Lloyd Krassner

Gottardo Zancani (Zak)

Janne Thorne 

Jason Newell

Peter Cobcroft (Curufea)

Markus Salo

Mike Marinos 

Ian Milnes 

Tom Higgins 


David Ashton

Michael Callahan

Peter Schutze

Brian Train

Peter L. de Rosa

Frederic Moll

Ronald Pehr

Jörg Hansen

Mike Murgatroyd

Emmanuel Delva

Geo Gibson


Jon Parshall

Dana Darby

Wolfhvl (Matt R.) 

Joe Nixon

Mike Mifrin

Aaron Dalton 

Walt O'Hara

Dave Sanborn 

Steven Cranmer 

Tryvor J. Phillips

Dave Stattler

Patrick Bunch

C Gerard Luft

Alexander Herklotz

Jörg Hansen

Patrick H. Lewis

Talk about name dropping...
If you're not on the list it doesn't mean I don't like you, 
I'm just saving the best for last. 
I will only make pages for people who send me pics or links to pics.
If there are any mistakes, omissions, or sensitive material please let me know.
For a real trivia game try to find out what each of these people contributed!

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