Card Game based on the SF Novel by A.E. van Vogt. 
Players meld cards to complete adventures. 

The Voyage of the Space Beagle is a copyrighted property. 
This is merely a Fan Site. 

The first player to complete 4 Adventure Melds wins the game. 

Players share a common deck. 
The Deck has 10 Suites as listed in the Suite table.
ABR = Abbreviation
The deck has 1 copy of each card described in the card list

#	ABR	Suite		Ability:		
1.	S	Ship 		Draw 2 cards
2.	C	Crew		Search discard for 1 card
3. 	L	Location        Draw 1 card and shuffle discard into deck
4. 	A	Alien		Opponent discards 1 random card
5.	X	Power		Opponent discards 2 cards
6.	P	Politics       	Look at opponents hand
7.	T	Trick		Steal 1 random card from opponent
8.	E	Equipment	Draw 3 cards and discard 2 cards
9.	I	Investigation	Look at next 7 cards in deck
10. 	N	Nexialism	Search Deck for 1 card 

Shuffle the deck. 
The most highly educated player goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. 	Encounter Phase
2.	Action Phase
3. 	Resolution Phase
4.	Logistics Phase

Draw 2 cards from the deck and put them in your hand.  
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You may play (discard 1 card from your hand) to activate its ability.  
If you played a Location card, you may play another card. 

If you have 1 card from each of the 10 Suites in your hand, you may 
make an Adventure Meld (4 to win game). 
Place the Meld in a pile beside you. 
If you made a Meld draw 10 new cards. 

Max hand size is 10 cards. 
discard excess cards. 

ABR	Card Name:
L	Desolate Planet
L	Dead Metropolis
L	Deep Space
L	Intergalactic Void
L	Isolated World
L	Star Cluster
L	New Galaxy
L	Forgotten Planet
L	Ancient Ruins
L	Galaxy M-33
L	Dead Sun
L	Nebula
L	Nova
L	Terraformed Worlds
L	Jungle World
L	Habitable World
L	Primeval Planet
L	Iron Worlds
L	Civilized World
L	Crowded System
A	Sentient Carnivore
A	Alien Infiltrator
A	Telepathic Race
A	Parasitic Survivor
A	Galactic Menace
A	Hostile Entity
A	World Eater
A	Id Vampire
A	Ruthless Marauder
A	Malevolent Super Being
A	Degenerate Predator
A	Savage Beast
A	Friendly Threat
A	Bird Like Riim
A	Cat Like Coeurl
A	Scarlet Ixtl
A	Galaxy Sized Anabis
A	Fellah Civilization
A	Cunning Primitive
A	Intelligent Gas Cloud
X 	Immortality
X	Hallucinations
X	Harden Metals
X	Disintegrate Walls
X	Silent but Deadly
X	Sense Vibrations
X	Control Energy
X	Build Weapon
X	Fear
X	Great Speed
X	Great Strength
X	Cause Insanity
X	Energy Leech
X	Adjust Atomic Structure
X	Advanced Evolution
X	Deadliness of Purpose
X	Glide Through Walls
X	Cause Mutiny
X	Terror Barrage
X	Materialize Beasts
X	Hyperspace Teleportation
X	Mind Reading
P 	Internal Warfare 
P	Disharmony
P	Power Struggle
P	Disagreements
P	Split Command
P	Direct Order
P	Dissension & Discord
P	Splinter Groups
P	Elections
P	Votes
P	Reputation
P	Opponent
P	Supporters
P	Personality
P	End Crisis
P	Authority
P	Suggestion
P	Tension
P	Stroke of Genius
P	Politeness
P	Morale
P	Murderous Action
P	Ultimatum
I	Recordings
I	Experiment
I	Test Attack
I	Autopsy
I	Theory
I	Suspicion
I	Verify Facts
I	Observation
I	Mystery
I	Discovery
I	Reveal Powers
I	Examination
I	Determine Intentions
I	Missing Element
I	Hypothesis
I	Cyclic History
I	Compariarive Analysis
I	Observe Mistakes
I	Random Sampling
I	Interpretation
I	Excavation
I	Collection
T	Distraction
T	Stop Short in Space
T	Abandon Ship
T	Starve Alien
T	Know Advantage
T	Double Cross
T	Blunder
T	Exact Timing
T	Recommend Plan
T	Life or Death Gamble
T	Instill New Ideas
T	Complete Surprise
T	Organized Opposition
T	Combined Plans
T	Human Bait
T	Grim Determination
T	Course of Action
T	Uncontrolled Energization
T	Council of War
T	Solution Without Compromise
T	Allow Escape
C	Scientists
C	Nexialist
C	Psychologist
C	Chemist
C	Biologist
C	Geologist
C	Communications Officer
C	Mathematician 
C	Medical Doctor
C	Experts
C	Ships Captain
C	Soldiers
C	Military Officers
C	Metalurgist
C	Engineers
C	Astronomer
C	Technicians
C	Archeologist
C	Physicist
C	Sociologist
C	Director
C	Department Head
S	Energy Screen
S	Anti-Acceleration Drive
S	Dynamo
S	Engine Room
S	Machine Shops
S	Laboratories
S	Air Lock
S	Hardened Hull
S	Cargo Holds
S	Expedition
S	Reinforced Cage
S	Library
S	Control Room
S	Auditorium
S	Resuscitation Chambers
S	Energy Walls
S	Ships Radar
S	Life Boat
S	Patrol Ship
S	Giant Cranes
E	Teleflour Camera
E	Electrocution Trap
E	Semi-Portable Blaster
E	Force Fields
E	Mobile Heaters
E	Drilling Machines
E	Vibrator Guns
E	Radio Communicators
E	Metalite Suits
E	Scientific Instruments
E	Scanner
E	Atomic Projectors
E	Atomic Missile Guns
E	Rubberite Suits
E	Alarm Systems
E	Resistance Metals
E	Glassite Space Armor
E	Vibration Shielding
E	Brainwave Detector
E	Nullifiers
E	De-Gravity Rafts
E	Repeller Field
E	Resonators
N	Encephalo Adjuster
N	Generalist
N	Applied Wholism
N	Integrated Approach
N	Counter Suggestion
N	Probability Charts
N	Flexibility
N	Sleep Inducer
N	Hypnotic Gas
N	Ear Crystals
N	Conditioning Methods
N	Technique Room
N	Hypnotism
N	Statement of Direction
N	Brainwashing
N	Mental Process
N	Heightened Sensitivity
N	Preknowledge
N	Emotion Control
N	Educing Machine
N	General Call

     The Voyage of the Space Beagle

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