Card game for 2 players.

There are 2 decks:
Thunder Cat Deck
Evil Mutant Deck
Each player gets one deck.

The first player to win 5 hands wins the game.

Each turn has 4 phases:
Draw Phase
Plot Phase
Attack Phase
Victory Phase

Both players fill their hands to 9 cards.
If a deck ever runs out shuffle the discard pile & draw from it.

Players may discard up to 4 cards & draw replacements.

Each player may play up to 4 characters from their hand face up to the table.
Characters include: 
Thunder Cats, TC Allies, Evil Mutants, and Special Foes.
To each character 1 Weapon card may be attached.
To each character 1 Companion card may be attached.
To each character 1 Vehicle card may be attached.
Special Foes may not attach cards.
A maximum of 1 Special Foe may be played.
Each player may also play a Base card & a Special Event card.

Every card has a Force value.
Each player adds up the total force of all of his played cards.
The player with the highest total wins the hand.
Discard all played cards.

WP = Weapon
TC = Thunder Cat
TCA = Thunder Cat Ally
TCC = Thunder Cat Companion
TV = Thunder Cat Vehicle
TB = Thunder Cat Base
EM = Evil Mutant
SF = Special Foe
EV = Evil Mutant Vehicle
EB = Evil Mutant Base
SE = Special Event
MR = Mumm-Ra

Card Name		Type	Force	Notes
Lion-O			TC	10	Hereditary Lord of the Thundercats
Tygra			TC	9	Great Agility; Can become invisible
Bengali			TC	8	Blacksmith
Cheetara		TC	8	Fast & Psychic	
Panthro			TC	7	Mechanical Genius
Pumyra			TC	7	Fast
Lynx-O			TC	5	Old & Blind
Snowman			TCA	9	
Hachiman		TCA	8	
Willa			TCA	6	Amazon
Tuska Warrior		TCA	5	
Mandora			TCA	7	Inter-stellar police officer
Jaga			TCC	+8	Spirit guide; +12 vs. Grune
Snowmeow		TCC	+5	+7 if played with Snowman
Wilykit			TCC	+3	Slingshot; Gets into a lot of trouble
Wylikat			TCC	+3	Slingshot; Gets into a lot of trouble
Snarf			TCC	+5	Can talk to animals; Immune to evil
Berbil			TCC	+2	Native Robotic Teddybear creatures
Unicorns		TCC	+4	
Thunderclaw		TV	+8	
Hovercat		TV	+6	
Thunderwings		TV	+4
Racing Board		TV	+4	
Stilt Runner		TV	+4
Feliner			TV	+6	Airship
Thundertank		TV	+10	
Cats Lair		TB	+10	
Eye of Thundara		SE	---	Discard to draw 3 cards
Thundercats Ho!		SE	---	All TC get +3
Sword of Omens		WP	+7	+10 if played with Lion-O
Hammer			WP	+3	+6 if played with Bengali
Katana			WP	+3	+6 if played with Hachiman
Bow & Arrows		WP	+3	+6 if played with Willa
Slingshot		WP	+3	+6 if played with Pumyra
Shield			WP	+2	+4 if played with Lynx-O
Fighting Sticks		WP	+2	+4 if played with Panthro
Bolo Whip		WP	+2	+4 if played with Tygra
Staff			WP	+2	+4 if played with Cheetara

Card Name		Type	Force	Notes
Mumm-Ra			MR	9	Fighting Form
Mumm-Ra			MR	3	Mummified Form
Monikan			EM	6	Stupid but good climber
Captain Cracker 	EM	5		
Captain Shiner		EM	6		
Grune the Destroyer	EM	7	
Reptilian		EM	6	
Chilla 			EM	6	
Jackalman		EM	5	Smart but cowardly
Mongor			EM	5	
Ratar-O			EM	4	
S-S-Slithe		EM	6	Strong, bossy leader
Safari Joe		EM	6	Intergalactic hunter
Vultureman		EM	4	Mechanic; Attached EV gets +5
Cruncher		SF	8	Berserker
Hammerhand		SF	8	Berserker
Driller			SF	9	
Stinger			SF	9	
Mongor			SF	10
Evil Robot Monster	SF	10
Tartara			SF	10	Evil crystal queen 
Ta-She			SF	20*	Evil priestress: Doom Gaze
Tomb Fortress		EB	9	Mumm-Ra's Pyramid
Castle Plundarr		EB	8
Laser Saber		WP	+6	
Luna Lasher		WP	+6	
Repeater Rifle		WP	+5	
Energy Rifle		WP	+5	
Blaster Pistol		WP	+4	
Spiked Ball & Chain	WP	+3	
Scimitar		WP	+3	
Axe & Spiked Knuckles	WP	+3	
Claw Arm		WP	+3	
Giant Scythe		WP	+3
Paired Knives		WP	+3	
Pole Axe		WP	+3	
Maul			WP	+2	
Club			WP	+2	
Mutant Nosediver	EV	+9	
Mutant Fistpounder	EV	+7	Mutant Tank
Rat Star		EV	+6	+9 with Ratar-O	
Fire-ball Launcher	EV	+8
Skycutter		EV	+5	
Transformation 		SE	+6	Mumm-Ra Magic; Disguise
Mind Control  		SE	+7	Mumm-Ra Magic
Cloning Device		SE	+8	Mumm-Ra Magic
Summoning		SE	---	Mumm-Ra Magic; Discard to draw 3 cards
Notes: Only one MR card can be played in a turn.
Discard Ta-She if the Thundercat player plays a female Thundercat. 

Thundercats is a licensed, copyrighted, trademarked property.
This is merely a Fan site.

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