Educational Party game for 2-8+ players. 
Players must answer trivia type questions involving Historical dates. 

The first player to accumulate 25 Chips is the winner. 
(or 50 for a long game)

Dice, chips, and a special deck of Date cards are needed. 

A six sided die is needed. 

Poker chips are needed for keeping track of scores. 

Players share a common deck. 
The cards are 2-sided. 
One side of a card describes a Historical Event. 
The other side is the date in which the Event occurred. 
The deck contains one copy of each card in the card list. 

Shuffle the deck.
Players cut the deck. Oldest date goes first. Proceed clockwise. 
Re-shuffle the deck. 
The deck is placed with Event descriptions face up and Dates face down. 

Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 Phases:
Luck Phase
Knowledge Phase
Scoring Phase

Roll 1 Die once: 
Roll:	Result:
1	Craps
2	Timeline = 2
3	Timeline = 3
4	Timeline = 4
5	Timeline = 5
6	Super Six
If you get Craps your turn ends immediately. 
If you get a Timeline, draw the indicated number of cards and 
Put them in the correct temporal order. 
If you get Super Six, draw 1 card at a time, and guess the exact 
Correct date for each card up to a max of 6 cards. Stop if you fail to guess correctly. 
When cards are drawn the Event Description is kept face up and the Date face down. 
Only after an answer or solution is given are the cards flipped to reveal the Dates. 

If you got Craps, you get no Chips. 
If you put a Timeline in the correct order, get Chips equal to the length of the timeline. 
Get 1 chip for each date correctly guessed in a Super six. 

Players are encouraged to create their own decks. 
Decks may be themed (Pop Culture, Music, Art, Politics, War, Science, etc.)
A good site for creating decks: Alternatime
The deck below is copied from  

Date:		Card Name:
c. 2725 B.C. 	- Imhotep in Egypt considered the first medical doctor 
c. 2540 B.C. 	- Pyramids of Egypt constructed 
c. 2000 B.C. 	- Chinese discovered magnetic attraction 
c. 700 B.C. 	- Greeks discovered electric attraction produced by rubbing amber 
c. 600 B.C. 	- Anaximander discovered the ecliptic (the angle between the plane of the earth's rotation and the plane of the solar system) 
c. 600 B.C. 	- Thales proposed that nature should be understood by replacing myth with logic; that all matter is made of water 
c. 585 B.C. 	- Thales correctly predicted solar eclipse 
c. 530 B.C. 	- Pythagoras developed mathematical theory 
c. 500 B.C. 	- Anaximenes introduced the ideas of condensation and rarefaction 
c. 450 B.C. 	- Anaxagoras proposed the first clearly materialist philosophy - the universe is made entirely of matter in motion 
c. 370 B.C. 	- Leucippus and Democritus proposed that matter is made of small, indestructible particles 
335 B.C. 	- Aristotle established the Lyceum; studied philosophy, logic 
c. 300 B.C. 	- Euclid wrote "Elements", a treatise on geometry 
c. 300 B.C. 	- Aristarchus proposed that the earth revolves around the sun; calculated diameter of the earth 
c. 300 B.C. 	- The number of volumes in the Library of Alexandria reached 500,000 
c. 220 B.C. 	- Archimedes made discoveries in mathematics and mechanics 
c. 150 A.D. 	- Ptolemy studied mathematics, science, geography; proposed that the earth is the center of the solar system 
190 		- Chinese mathematicians calculated pi to five decimal places 
271 		- Chinese mathematicians invented the magnetic compass 
415 		- A mob of rioters burned down the Library of Alexandria, and much of the recorded knowledge of the western world was lost 
450-1000 	- the "Dark Ages" in Europe 
1232 		- Rockets invented in China to defend city of Kaifeng against Mongol invaders 
1252 		- Pope Innocent IV approved the use of torture in witchcraft trials 
1269 		- Maricourt used compass to discover that a magnet is encircled by lines which terminate on two poles 
1348 		- The plague appeared in Europe 
1390 		- The first paper mill began operating in Germany 
1455 		- The Gutenberg Bible became the first book printed with movable metal type 
1508-1510 	- Leonardo da Vinci compiled notebooks on mechanics, astronomy, anatomy, and his inventions 
1543 		- Copernicus formed the hypothesis that the planets revolve around the sun. 
1543 		- Vasalius published treatise on human anatomy 
1570 		- Brahe discovered supernova in constellation Cassiopeia 
1600 		- Gilbert discovered that electricity occurs in things other than amber; wrote a book on magnetism 
1608 		- Lippershey invented the telescope 
1609 		- Galileo built 20X telescope, discovered craters and mountains on the moon 
1609 		- Kepler announced his 1st and 2nd laws 
1613 		- Galileo discovered sunspots 
1614 		- Napier discovered logarithms 
1616 		- Galileo called to Rome and ordered to stop supporting the Copernican theory 
1619 		- Kepler announced his 3rd law 
1619 		- The first slaves transported to America 
1620 		- Bacon published "Novum Organum" (scientific method and inductive reasoning) 
1621 		- Snell discovered the law of refraction 
1628 		- Harvey published a book describing blood circulation 
1633 		- The Inquisition denounced Galileo 
1637 		- Descartes Published "Geometry" 
1638 		- Galileo published "Discourses Concerning Two New Sciences", summarizing the principles of mechanics 
1642 		- Pascal invented the mechanical adding machine 
1650 		- Archbishop Usher estimated by reading the Bible that the earth was created on October 23, 4004 BC at 9:00 AM 
1652 		- Pascal discovered laws of fluid pressure 
1654 		- Guericke invented the vacuum pump 
1660 		- Redi disproved theory of spontaneous generation with experiment on flies 
1666 		- Newton invented the calculus 
1666 		- Newton discovered glass prism separates white light into spectrum 
1675 		- Leibniz independently invented the calculus 
1687 		- Newton published "Principia", describing the laws of motion 
1690 		- Locke published "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" (empiricism, tabula rasa) 
1692 		- The first witchcraft trials in Salem, Massachusetts 
1704 		- Newton published "Opticks" 
1738 		- Bernoulli proposed laws of fluid mechanics 
1758 		- Linnaeus developed taxonomy of species, proposed binomial nomenclature 
1764 		- Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny 
1769 		- Watt invented the modern steam engine 
1777 		- Lavoisier proposed idea of chemical compounds made of elements 
1781 		- Herschel discovered Uranus 
1783 		- Michel and Montgolfier invented the hot air balloon; the first people to fly, altitude 1800 m 
1785 		- Coulomb confirmed the inverse square law for electric force 
1785 		- Hutton proposed the idea of uniformitatianism in the geological history of the earth 
1785 		- Cartwright invented the power loom for producing cloth 
1787 		- Berthollet proposed system of chemical nomenclature 
1792 		- Rousseau wrote "Social Contract" 
1793 		- Whitney invented the cotton gin 
1796 		- Jenner discovered smallpox vaccination 
1799 		- Discovery of the Rosetta Stone 
1800 		- Volta invented the battery 
1800 		- Ampere discovered properties of magnetic field produced by electric current 
1803 		- Dalton composed the law of definite proportions in chemistry 
1804 		- Rockets developed by the British Army Corp reached height of 1830 m 
1807 		- Fulton invented the steamboat 
1808 		- Dalton published a periodic table based on atomic weights 
1811 		- Avogadro introduced the concept of the mole 
1814 		- Stephenson invented the locomotive engine 
1820 		- Oersted discovered that an electric current causes the deflection of compass needle 
1822 		- Champollion translated the Rosetta Stone 
1825 		- discovery of Ampere's Force Law 
1827 		- Brown discovered Brownian motion 
1830 		- The first railroad (between Liverpool and Manchester, England) 
1831 		- Faraday (England) and Henry (U.S.) independently discovered that a current is produced in a wire when it is moved near a magnet 
1833 		- Charles Lyell published "Principles of Geology", based on uniformitarianism 
1839 		- Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber 
1844 		- Morse sent the first telegraph message 
1846 		- Galle discovered Neptune, accounting for observed perturbations in the motion of Uranus 
1849 		- Fizeau measured the velocity of light 
1853 		- Bessemer in Britain and Kelly in U.S. invented the Bessemer steel process 
1854 		- Boole invented Boolean algebra 
1856 		- Neanderthal fossil found in Germany 
1859 		- Darwin published "On The Origin of Species" 
1866 		- Mendel wrote a paper on his findings about heredity in plants 
1868 		- Cro-Magnon fossil found in France 
1869 		- Mendeleyev used a periodic table of known elements to correctly predict the properties then undiscovered elements 
1873 		- Maxwell published "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" 
1874 		- Cantor established principles of mathematical set theory 
1877 		- Edison invented the phonograph 
1877 		- Hall discovered the two moons of Mars 
1879 		- Wundt established the first laboratory for psychology experiments 
1879 		- Edison invented the electric light bulb 
1882 		- Lindemann proved that pi is transcendental 
1882 		- Edison created the first large power station in NYC 
1883 		- Wroblewski and Olszewski first produced liquid oxygen. 
1885 		- Benz invented the gasoline-powered automobile 
1885 		- Eastman invented the box camera 
1885 		- Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect 
1885 		- Balmer discovered spectral lines of hydrogen 
1887 		- Mendelson and Morley conduct experiment showing no evidence for the existence of an "ether" 
1888 		- Hertz discovered radio waves, verifying Maxwell's prediction of electromagnetic waves 
1888 		- Edison invented the kinetoscope 
1889 		- Hollerith invented the first calculating machine, used punch cards 
1891 		- "Java Man" discovered in Indonesia 
1892 		- Dewar discovered that a double-walled bottle with a vacuum layer insulates the contents from heat flow 
1895 		- Roentgen discovered x-rays 
1895 		- Marconi invented antenna and wireless telegraph (short distance) 
1896 		- Becquerel discovered radioactivity 
1896 		- Marconi increased range of wireless telegraph to 1.6 km 
1897 		- Marconi increased range of wireless telegraph to 29 km; first ship-to-shore message 
1898 		- Curie and Curie announced their discovery of radium and polonium 
1899 		- Marconi established wireless telegraph service between England and France 
1900 		- First public awareness of Mendel's findings in genetics, when his 1865-1866 papers were found 
1900 		- Freud published "The Interpretation of Dreams" 
1900 		- Finlay discovered that yellow fever is spread by mosquitos 
1900 		- Planck proposed that energy can only be absorbed or emitted by matter in discrete amounts (quanta) 
1901 		- First transatlantic wireless telegraph 
1902 		- Discovery of Tyrannosaurus Rex 
1902 		- Kennelly (U.S.) and Heaviside (England) independently discovered the ionosphere 
1903 		- The botanist De Vries discovered mutations in plants 
1903 		- Wright brothers' airplane remained in flight for 12 seconds 
1904 		- Fleming invented vacuum tube diode 
1904 		- Genetics experiments by Thomas Morgan, discovery of sex-linked mutations (among a group of fruit flies with normal red or unusual white eyes, all of the white-eyed offspring were male). 
1905 		- Einstein published papers on Brownian motion, the photoelectric effect, and the special theory of relativity 
1906 		- De Forest invented the triode vacuum tube 
1906 		- Thomson discovered the electron 
1908 		- the "Tunguska event" - major damage to a forest region in Siberia caused by a comet or meteorite 
1908 		- Ford produced the Model T automobile 
1908 		- Wegener proposed theory of continental drift 
1909 		- The "Piltdown Man" hoax -- a fake archeological discovery announced by dishonest scientists who wanted to "prove" that human beings had evolved in Europe 
1911 		- Rutherford discovered that the positive charge in an atom is concentrated in a small nucleus; proposed a planetary model of the atom 
1912 		- Pickard invented the crystal diode and crystal detector 
1913 		- Edison invented motion pictures with sound 
1913 		- Ford added the assembly line to his automobile plant 
1913 		- Bohr published his model of the atom, based on energy states described by one quantum number 
1916 		- Lewis proposed the idea of covalent bonds 
1916 		- Einstein published the general theory of relativity 
1917 		- Germany - the first major military use of airplanes to drop bombs on cities 
1919 		- Eddington recorded data on the sun's gravitational deflection of starlight during a solar eclipse, confirming Einstein's general theory of relativity 
1923 		- Freud published "The Ego and the Id" 
1923 		- Development of the diptheria vaccine 
1923 		- Production of insulin to treat diabetes 
1923 		- Hubble estimated the distance from the Milky Way Galaxy to the Andromeda Galaxy 
1924 		- Discovery of Australopithecus Africanus, its human-sized brain too large to be that of an ape, but having the canine teeth of a gorilla 
1924 		- De Broglie proposed that all matter has wave properties 
1925 		- Pauli proposed the Exclusion Principle (no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers) 
1925 		- Scopes fired from biology teaching position for teaching evolution 
1926 		- Schrodinger developed the wave equation 
1926 		- Born proposed the statistical interpretation of the wave equation 
1926 		- Goddard launched the first liquid-fueled rocket 
1927 		- Heisenberg proposed the Uncertainty Principle (we cannot simultaneously determine the position and momentum of a subatomic particle) 
1927 		- Experiment by Davisson and Germer, and simultaneous experiment by G. P. Thompson, proved the wave behavior of electrons 
1927 		- the first television transmission (England) 
1928 		- Dirac developed the relativistic quantum theory 
1927 		- Big bang theory introduced 
1929 		- Hubble discovered that the galaxies are moving away from each other, causing an expansion of the universe 
1930 		- Tombaugh discovered Pluto 
1931 		- Lawrence invented the cyclotron 
1931 		- Anderson discovered the positron 
1932 		- Chadwick discovered the neutron 
1936 		- the first regular television broadcast (England) 
1937 		- Discovery of the muon 
1938 		- Hahn, Strassmann, Meitner and Frisch discovered nuclear fission 
1938 		- Bethe hypothesized that nuclear fusion is the source of energy in stars 
1939 		- The first regular TV broadcast in the U.S. 
1939 		- Discovery of Kirlian photography -- electrical "auras" surrounding living specimens 
1942 		- Fermi produced the first nuclear chain reaction in an experiment 
1942 		- Establishment of the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb 
1945 		- The first atomic bomb was detonated at Hiroshima, Japan -- about 70,000 people were killed instantly; about 30,000 more people died within several weeks 
1946 		- Gamow proposed the Big Bang hypothesis. 
1946 		- The University of Pennsylvania developed the ENIAC computer, containing 18,000 vacuum tubes 
1947 		- W. F. Libby invented radiocarbon dating 
1947 		- Researchers at Bell Labs invented the transistor 
1947 		- Discovery of the pion (predicted by Yukawa in 1935) 
1948 		- Kinsey published "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" 
1951 		- Franklin discovered nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), helical shape 
1952 		- The first sex-change surgery, transforming George Jorgensen into Christine Jorgensen 
1953 		- Kinsey published "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" 
1953 		- Watson and Crick discovered DNA has double helix, composed of ATCG bases occuring in pairs (A with T, and C with G) 
1953 		- Miller produced amino acids from inorganic compounds and sparks 
1953 		- Radioactive fluorine dating proved that the "Piltdown Man" artifact was a hoax 
1956 		- Discovery of the neutrino (predicted by Pauli in 1930) 
1957 		- The first artificial satellite, Sputnik, put into earth orbit 
1958 		- U.S. Congress established NASA 
1959 		- First unmanned spacecraft hit the moon (Soviet Union) 
1960 		- Maiman invented the ruby laser 
1960 		- Javan invented the helium-neon laser 
1960 		- Goodall studied chimpanzees in Tanzania 
1960 		- Development and approval of the birth control pill 
1961 		- A person orbited the earth for the first time (Yuri Gagarin) 
1963 		- Vine and Matthews discovered that rock layers with particular magnetic orientations, indicating reversals of the earth's magnetic field, are symmetrical about the mid-oceanic ridge, indicating that new crust is created at the ridge. 
1963 		- Gell-Mann proposed protons and neutrons are made of smaller particles (quarks) 
1964 		- Discovery of a quasar 
1964 		- Unmanned U.S. spacecraft transmitted television pictures of the moon before hitting the surface 
1964 		- Wilson and Penzias discovered the background microwave radiation of the universe 
1965 		- The first "space walk" (Soviet Union) 
1966 		- The first unmanned soft landing on the moon (Soviet Union) 
1967 		- Salam and Weinberg developed a model to unite electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force. 
1967 		- Bell and Hewish discover pulsars 
1967 		- U.S. astronauts Grissom, White and Chaffee killed during ground test; Apollo program delayed 
1968 		- Human beings orbited the moon for the first time (Apollo 8) 
1969 		- People walked on the moon for the first time (Apollo 11) 
1969 		- Meteorite in Australia found to contain amino acids 
1970 		- Apollo 13 moon landing canceled due to severe malfunctions 
1971 		- First unmanned spacecraft hit Mars (Soviet Union) 
1971 		- Apollo 15 used the lunar rover 
1971 		- First space station, Salyut 1, and first space docking (Soviet Union) 
1972 		- Discovery of a 2 million year old humanlike fossil, Homo habilis, in Africa 
1973 		- U.S. launched Skylab space station 
1974 		- Discovery of "Lucy" in Africa, an almost complete homonid skelton over 3 million years old, only 3 and a half feet tall but having adult teeth, a small brain, walked upright 
1975 		- First unmanned soft landing on Venus (Soviet Union) 
1975 		- The first U.S.-Soviet space docking (Apollo and Soyuz) 
1975 		- Invention of the CAT scanner (computerized axial tomography) 
1976 		- Cosmic string theory was introduced 
1977 		- Voyager spacecraft launched; contained recording of earth sounds, including music and greetings in 55 Earth languages 
1977 		- Submarine "Alvin" explored midoceanic ridge, discovered chemosynthetic life 
1979 		- First "test tube baby" from artificial insemination 
1979 		- Voyager 1 and 2 photographed Jupiter 
1980 		- Voyager 2 photographed Saturn 
1980 		- Introduction of the the communication protocol that led to the Internet 
1981 		- Binnig and Rohrer invented the scanning tunneling microscope 
1981 		- U.S. launched the first space shuttle, Columbia 
1982 		- First launch of communications satellites into orbit by space shuttle 
1984 		- First retrieval of malfunctioning satellites, repair and relaunch by space shuttle 
1984 		- Discovery of ozone hole over Antarctica 
1986 		- Voyager 2 photographed Uranus; discovered moons 
1986 		- Development of the first high temperature superconductors 
1986 		- Soviet Union launched Mir space station 
1986 		- U.S. space shuttle Challenger exploded on launch, killing 7 astronauts 
1989 		- Voyager 2 photographed Neptune; discovered moons 
1989 		- An asteroid came relatively close to colliding with the earth 
1990 		- Hubble Space Telescope launched; optical defect discovered 
1991 		- Discovery of the buried crater near the Yucatan Peninsula, dated at 65 million years old 
1992 		- Pope John Paul II acknowledged the Vatican's error in the condemnation of Galileo 
1993 		- Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem, which had been first proposed in 1637 
1993 		- Hubble Space Telescope repaired 
1994 		- Hubble Space Telescope confirmed existence of a black hole 
1994 		- Astronomers observed comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (S-L 9) colliding with Jupiter 
1995 		- the second U.S./Russian space docking (Atlantis and Mir) 
1995 		- Discovery of the top quark at Fermilab 
1996 		- Pope John Paul II affirmed evolution by natural selection 
1997 		- Microscopic analysis of meteorite led to belief in ancient life on Mars 
1997 		- Pathfinder vehicle studied and photographed Mars 

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