can't start me at the bottom... I'm a former World Heavyweight Champion!

MIGRAINE looks at STEVO and a large smile comes across the XWF GM's face.

STEVO: Whoa whoa whoa ... alright man, I'll play your little game... you gotta name my opponent for ANARCHY then, right here, right now. So I have time to prepare... you know?

MiGRaiNe: OkAy... ThIS ThURsDaY nIGhT PsYkO SteVO WiLL FacE...

Suddenly, "Out Of Control" by Hoobastank plays! The crowd burst into cheers as the man who came within an inch of winning the Universal Championship last night hits the ring! STEVE JASON is here, and by the look on his face, he's PISSED OFF! He doesn't waste any time talking, he just runs straight into the ring! JEM prepares to fight, but not before STEVE hammers into JEM with a devastating spear, knocking the wind out of JEM! STEVE rains down right hand after right hand on JEM, then roughly grabs him by the hair and pulls him to his feet before hitting... the COOPERBLASTER? STEVE JASON just hit COOPER's special on JEM! Then STEVE lifts JEM up again... and... wait... the FINISHING TOUCH! STEVE just hit one of THE BRAND's moves on JEM now! What's going on here? STEVE looks down at the battered JEM, then chuckles quietly.

STEVE JASON: You know, JEM, I'm not gonna complain. Everyone in the world knows that I should be the Universal Champion right now... but I'm not gonna complain. I'm not gonna bitch for another shot. You can KEEP your damn title, JEM, cause you just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'M BETTER THAN YOU! You needed a screwjob to win! As far as I'm concerned, the UNIVERSAL TITLE is a fake goal now! I don't need it! As far as I'm concerned, I ALREADY HAVE IT! I'm not gonna demand a rematch... although I probably should. I'm gonna do one single thing, JEM. I'm out here to prove precisely how much of a FAKE you are! And you know something, JEM! I'm gonna prove to the WORLD, precisely how easy I can put you through HELL!

Suddenly STEVE drops down and grabs JEM's leg with one hand and locks onto JEM's throat with the other! The VINDICATOR! STEVE's locked in the Vindicator tight, and he's not letting go! A few seconds pass as JEM tries to fight the pain, then... HE'S TAPPING! JEM TAPPED OUT! STEVE isn't happy, however, and continues to cut off JEM's air supply! He locks it on tighter and tighter and tighter before JEM finally passes out! Then the STINGER releases the hold and kicks the fallen JEM in the gut as hard as possible! JEM lies there, unconscious, then suddenly... here comes PSYKO STEVO! He's running out of the ring to try to stop STEVE! However, as soon as STEVO's in the ring, STEVE turns to face him... and grins.

STEVE JASON: You dumb, dumb, DUMB bastard. I almost thought you weren't going to fall for that. Guess I was WRONG!

STEVO panics for a second and tries to move out of the way, but STEVE JASON quickly connects to STEVO's head with a punch! STEVO's head SNAPS RIGHT BACK! There's no telling how hard that punch was, but STEVE wastes no time hitting STEVO again and again and again! STEVE shoots STEVO off the ropes and flips him over to the outside before proceeding to lift STEVO to his feet and slam his head into the ring steps! That doesn't seem to be enough for STEVE as he does it again and again and again, slamming STEVO's head into the steps with more force each and every time! Then STEVE throws the ring steps out the way and relentlessly rams STEVO's head against the ringpost! STEVO's busted open now and he's even coughing up a little blood, but that doesn't stop STEVE lifting STEVO up and ramming him, groin-first, into the ringpost! STEVO is in total agony, and we quickly cut to the security station, where guards have been released! Back at the ring, STEVE lifts STEVO up by his hair and hits him with two more hard punches to the face before throwing him into the ring! Security appears on the ramp and run their way to the ring, but STEVE is acting ahead of them! He lifts STEVO to his feet and shoots him off against the ropes, then... he flips STEVO in the air and leaps, grabbing STEVO's head in his hands! WAIT! STEVE's back is set to ram up against STEVO's head! This is... the PRESSURE DROP! STEVE was supposed to have retired that move! SOMEONE STOP HIM! NO! STEVO's entire weight in addition to STEVE's own just crunched into his neck! Close to 500 pounds just came crashing down on STEVO's neck, and that alone is enough to take all the movement out of him and knock him clean out! It doesn't look like STEVE did any permanent damage... but STEVO is out cold and might even have some of his mobility temporarily restricted! STEVE looks down at STEVO, shaking his head.

STEVE JASON: I WARNED YOU, you son of a bitch! I gave you SPECIFIC warnings! Screw me out of this title, and I'LL RIP YOU TO PIECES! And rest assured, STEVO, you hang around here, I'll be bringing a lot worse than that! You better run for your life, while you still GOT IT! But for now, I guess you can just spend the night in THE SICKBAY!

EMTs come running to the ring as STEVE actually hawks and spits on STEVO's fallen body before kicking him in the ribs as hard as possible! STEVE's actions are totally irrational and downright violent... but the fans are actually loving it! Security storms the ring and waste no time surround STEVE JASON, who raises his hands.

STEVE JASON: Easy. I'll go quietly. I did what I came here to do.

STEVE walks along with security as they firmly escort him from the ringside area, leaving the camera to focus on an unconscious JEM and a battered, bloody, possibly injured PSYKO STEVO! MiGRaiNe looks down at him, and spits one last insult in his face..

MiGRaiNe: StEvO!! YoU doN’T dEsErVe MaIn EvEnT sTaTuS AnYMorE!! ThURsDAY, YoU’LL be OpeNinG ThE shOW, IN a MAtCh aGainSt.. FoRmeR IMPAcT StAr.. TRiPLE S!! WeLcOMe baCK, STEvO!

MiGRaiNe drops the mic on STEVO and leaves the ring, leaving STEVO sitting there, wondering how bad his career is about to become..

Fade to black...