Card Game with Silver Surfer Theme.

The Silver Surfer is a copyrighted, licensed property.
This is merely a Fan site.

Have the most Plot Points at the end of the game.
The game ends when the deck runs out.

Players share a common deck.
There are 7 cards types:
SK = Surfer Skill
SE = Surfer Energy Attack
SA = Surfer Allies
SS = Surfer Speed
ST = Surfer Toughness
SB = Surfer’s Board
SC = Surfer Action
V = Villains 
F = Foes 
X = Superpowers (Used by Villains)
L = Locations
P = Plots
Every card has a Plot Point (PP) Value.

The most brooding, cosmic, dramatic player goes first.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 5 phases:
Fate Phase
Action Phase
Resolution Phase
Plot Phase
Recovery Phase

Draw cards from top of deck to Fill Hand to 8 cards.

Discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.

You may play a Meld.
A Meld is a card combo that must include:
1. Exactly one Foe or one Villain
2. Up to two Surfer cards* with PP >/= to the Foe or Villain
3. Up to one Location card
4. Up to one Superpower card if a Villain was played
5. One or two Plot cards.
* = The Surfer cards cannot be of the same type.

If you played a Meld gain PP = Total PP of the cards you played in the Meld. 

You may discard any unwanted cards.
Maximum ending hand size is 4 cards. 
Discard excess cards.

Card Name:			Type	PP	
Cosmic Endurance		ST	5		
Impervious to Elements		ST	5
Cosmic Blast			SE	8
Flying Board			SB	4
Space Born Skill		SK	9
Double Back			SS	6
Searing Energy			SE	8
Sky Rider			SK	9
Board Attack			SB	4
Summon Board			SB	4
Cosmic Thrust			SE	8
Healing Energy			SC	3
Cosmic Power Bolt		SE	8
Melt Weapon			SC	3
Cosmic Burst			SE	8
Track Any One			SC	3
Supersonic Speeds		SS	6
Sentinel of the Spaceways	SK	9
Herald of Galactus		SK	9
The Defenders			SA	7
The Avengers			SA	7
The Star Masters		SA	7
The Fantastic Four		SA	7
Cosmic Commandos		SA	7
Superhuman Strength		ST	5
Indestructible			ST	5
Cosmic Energy Powers		SE	8
Energy Beams			SE	8
Silver Skin			ST	5
Hyperspace Travel		SS	6
Blinding Speed			SS	6
Master of Cosmic Forces		SK	9
Silver Board			SB	4
Dodge Blows			SS	6
Pure Heart			ST	5
Cosmic Shock			SE	8
Disguise			SC	3
Cover Vast Distances		SS	6
Sense Aura			SC	3
Lightning Speed			SS	6
Surprise			SS	6
Neutralize Device		SC	3
Galactus			V	17
Thanos				V	16
Loki				V	15
The Overlord			V	14
The Stranger			V	13
Mephisto			V	12
Doctor Doom			V	11
Quasimodo			V	10
Thor				F	15
The Monster of Badoon		F	9
Robot Monster			F	8
Cavemen				F	3
Dinosaurs			F	5
Naval Warships			F	6
Fighter Jets			F	6
Yetis				F	4
The Hulk			F	11
Alien Invasion Fleet		F	9
Armed Guards			F	3
Mind Control			X	7
Magic Powers			X	5
Infernal Plot			X	4
Ultimatum			X	4
All Knowing			X	7	
Protective Field		X	6
Energy Drain			X	6
Dematerialize			X	5
Pacific Ocean			L	2
Zenn-La				L	4
The Underworld			L	5
Deep Space			L	4
Arctic Circle			L	3
Modern Metropolis		L	2
Asgard				L	5
Savage Earth			L	3
Catastrophe			P	8
Decoy				P	6
Hostages			P	6
Kidnapping			P	6
Misunderstanding		P	7
Rescue Innocent			P	7
Time Travel			P	5
Space Travel			P	4
Cataclysm			P	8
Love Interest			P	7
Spacecraft			P	4
Scientist			P	5
Meteor Shower			P	7
Madness				P	5
Competition			P	5
Space Scrambler			P	4
Null-Life Bomb			P	9
Ultimate Nullifier		P	10

Silver Surfer

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