Board & Dice game for 2 players.
Each player controls a nest of newly hatched baby sea turtles 
Trying to make their way across the beach to the sea.

The player who gets the most of his turtles off the map & into the Sea wins.

Use a chessboard (8 X 8 Grid).
One edge of the board is the shore, where the sea meets the land. 
The row farthest away from the shore is the Nest Row.
On each corner of the Nest row is a nest.
Each player controls one nest. 

Each player starts with 6 Baby Sea Turtle Tokens in his nest.
Players have tokens of different colors.
There are 3 predator Tokens:
The Crab, The Gull, and the Raccoon. 

Six sided dice are needed. 

Each player places his turtle tokens in his nest.
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. 
The Predator Tokens are placed spaced out on the Shoreline row. 
Turtle Tokens can stack. Predator Tokens cannot. 

On your turn roll 2D6.
If the rolls are different:
Use each die to move 1 of your turtles that many spaces (move 2 turtles)
Moves can be orthogonal or diagonal.
Turtles cannot move into or through predators.
A roll does not have to be exact for a turtle to move off the map.
Turtles can only move off the map if going into the sea.
If the rolls are the same (for example: two 5’s):
Move one predator that many spaces (in the same example, move one predator 5 spaces) 
Moves can be orthogonal or diagonal.
Predators cannot move into or through other predators.
A predator eats every turtle it moves through or lands on. 
(Hope one doesn’t make it into your nest)
Predators cannot move off the map.
If you have no turtles left on the map, you can continue playing 
(rolling dice on your turn) in order to try to move the predators. 

Sea Turtles

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