2 Player Skirmish Game. Terminator Theme. 
One player is Skynet (Robots). 
The other player is the Resistance (Humans). 

Destroy opponents Base. 

Use an 8x8 Grid. 
The Battlefield is a destroyed City. 

Terrain Types: 
--- Wasteland (relatively clear) 
--- Bone Fields (Demoralizing to Humans) 
--- Rubble (Good Hiding Spots for Humans)
--- Ruins (Good Hiding and Cover) Humans in Ruins take 1 less Damage from Attacks
--- Massive Debris (collapsed Highways, etc.) Ground units may not enter or attack through
Certain cards will reference these Terrain Types. 
Indicate Terrain type for each map space. 
Distribution of Terrain types is up to your imagination. 

Each player gets his own unique Deck. 
Card Types include: 
A = Attack
D = Defense
M = Movement
X = Special

Each side gets a set of units that move around on the board. 
Units cannot stack. 
Friendly units may move through each other. 

Unit:		#	MM	Hits	Notes:
Outpost		1	0	10	Base (Sewers mostly)
Survivors	4	1	1	Former Civilians
Scouts		4	3	1	Light Military
Soldiers	4	2	2	Heavy Military
Vehicle		2	4	3	Trucks, APC’s, Tanks
Commandos	1	3	4	Elite Military, Leaders, and Heroes

Unit:		#	MM	Hits	Notes:
Complex		1	0	10	Base (Factory) 
Mini Hunters	2	2	1	(Small) Frisbee Sized Hovercraft
Infiltrators	3	2	2	Human Impersonators
Terminators	3	2	3	Heavy Endoskeletons
Moto Trmntrs	2	4	1	(Small) Motorcycle Configuration
Harvester	1	1	4	(Large) Giant Bipedal Configuration	
HK Tank		2	2	4	(Large) Tread Legs
HK Aerial	1	4	3	(Flying, Large) Multiple Configurations
T-1000		1	3	4	Advanced series Terminators

# = Number of such Units
MM = Maximum Move (Normal)
Hits = When reduced to 0 Hits the Unit is destroyed
HK = Hunter Killer

Use Counters or Chits for Units. 
Or if you have them, some appropriate plastic figures or metal miniatures

Use Damage Counters or Dice placed next to the Unit to keep track of Damage (Hits Lost). 

Each player places his units in any of his last 3 rows. 
Units may not stack. 
Shuffle the deck. 
Flip a coin to see who goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 3 Phases. 
1. Supply Phase
2. Action Phase
3. End Phase

Draw 3 cards from your deck and place them in your hand. 

Play cards from your hand (no limit). 
Use Move cards to move one of your units up to the indicated number of spaces. 
Your opponent may use certain Special cards to negate a Move. 
Use Attack cards to have a unit attack a target unit at the exact range indicated by the card and 
Do damage to the target as indicated by the Damage rating of the attack Card.  
Your opponent may use Defense cards to reduce Hits caused by an Attack.   

Max hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

Name:			#	Type	Range	Dam	Notes:
Pipe Bombs		4	A	1	1	Any Unit may use
Small Arms		4	A	2	1	Any Unit may use
Demolitions Charge	2	A	1	4	Not Survivors or Scouts or Vehicles
Heavy Weapons		4	A	3	2	Not Survivors or Scouts
Plasma Weapons		3	A	2	3	Not Survivors or Scouts 
Missile Launchers       2	A	4	4	Not Survivors or Scouts
Scurry			8	M	1	-	Any Unit may use
Hurry			4	M	2	-	Any Unit with at least Move 2
Motor			4	M	3	-	Any Unit with at least Move 3 
Pedal to the Metal	2	M	4	-	Any Unit with at least Move 4 
Hide			2	D	-	4	All Terrain except Wasteland
Cover			2	D	-	3	Units in Ruins and Debris
Dodge			2	D	-	2	Not Base
Stealth			2	D	-	4	Scouts & Commandos
Armor			2	D	-	1	Not Survivors or Scouts
Medical			2	X	-	-	Unit recovers 1 lost Hit
Bug Out			1	X	-	-	Move Base to any empty space on back 3 rows 
Mission			1	X	-	-	Draw 3 Cards
Call A-10 Airstrike 	1	A	5	5	Not Survivors
Suicide Attack		1	A	1	4	Destroy Attacker (even if Defense card used) 
Reprogram		1	X	1	-	Use by Commando. Gain control of Robot 
Reinforcements		1	X	-	-	Gain back random dead Unit. Place in back row
Opportunity		2	X	-	-	See Rules

Name:			#	Type	Range	Dam	Notes:
Hand to Hand Combat	2	A	1	2	Terminators & Infiltrators
Short Range Weaponry	4	A	1	1	Any non-Large Unit may use
Marksman		2	A	4	1	Terminators & Infiltrators
Mini guns		2	A	2	3	Any non-Small Unit may use
Plasma Guns		4	A	2	2	Any Unit may use
Weapon Turrets		3	A	3	3	Base & Large Only 
Missile Salvo 		2	A	4	4	Large Only
Hunt Mode		8	M	1	-	Any Unit may use
Advance Mode		4	M	2	-	Any Unit with at least Move 2
Pursuit Mode		4	M	3	-	Any Unit with at least Move 3 
High Speed Mode		2	M	4	-	Any Unit with at least Move 4 
Bullet Proof		2	D	-	1	Any non-Small Unit
Armored Chassis		2	D	-	3	Any non-Small Unit
Evasive Maneuver	2	D	-	3	Not Base 
Metallic Strength       2	D	-	1	Any Unit 
Deflection		2	D	-	2	Any Unit
Repairs			2	X	-	-	Unit recovers 1 lost Hit
Primary Objective       1	X	-	-	Draw 3 Cards
IR Detection		1	X	-	-	Negate a Defense Card
Pinned Down		1	X	-	-	Negate a Move Card
Infiltration		1	A	1	4	Infiltrator Only
Transport Ship		1	X	-	-	Move a non-base Unit to any empty space. 
Replacements		1	X	-	-	Gain back random dead Unit. Place in back row
Opportunity		2	X	-	-	See OC Rules

Opportunity Cards (OC) are wild cards that can be used (played/discarded) for multiple Effects: 
--- Backup: Use to draw 2 cards
--- Demoralized: Negate a Human move into or out of a Bone field
--- Critical Hit: Cause an Attack to do 1 extra Damage
--- Disruption: Opponent must discard 1 random card from hand
--- Small Target: Negate an Attack made by a large unit
--- Exposed: Attack Range = 1 to 4 and Damage = 2 to unit in Wasteland Terrain
--- Intelligence Gathering: Look at Opponents Hand and next 5 cards in both decks

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