Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Based on the Librarians TV show. 
Players make and score melds. 

The game ends when 10 Melds have been completed. 
When this happens all players may have one last chance to make a meld. 
The player with the most Meld points is the winner. 

Players share a common deck. 
There is one common Deck for each season. 
There are 8 types of cards: 
L = Librarians
F = Foes
R = Relics
A = Aids
P = Places
S = Situations
K = Knowledges
M = Mysteries

Shuffle the Deck. 
Deal each player 3 cards. 
Randomly determine who goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 phases: 
1. Draw Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Meld Phase
4. End Phase

Draw 2 Cards. 

Reveal 1 card to perform an action: 
Librarians = Draw 1 Card
Foes = Opponent must shuffle 1 card of his choice back into the deck. Then he draws 1 Card
Relics = Gain 1 Meld Point
Aids = Look at next 4 cards in Deck. Replace this card with 1 of those
Places = Draw 1 random card from the discard and keep it
Situations = Give this card to opponent. He must give you a different card in return
Knowledges = Look at Opponent’s Hand
Mysteries = Draw 2 cards. Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into the deck.
Or Reveal 3+ cards of the Same type to perform an action:
3 Librarians = Draw 2 cards
3 Foes = Opponent must shuffle 1 card of his choice back into the deck.  
3 Relics = Gain 2 Meld Points
3 Aids = Look at next 4 cards in Deck. Keep 1 of them
3 Places = Draw 3 random cards from the discard. Keep 1 of them
3 Situations = Steal 1 random card from opponent’s hand
3 Knowledges = Look at Opponent’s hand. Take 1 card. Opponent Draws 2 cards 
3 Mysteries = Draw 3 cards. Shuffle 3 cards from your hand into the deck.
4 Different Librarians = 4 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 4 cards
Gangs All Here: 5 Different Librarians = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards
Round the World: 5 Places = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards
The Library: 5 Relics = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards
Conclave of Villains: 5 Foes = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards
Combined Genius: 5 Aids = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards
It’s Complicated: 5 Situations = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards
Know it All’s: 5 Knowledges = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards
It’s a Mystery! = 5 Mysteries = 5 Meld Points. Shuffle these into deck and draw 5 cards

A Meld must have 1 of each of the 8 card types. 
A Meld scores 10 Points. 
For every combo a meld has it scores 1 extra point. 
After scoring discard all melded cards and fill your hand to 7 cards. 

Max hand size is 8 cards. Place excess cards back on top of the deck in any order. 

Name:				Type:	Notes:
Flynn Carson			L	2 in Deck
Guardian Eve Baird		L	2 in Deck
Cassandra Cillian		L	2 in Deck
Ezekiel Jones			L	2 in Deck
Jacob Stone			L	2 in Deck
Dulaque				F	Combo with Jenkins
Serpent Brotherhood		F	-
Minotaur			F	Combo with Labyrinth
Eastern Dragons			F	-
Lamia				F	-
Katie the Serial Killer		F	Combo with Shadowbox House
Morgan le Fay			F	Combo with App of Cursing
Improvised Coven		F	-
Lost Souls			F	Combo with Pocket Dimension 
Troll				F	-
Stonehenge			P	Combo with Crown of King Arthur
Remote Forest			P	-
Buckingham Palace		P	Combo with Crown of King Arthur
Aurora Borealis			P	Combo with Poisoned Santa Claus
Vatican City			P	-
Small Town			P	-
Labyrinth			P	Combo with Minoan Artifacts
Chicago Science Fair		P	Combo with Morgan le Fay
Pocket Dimension		P	Combo with Tesla Experiment
River of Time			P	-
Excalibur			R	Combo with Flynn
Crown of King Arthur		R	-
Shadowbox House			R	Can also be used as a Place
Minoan Artifacts		R	-
Apple of Discord		R	Combo with Corrupted Librarians
Magical App			R	Combo with Morgan le Fey 
Tesla Experiment		R	-
Santa's Hat			R	Combo with Poisoned Santa Claus
Loom of Fate			R	Combo with River of Time
Enchanted Storybook		R	-
Poisoned Santa Claus		S	Combo with Eve
Betrayal			S	Combo with Cassandra
Return of Magic Ritual		S	Combo with Lamia
Corrupted Librarians		S	-
Trapped				S	-
Magical Backlash		S	Combo with Magical App
Ambushed			S	Combo with Serpent Brotherhood
Fairy Tale Transformations	S	-
Wish for Happy Ending		S	Combo with Enchanted Storybook
Fix History			S	Combo with Alternate Timelines
Clipping Book			A	Shuffle into Deck to Search Deck for 1 Foe
Faraday Cage			A	Combo with Magical Backlash 
Portland Annex Portal		A	Shuffle into Deck to Search Deck for 1 Place 
Caretaker Jenkins		A	2 in Deck
Charlene and Judson		A	-
Magical Healing			A	Combo with Cassandra
Pep Talk			A	-
Morse Code			A	-
Secret Passage			A	-
Ancient Languages		K	Combo with Flynn
Codebreaking			K	-
Security Systems		K	Combo with Ezekiel 
Persuasion			K	-
Outside Expertise		K	-
Electrical Engineering		K	Combo with Jacob
Basic Chemistry			K	-
Science				K	Combo with Cassandra
Arthurian Lore			K	Combo with Jenkins
Combat Tactics			K	Combo with Eve
Investigate Murders		M	-
Missing Interns			M	Combo with Labyrinth
Strange Incidents		M	Combo with Improvised Coven
Inspect Ley Lines		M	Combo with Shadowbox House
Roman Crypt			M	Combo with Buckingham Palace
Dragon Lair			M	Combo with Vatican City
Lost UFO Researcher		M	-
Town Secret			M	Combo with Small Town
Cut off from the Library	M	-
Alternate Timelines		M	Combo with Loom of Fate


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