Rebel troops are attacking Ming’s Palace.
Who will carry the day? 

Type: Number of such units in the basic scenario and
Whether they are (T)roops or (L)eaders.
Move: Number of movement points the unit gets per turn.
Range: Distance in hexes the unit can attack into.
Damage: Change to kill target on a roll of 1D6.
Save: Chance to avoid destruction on a roll of 1D6.

IMPERIAL UNITS LIST         	Type	Move	Range	Dam	Save 
War Rockets      		4T	7F	5	4	4	
Elite Imperial Guards		6T	4	2	3	3
DRACs       			4T	6	3 	3	3
Beastmen soldiers   		4T	5	1	4	3
Mud Men				4T	3	1	1	2
Palace Guards       		10T	2	2	1	1
Savages				5T	4	1	2	1
Ray Cannons			6T	-	8	4	1
Evil Emperor Ming		L	4F	1	5	5
Princess Aura			L	5F	1	2	4
Commodore Morgo        		L	2	1	3	3
Swordmaster Koros      		L	3	1	3	2
Notes: War Rockets can carry 2 Troops and any Leaders.
Flying Leaders are using personal vehicles.
DRACs = Death Ray armored cars.
DRACs can carry 2 Troops and any Leaders.
DRACs, War Rockets, and Ray cannons cannot be carried.
Troops and Leaders may ‘carry’ other Leaders.
Ray Cannons cannot target Leaders.

REBEL UNITS LIST 		Type	Move	Range	Dam	Save            
Human Hero Flash       		L	8F	1	5	5
Human Heroine Dale	 	L	3	1	1	4
Human Scientist Zarkov		L	5F	1	2	2
Rebel Troops			16T	3	2	1	1
Rebel Rocket Scooters		2T	5F	2	1	2
Forest Archers on Gliders   	2T	4F	2	3	1
Forest Archers			4T	4	3	3	2
Missile Ballistas		4T	2	6	4	1	
Forest Chieftan Baron      	L    	6	3	4	3
Hawkmen             		10T	6F	2	2	2
Hawkman Chieftan Voltan		L	6F	1	3	3
Hawkmen with Bombs		2T	5F	1	4	1
Ferries				4T	2	-	-	3	
Notes: Ferries can carry 2 Troops and any Leaders.
Ferries move only in water hexes.
Missile Ballistas cannot target Leaders.
Missile Ballistas cannot move and attack in the same turn.
Flying Leaders are using personal vehicles.
Troops and Leaders may ‘carry’ other Leaders.

Type		MPCost	Save
Clear		1	-
Forest		2	+1
Swamp		3	+1
Desert		2	-
Ravine		3	-
Mountain	3	+1
Structure	2	+1
Water		X	-
MPCost: Move points expended by unit to enter the space.
Notes: Flying units pay 1 MP to enter any space.
D.R.A.C.s cannot enter MP cost = 3 Terrains.
Save: Increase in units Save Stat.
Flying units do not get Terrain Save bonuses. 

Use a hex map.
Use the terrain types listed in the above chart.
The center of the map contains a set of structure 
hexes that represent Ming’s Palace.

All Imperial troops are positioned within 2 hexes of the palace.
Rebel troops are setup all along the edges of the map.

Up to 6 units may be in one hex.
Enemy units cannot occupy the same hex.

The Rebels win if Ming is Killed.
The Imperials win if all Rebel Leaders are killed.

Players take turns.
The Rebels go first.
Each turn has 2 Phases:
1. Move
2. Attack
Each unit gets one move and attack per turn.

Units in the same hex as a leader get +1 to their Damage Stat.

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