An abstract strategy game of unit placement and scoring for 2+ players.

The board is a grid of 9 squares known as territories.
These territories are numbered 1-9.
1	2	3
4	5	6
7	8	9
Each territory is further divided into a grid of 9 squares known as plots.
The plots in each territory are also numbered 1-9. 
The map consists of (9 x 9) 81 plots.
Cardboard counters are also referred to as chits.
Each player needs a set of counters of a unique color.
There are 70 counters in each set.
There are 7 types of counters in each set.
Each set includes 10 of each type of counter.
Counter Types:
1. Temple
2. Castle
3. Town
4. Farm
5. Mine
6. Palace
7. Armies
The first six types of counters are called structures.
Army chits are not structures.
Temples represent religious influence.
Castles represent military resources.
Towns represent economic resources.
Farms represent agricultural resources.
Mines represent mineral resources.
Palaces represent political influence.
Armies represent use of military force.

Each player gets a set of counters.
Players keep their counter sets in separate opaque cups.
These are called draw cups.
Determine turn order by a flip of a coin.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. War Phase
3. Build Phase
4. End Phase

Draw 2 random chits from your cup of chits.
These chits go into your reserve pile.
Reserve pile chits are played face up in front of you.
If your cup is empty place your discard pile into it.

You may discard one army chit from your reserve pile.
Discard an enemy structure from any one plot.
Each player has a discard pile to put his discarded chits.

Place one of your structure chits in an empty plot.
You cannot place your castles next to enemy castles.
You cannot place your temples next to enemy temples.
You cannot place your palaces next to enemy palaces.

Discard chits from your reserve pile to keep it at a maximum of 4 chits.

The game ends when all plots are occupied.

The player with the highest total score is the winner.

At the end of the game players determine their scores.
Points are accumulated from a variety of scoring combinations.
Add up all points to get your total score.
You control a territory if you have the most structures in it.
"In a row" can mean orthogonal or diagonal.
Points	Scoring Combo
5	Having 5 structures in a territory
6	Having 6 structures in a territory
7	Having 7 structures in a territory
8	Having 8 structures in a territory
9	Having 9 structures in a territory
5	Control of the center territory
9	Control 3 territories in a row
8	Control of a square of 4 territories
8	Control of the 4 corner territories
3	Have the most Temples on the board
3	Have the most Farms on the board
3	Have the most Castles on the board
3	Have the most Towns on the board
3	Have the most Mines on the board
3	Have the most Palaces on the board
3	Having 3 structures in a row (6 if of the same type)
4	Having 4 structures in a row (8 if of the same type)
5	Having 5 structures in a row (10 if of the same type)
6	Having 6 structures in a row (12 if of the same type)
7	Having 7 structures in a row (14 if of the same type)
8	Having 8 structures in a row (16 if of the same type)
9	Having 9 structures in a row (18 if of the same type)
6	Having one of each of the 6 types of structures in a territory

Mountains: Have some plots contain mountains.
Mines must be placed on or next to mountain plots.
Rivers: Have some plots contain rivers.
Farms must be placed on or next to river plots.

Advanced color wars.

Super Duper Games

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