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mini painted by Craig Lawson, player of Laucian. The picture doesn't do the paint job justice, but I will get a better picture it just may take some time.

Talleah does not know much obout her parents. She is an orphan living on the streets with other orphans. At the age of 12 she meet up with Thorburn a bard who tool Talleah under his wing and taght her the ways of being a bard. At the age of 20 Talleah was well versed in the Bard ways and was sent on her way to teach others and be on her own. Currently Talleah has Blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears Brwonish Leather Armor carries a mandolin, dagger and Crossbow and Shield. She has an earring in her ears.

The Bard's death was quite a bit more gruesome death. One of their members wandered into Nulb and encountered something that no one should deal with. While recovering the party was attacked by spiders and Rihnar was bitten several times. The party was unable to keep the spiders from breaking thru their line. One of the nasty large eight legged creatures broke thru and managed to sever her head from her body.