Ghostbuster Backgammon.
One player is the Ghostbusters (GB).
The other player is the Ghosts.

Use a regular backgammon board.
Same Rules as backgammon except for the following differences:
The Ghostbuster player has on only 5 pieces.
In setup these are placed one each on the last 5 points on his side of the board.
The Ghost player has 20 pieces.
In setup these are placed in 4 stacks of 3 on the last 5 points on his side of the board.
When a Ghostbuster piece captures a ghost piece it is sent to the bar.
The bar is called “The Containment Field”.
Ghosts cannot escape the bar.
If a ghost captures a ghostbuster the GB is “slimed”.
A slimmed GB remains where it is trapped under the ghost that caught it.
If the ghost moves, the GB is un-slimmed and may move.
Any number of Ghosts may stack onto a slimmed GB.
If only one Ghost is slimmimg a GB, another GB may land on the Ghost and capture 
it, setting the first GB free.
The GB wins when all the Ghosts are put in the containment field.
The Ghosts win if all the GB are slimmed.
Pieces never “end-off” the board, they keep going around.
Pieces continue to circle the board until the victory conditions are met.

Ghostbusters is a copyrighted, trademarked property.
This is only a fan-site.

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