Gin Rummy variant with novel deck.
Poker variants are possible of course.

52 cards:		Notes
7 Red 
7 Orange
7 Yellow
7 Green
7 Blue
7 Indigo 
7 Violet
1 Infra-Red		Wild card for Red, Orange, or Yellow
1 Ultra-Violet		Wild card for Blue, Indigo, or Violet
1 Prism			Wild card for any color

A prism divides white light into a rainbow that has the colors in 
the following order: ROYGBIV.

The most colorful player goes first.
Players start with 7 random cards.
Players take turns drawing one card from the deck or discard and 
then discarding one card face up.
The first player to get a combo wins.

3 of a kind & 4 of a kind.
“A kind” = all of one color (all red, all green, etc) or colors in 
order (ROY or GBI or OYGB, etc)
7 of a kind (all blue, all yellow, etc) or 7 in a Row (ROYGBIV)

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