INTRODUCTION Card game depicting WH40K combat at a man-to-man level. DISCLAIMER Warhammer 40000 is a copyrighted, licensed property. This is merely a fan site. VICTORY Run your opponents deck out of cards. THE DECKS Each player (race) has its own deck. DICE Six sided Dice are needed. SETUP Players select their race (deck). (Same race fights are allowed: for example: Ork vs Ork) Each player draws 7 cards. TURN SEQUENCE Turns are simultaneous. Each turn is divided into 7 Phases: Recruitment Phase Deployment Phase Long Range Phase Medium Range Phase Short Range Phase Close Combat Phase Recovery Phase RECRUITMENT PHASE Each player draws 2 cards. A Player who has no cards left to draw loses the game. (Discarded cards do not go back to the draw pile) DEPLOYMENT PHASE Put Unit cards from your hand into play. Attach Attachment cards (weapons, equipment, etc.) from your hand onto Units that can use them. ATTACK LIMIT RULE Unless noted by a special rule or card, a unit may only make one attack per turn with one of its natural attacks or with an Attached Weapon card. ATTACKING The attacking Unit declares its target. A Target must be a unit in play. Units with long range weapons may target the enemy deck instead of Units in play. A unit makes an attack by rolling 1D6 and comparing the roll to the Force level of the Weapon. If the roll is equal to or less than the Force level, the attack does damage equal to the roll. If there are no enemy units, you may target the opponent’s deck. For every point of damage a deck takes it must discard the top card. Attacks within a phase are simultaneous: All Units get to complete their attack even if they are killed. HITS Every Unit has a number of hits. If a Unit is reduced to zero hits, it is killed (discarded). Use Tokens placed on the Unit to keep track of Damage. LONG RANGE PHASE Units that are able make Long range attacks. These include support, sniper, and heavy weapons. MEDIUM RANGE PHASE Units that are able make Medium range attacks. This includes Rifles. SHORT RANGE PHASE Units that are able make Short range attacks. This includes pistols and thrown grenades. CLOSE COMBAT PHASE Units that are able make Close Combat attacks. This includes Hand-to-Hand attacks. RECOVERY PHASE A Healer Unit may remove all the Damage Tokens from one Unit in this Phase. Max hand is 7 cards. Discard excess cards. EVENT CARDS Event cards produce a single event, like an attack, and are then discarded. Events that produce an attack by a Unit, not normally made by it, are an extra attack that turn in addition to the Units normal attack. (For example: The Ork Boyz may attack in CC or SR plus use a Stikkbomb card) ATTACHMENT CARDS Attachment cards can either be attached to a Unit in Deploy Phase or be used like an Event card to produce a single Attack, and then be discarded. UNITS IN CLOSE COMBAT All Units are capable of some Close combat attack. The base Force of a Unit is its Force in Close Combat. DREADNAUGHTS Dreadnaughts can make 1 Close Combat attack and 1 attack with every weapon they have or that is attached. Dreadnaughts can only attach Heavy Weapons. CARD LIST NOTATION # = Copies of that card in the Deck U = Unit cards A = Attachment cards M = Healer (Cannot heal Robots/Vehicles) F = Force SR = Short Range MR = Medium Range LR = Long Range CC = Close Combat W = Weapon E = Event L = Leader LO = Leader Only TO = Terminator Only TDO = Terminator or Dreadnaught Only P = Psyker D = Dreadnaught Z = Flying CA = Can Attach Slow = Weapon Fires every other turn BP = Bolt Pistol SB = Storm Bolter SP = Shuriken Pistol BL = Bright Lance H = Heavy Weapon (or HW) X = Daemon (Cannot attach Weapons) SPACE MARINE SQUAD DECK CARD LIST Card Name # Type Hits Force Notes: Scout Marine 4 U 1 1 Sniper Rifle (LR/F=2) Space Marine 8 U 2 1 Knife & Bolter (MR/F=2) Assault Marine 5 UZ 2 3 Chain Sword & BP (SR/F=2) Terminator 5 U 4 4 Power Fist & SB (SR/F=3) Force Commander 1 UL 5 4 Power Sword & BP (SR/F=2) Librarian 1 ULM 3 4P Force W & BP (SR/F=2) Apothecary 1 UM 2 3 Chain Sword Sergeant 2 UL 4 2 Sword & BP (SR/F=2) Dreadnaught 1 UD 6 4 Claws (CA 4 HW) Heavy Bolter 2 A - 4H MR W Missile Launcher 2 A - 5H LR W Slow Flamer 1 A - 3 SR W Chain Sword 2 A - 3 CC W Plasma Gun 1 A - 4 MR W Slow Plasma Pistol 1 A - 4 SR W Slow LO Daemon Hammer 1 A - 5 CC W LO Assault Cannon 1 A - 5H MR W TDO Thunder Hammer 1 A - 5 CC W TO (Storm Shield: Hits +2) Lascannon 1 A - 4H LR W TDO Heavy Flamer 1 A - 4H SR W TDO Teleportation 2 E - - Terminators get extra Attack Frag Grenades 2 E - 3 SR Attack by Marines only Melta Bombs 1 E - 5 SR Attack by Assault Marines Only Infiltrate 2 E - - Scouts get extra Attack Air Assault 2 E - - Flying Units get Extra Attack Artillery Support 4 E - 5 LR Attack by Scout or Leader Psychic Attack 1 E - 5 LR Attack by Librarian Only Rally 4 E - - Draw 3 Cards. Requires Leader in Play ORK SQUADZ DECK CARD LIST Card Name # Type Hits Force Notes: Gretchin Mob 4 U 2 1 Knife & Blasta (SR/F=1) Boyz 6 U 2 2 Choppa & Slugga (SR/F=2) Choppa Boyz 2 U 2 3 Choppa & Slugga (SR/F=1) Shoota Boyz 2 U 2 1 Choppa & Shoota (MR/F=3) Stormboyz 4 UZ 1 2 Choppa & Slugga (SR/F=2) Nobz 4 U 4 4 Choppa & Slugga (SR/F=2) Warboss 1 UL 6 4 Power Axe & BP (SR/F=2) Mad Dok 1 UM 2 3 Injector & Slugga (SR/F=2) Nob Leader 2 UL 4 2 Choppa & Slugga (SR/F=2) Killa Kan 2 UD 5 4 Klaws (CA 2 HW) Big Shoota 4 A - 4H MR W Rokkit Launcha 4 A - 4H LR W Burna 2 A - 3 SR W Bomb Chuka 1 A - 3 MR W Mega Blasta 1 A - 5H MR W Slow Power Klaw 4 A - 5 CC W (Nob & LO) Stikkbombs 6 E - 3 SR Attack by any Boyz or Nobz Big Gunz 4 E - 5 LR Attack Rokkit Packs 2 E - - Flying Units get Extra Attack Waaagh! 4 E - - Draw 3 Cards. Requires Leader in Play ELDAR SQUAD DECK CARD LIST Card Name # Type Hits Force Notes: Guardian 6 U 1 1 Shuriken Catapult (SR/F=3) Ranger 4 U 1 1 Knife & Long Rifle (LR/F=2) Howling Banshee 4 U 3 4 Power Sword & SP (SR/F=2) Warp Spider 4 U 2 1 Death Spinner (MR/F=3) Dark Reaper 4 U 1 1 Reaper Launcher (LR/F=4) Avatar of Khane 1 UL 8 5 Wailing Doom Sword Farseer 1 UL 3 4P Witchblade & SP (SR/F=2) Warlock 2 UL 2 2P Sword & SP (SR/F=2) Wraithlord 1 UDL 7 5 Flamers (SR/F=4) BL(LR/F=4) Exarch 4 A - - Hits +2 & Force +1 Non-LO Executioner Blade 1 A - 5 CC W Howling Banshee Only Witchblade 2 A - 4 CC W Speed & Agility 4 E - - Negate Target Attack Invisibility 2 E - - Rangers get extra Attack Warp Jump 2 E - - Warp Spiders get extra Attack War Shout 2 E - - Howling Banshees get extra Attack Heavy Firepower 2 E - - Dark Reapers get extra Attack Haywire Grenades 2 E - 4 SR Attack by Warp Spiders only Plasma Grenades 2 E - 3 SR Attack by Non-leaders only Psychic Storm 1 E - 5 LR Attack by Psykers Only Mind War 1 E - - Psykers get extra Attack Prism Cannon Fire 1 E - 5 LR Attack Vyper Missiles 1 E - 4 LR Attack D-Cannon Fire 1 E - 5 MR Attack Star Cannon Fire 1 E - 4 MR Attack To War! 4 E - - Draw 3 Cards. Requires Leader in Play CHAOS SPACE MARINE SQUAD DECK CARD LIST Card Name # Type Hits Force Notes: Cultists 7 U 1 1 Knife & Laspistol (SR/F=1) Horror Daemon 4 UX 3 3 Claws & Daemon Fire (SR/F=2) Chaos Space Marine 5 U 2 1 Knife & Bolter (MR/F=2) Raptor 3 UZ 2 3 Chain Sword & BP (SR/F=2) Obliterator 3 U 4 4 Power Fist & Flamer (SR/F=3) Bloodthirster 1 ULX 7 5 Bloodthirster Axe Chaos Lord 1 UL 5 4 Man Reaper & BP (SR/F=2) Chaos Sorcerer 1 ULM 3 4P Bedlam Staff & BP (SR/F=2) Aspiring Champion 2 UL 4 3 Chain Sword & BP (SR/F=2) Defiler 1 UD 6 4 Claws (CA 4 HW) Heavy Bolter 2 A - 4H MR W Missile Launcher 2 A - 5H LR W Slow Flamer 1 A - 3 SR W Chain Sword 1 A - 3 CC W Power Fist 1 A - 4 CC W Plasma Rifle 1 A - 4 MR W Slow Plasma Pistol 1 A - 4 SR W Slow LO Auto-Cannon 1 A - 5H MR W Lascannon 1 A - 4H LR W Heavy Flamer 1 A - 4H SR W Corruption 2 A - - Hits +2 & Force +1 Teleportation 2 E - - Obliterators get extra Attack Frag Grenades 2 E - 3 SR Attack by Marines only Infiltrate 2 E - - Cultists get extra Attack Ariel Assault 2 E - - Flying Units get Extra Attack Bloodlust 2 E - - Non-Leaders get extra Attack Daemon Strength 2 E - - Leaders get extra Attack Summoned 2 E - - Horror Daemons get extra Attack Doombolt 1 E - 5 LR Attack by Sorcerer Only Warp Spawn 4 E - - Draw 3 Cards. Requires Leader in Play TYRANID BROOD DECK CARD LIST Card Name # Type Hits Force Notes: Termagant 4 U 1 1 Claws & Fleshborer (MR/F=1) Hormagant 4 UZ 1 1 Scything Talons Genestealer 4 U 1 2 Rending Claws Tyranid Warrior 4 U 3 4 Scything Talons & Deathspitter (MR/F=2) Hive Tyrant 1 UL 5 4 Bone Sword & Lash Whip (SR/F=2) Zoanthrope 1 U 3 2P Claws & Psychic Scream (SR/F=2) Tyrant Guard 2 UM 2 3 Scything Talons Lictor 2 U 4 3 Scything Talons & Flesh Hooks (SR/F=2) Carnifex 1 U 6 4 Claws (can attach 3 HW) Gargoyle 4 UZ 2 1 Fleshborer (MR/F=1) Biovore 2 U 2 1 Claws & Spore Mines (LR/F=3) Ravener 2 U 2 3 Scything Talons Barbed Strangler 2 A - 5H LR W Slow Tyrant & Carnifex only Devourer 2 A - 3 MR W Warriors, Tyrant & Carnifex only Rending Claws 2 A - 3 CC W Bio-Plasma 2 A - 4 MR W Slow Implant Attack 1 A - 4 CC W Slow LO Crushing Claws 1 A - 5 CC W Carnifex Only Venom Cannon 1 A - 4H LR W Warriors, Tyrant & Carnifex only Toxin Sacs 2 A - +1 Extended Carapace 2 A +1 - Infiltrate 2 E - - Genestealers or Lictors get extra Attack Ravenous Assault 2 E - - Units fighting in CC get Extra Attack Synapse 2 E - - Tyranid Warriors get extra Attack Stray Spore Mines 2 E - 5 Bonus LR Attack Warp Blast 2 E - 5 LR Attack by Zoanthrope Only Without Number 4 E - - Shuffle any discarded Hit 1 cards back into deck NOTES Tyranid Deck by Jason Newell. LINKS Warpspawn WH40K Yahoo Group Fig Pics Demo Deck

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