Dice game simulating 2 Superheroes fighting.

To win reduce your opponent to zero hits.

Ten 6-sided dice are needed plus a few spares.

Each player gets 5 dice.
Each Superhero stars with 50 hits and 5 Superpowers.
Name your Superhero.

Randomly select 12 superpowers from the list.
Players take turns picking 1 superpower at a time until each 
player has picked 5 powers.
Once a power has been picked, it cannot be picked again.
Roll high on 1D6 to see who picks first.

Each turn has 4 Phases:
Luck Phase
Initiative Phase
Action Phase
Damage Phase

Each player rolls his 5 dice.

The player with the highest total gains the initiative. 
The player with the initiative may go first or let his opponent go 
first in Action Phase.

Players take turns activating powers or assigning dice to Attack or Defense.
Powers have a wide variety of effects
Some Powers are Constant powers.
Constant powers have their effect without being activated.
A player must assign each of his Dice to either Attack or Defense.
If there is nothing else left he can or wants to do he must pass.
If both players pass in a row the phase ends.
Each power can only be activated once per turn.

Attack Total = Total of all dice you assigned to Attack
Defense Total = Total of all dice you assigned to Defense
If your Attack total exceeds your opponents Defense Total, your opponent takes
Damage in hits equal to the difference.
If your opponents Defense Total exceeds your Attack total, you take
Damage in hits equal to the difference.
Dice that are switched or stolen are returned at the end of this phase.

A = Power that requires Activation
C = Constant Power
Convert(ed) = flip the target die to the indicated number
Rolls = Dice
* = you can only activate this power if you have at least one roll of 6.
Eliminate = Remove the die from play for the rest of the turn.
$ = Automatically assigns 1 or more dice to attack or defense.

Power Name:		Type	Notes
Regeneration		C	Regain 2 lost hits at the end of Damage Phase
Invisibility		A	All of opponents rolls of 5 are converted to 2
Mind Scan		A	Switch 1 of your dice with 1 of your opponents
Super Leap		A	Convert one of your rolls of 2 into a 6
Teleportation		A*	Switch all of your dice with your opponent
Shrinking		A$	Convert any one of your rolls into a 6 for defense only
Extra Limbs		A	Convert all of your rolls of 2 into 4
Entangle       		A	Opponent must eliminate all of his rolls of 3
Energy Blast		A$	Roll of 5 becomes 10 for attack only
Armor			A$	Convert all of your rolls of 1 into 5 for defense only
Darkness       		A	Convert all of your opponents rolls of 5 into 1
Precognition		A	Steal one roll of 5 or 1 from an opponent
Force Field		A$	Convert all of your rolls of 3 into 6 for defense only
Shape Shift		A	Reroll any (1 or more)of your dice
Illusions		A	Opponent must reroll 2 of his dice of your choice
Mind Control		A	Convert all of your opponents rolls of 6 into 1
Growth			A	Convert all of your rolls of 2 into 6
Summon			A	Roll an extra Die
Freeze			A	Opponent must eliminate one roll of 4 or 6
Made of Metal		C	Start the game with 30 extra Hits
Super Tough		A	Add 2 to all your Defense Rolls
Laser Attack		A$	Convert one of your rolls of 1 into 5 for attack only
Telekinesis		A	Reroll any 1 target die in play
Flight			A	Eliminate 1 opposing Attack Roll
Immobilize		A	Opponent must eliminate all of his rolls of 4
Enhanced Senses		A	Reroll all your rolls of 1 and 2
Damage Resistance	A	Reduce damage taken from each die by 1
Heat Attack		A	Opponent takes 1 Hit Damage for each of his rolls of 1 or 2
Density Increase       	A	Convert one of your rolls of 3 into a 6
Stretching		A	Convert one of your rolls of 1 into a 6
Duplication		A	Make all of your rolls = 4
Super Strength		A$	Convert all of your rolls of 3 into 6 for attack only
Super Speed		C	Add 10 to your total in Initiative Phase
Absorption		A	Negate a Power just used by opponent
Deadly Attack		A	If you have 3 of a kind add 7 to your attack total
Insubstantial		A*	Your opponents attack total is halved
Psionic Blast		A$	Convert all of your rolls of 2 into 4 for attack only
Sidekick       		C	Sidekick has 20 Hits & a copy of one of your powers*
Super Reflexes		A	Convert all of your rolls of 3 into 5
Drain			C	Opponent loses 2 hits at the end of Damage Phase
Time Travel		A*	Both you and opponent must reroll all your dice
Internal Reserves	A	Pay 3 Hits to reroll one of your dice
Unstoppable		A	Eliminate 1 opposing Defense Roll
Stunning Attack		A*	Opponent rolls one less die next turn
Mystic Powers		A	Pay 2 Hits to use as any power in the Power List
Death Trap		A*	Eliminate any 1 of opponents rolls
Gadgets        		A	Convert a roll of 1 into 5
Secret Identity		C	At 25 Hits lose old powers & gain 5 new random ones
Ammo Assortment		A$	Convert all your rolls of 1 into 3 for attack only
Luck			C	In Luck Phase roll 6 dice & keep 5
Martial Arts		A	Switch 1 roll with Opponent
Knockback		A*	Add 4 to your Attack Total
Electricity            	A	Steal all of opponents Rolls of 2
Berserk        		A	Add 5 to your Attack Total if all your rolls are for Attack 
Finesse			A	Convert all of your rolls of 5 into 6
Backblast		A*	Add value of 1 opponents Attack roll to your Attack total
Tactics			A	(Re)assign opponents Roll to Attack or Defense
Magnetron		A*	Your rolls become identical to your opponents
Neutralization Field	A*	No more powers can be used this turn by anyone
Deflection		A*	Target attack die of opponent targets him instead
Super Genius		A*	Multipy your Attack or Defense Total by 1.5 (round up)
Super Costume		C	Increase all your rolls by 1
Sonic Blast		A	Convert all of your opponents rolls of 4 into 2
Elemental Attack       	A	Damage from target attack roll cannot be avoided
Weather Control        	A*	Eliminate 1 of your rolls to gain 2 Extra rolls next turn
Mimic			A	Copies any one power of your opponent
* Any power except Sidekick

Q - I am having difficulty in understanding a certain portion of your game
Super Dice.  I am writing to you in the hope that you can clarify this
section for me so that I can slap my forehead, say "Doh!" and play the
game. I can't figure out how the Action Phase is supposed to work.  You wrote:
"Players take turns activating powers or assigning dice to Attack or
Defense."  By this do you mean that in this sub-phase a player can
EITHER activate a power or assign his dice?  You also wrote: "Each power
can only be activated once per turn."  Okay, I can see why you don't
want players to activate an Energy Blast five times in a row, but I want
to return to the phrase "Players take turns....".  So in this phase, if
I am inferring correctly, players activate all of their powers (those
that require activation) and assign their dice.  Somehow, though, I
think you have something else in mind.  Is my interpretation overly
complicated?  Was my lobotomy too successful?  I seem to be missing the
point of this phase.  If you could paint this by the numbers for me I
would be most  appreciative.

A - OK...I guess you forced me to do an EXAMPLE OF PLAY:
Lets say Cosmo Man has the first 5 Powers on the List.
Lets his Opponent Ant Man has the next 5 Powers on the List.
Luck Phase = Cosmo rolls 1,2,3,5,6. Ant Man rolls 1,2,4,5,6.
Initiative Phase = Ant Man wins & decides to go first.
Action Phase: (Players take turns. Ant Man first)
Ant Man uses 'Extra Limbs' to convert his 2 into a 4 (Ant Man =1,4,4,5,6)
Cosmo uses 'Teleportation' to switch his rolls with Ant Mans
(Cosmo = 1,4,4,5,6) (Ant Man = 1,2,3,5,6)
Ant Man uses 'Armor' to convert his 1 into a 5 for Defense (Ant Man =2,3,5D,5,6)
Cosmo uses 'Mind Scan' to switch his 1 with Ant Man's 6
(Cosmo = 4,4,5,6,6) (Ant Man = 1,2,3,5D,5)
Ant Man uses 'Energy Blast' to make a 5 a 10 for Attack only (Ant Man =1,2,3,5D,10A)
Cosmo uses 'Invisibility', turning Ant Man's 5 into a 2 (Ant Man = 1,2,2D,3,10A)
Ant Man uses 'Shrinking' to turn his 1 into a 6 for Defense (Ant Man = 2,2D,3,6D,10A)
Cosmo has no target for his 'Super Leap' power.
Cosmo assigns a 6 to defense (Cosmo = 4,4,5,6D,6)
Ant Man has no target for his 'Entangle' power.
Ant Man assigns his 3 to Attack (Ant Man = 2,2D,3A,6D,10A)
Cosmo assigns his other 6 to defense (Cosmo = 4,4,5,6D,6D)
Ant Man assigns his 2 to Attack (Ant Man = 2A,2D,3A,6D,10A)
All of Ant Mans powers are used (if able) and all of his dice are assigned.
Cosmo makes the rest of his Assignments since Ant Man is done. 
(Cosmo = 4A,4D,5A,6D,6D)
Damage Phase = Ant Man has an Attack total of 15 & Defense Total of 8.
Cosmo Man has an Attack total of 9 & Defense Total of 16.
Ant Man does no damage to Cosmo. Cosmo does 1 point of damage to Ant Man.
Cosmo regenerates 2 points of damage if he has any from previous turns.
(Note- In this example players may not have made the best possible moves)

by rag
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