Get the most out of your trip to the Renaissance festival.
Board game for 2+ players.

Be the first player to get 5 of each type of token.
There are 6 types of Tokens:
1. Craft Tokens
2. Game Tokens
3. Food Tokens
4. Acting Tokens
5. Music Tokens
6. Education Tokens

Tokens (6 Types)
Six-sided dice

The Board is an irregular circular track of 85 spaces.
Contents:		Type	Notes:		
Entrance/Exit		X	Starting Space
Dark Ale		F	Drink
Ye Olde Playground	G	Kids
Live Chess Match	A
Comedic Minstrels	M
Alchemists Shoppe	E
Frozen Treats		F
Climbing Tower		G
Armorers Shoppe		C	Expensive
Ride the Dragon		G	Kids
Meat Pie		F	
Jousting Field		A
Singing Executioners	M
Encounter		V
Maze			G
Pottery Shoppe		C
Lemonade		F	Drink
Carousel		G	Kids
The Mud Show		A
Courtly Dance Show	M	
Glass Blower		E
Archery	Challenge	G
Footwear Shoppe		C
Pub Sing		F	Drink: or gain a Music Token
French Fried Potatoes	F	
Magician		A
Celtic Music		M
Medieval History Group	E
Throwing Axes		G
Games Shoppe		C 	or gain a Games Token
Ice Water		F	Drink
Storytelling Monk	A
Acoustic Guitar		M		
Combat Reenactment	E
Cannon Shoot		G
Hammer Swing		G
Toys Shoppe		C	Kids
Turkey Leg		F
Royal Falconer		A
Renaissance Melodies	M
Encounter		V
Throwing Knives		G
Sword Smithy		C	Expensive
Medieval Beer		F	Drink
Laundry Wenches		A
European Folk Music	M	(Hammered Dulcimer)
Graveyard		G	Kids
The Royal Feast		F	Also gain an Acting Token
Weavers Demonstration	E
Mug Toss		G
Candles Shoppe		C
Polish Sausage		F
Acrobats		A
Instrumentalists	M	(Recorder & Lutar)
Local High School Club	E
Fencing			G
Henna Tattoos		C	
Cola Drinks		F	Drink
Puppetry		A	Kids
Maypole Dance		M
Encounter		V
Jacobs Ladder		G	Kids
Jewelry Shoppe		C	
Fried Dough		F	
Romantic Scoundrels	A	
Slay the Dragon		G	Kids
Gypsy Dancers		M
Metal Smith		E
Peasant Shoot		G
Flute Maker		C	or gain a Music Token
Honeyed Meade		F	Drink
Feats of Strength/Skill	A
Silly Songs Show	M	Kids
Heraldry		E
Crossbows		G
Costume Shoppe		C	Expensive
Italian Pizza		F
Kids on Stage		A	Kids
Percussionists		M
Historical Rein-actors 	E
Darts			G
Puzzles Shoppe		C	or gain a Games Token
Wine & Spirits		F	Drink
Tarot Reader		X	Gain an Acting Token
Face Painting		C	Kids

X = Special Space
C = Gain a Craft Token if you land here.
G = Gain a Game Token if you land here.
F = Gain a Food Token if you land here.
A = Gain an Acting Token if you land here.
M = Gain a Music Token if you land here.
E = Gain an Education Token if you land here. 
V = Draw an Encounter card if you land here.

A Player can only get Tokens from a specific space once.
This also applies to encounter cards.

At the beginning of the game, declare if you are bringing kids (children). 
There are certain spaces designated as “Kid” spaces.
You can only acquire tokens from these spaces if you have kids.

Some Craft spaces are described as “expensive”.
You may only get Craft tokens from a maximum of 2 expensive spaces.

When gaining a token from a Game space roll the die:
On a roll of 1 or 2, you must miss your next turn (You keep playing).
On a roll of 6 you win and get an extra Game or Craft (Prize) Token.

You can only gain an Acting or Music Token from a space if there is a 
Performance occurring there this turn (as determined in the Show Time Phase). 

Food Spaces serve either Food or Drink.
If you got food last time, you must get a drink this time and visa versa.

You only need to collect 3 of these, not 5.

If you land on an encounter space, draw a card from the Encounter deck.

Play proceeds in Rounds.
Each Round has 3 phases:
1. Show Times Phase
2. Players Turns Phase

Remove markers from previous turns.
(Use markers to denote which performances are taking place)
Roll 4 Dice:

1st Roll	Now Showing:
1		Live Chess Match	
2		Jousting Field		
3		The Mud Show		
4		Magician	
5		Storytelling Monk	
6		Royal Falconer		

2nd Roll	Now Showing:
1		Feats of Strength & Skill	
2		Laundry Wenches	
3		Acrobats		
4		Puppetry		
5		Romantic Scoundrels		
6		Kids on Stage	

3rd  Roll	Now Showing:
1		Comedic Minstrels	
2		Singing Executioners	
3		Courtly Dance Show		
4		Celtic Music		
5		Renaissance Melodies	
6		Maypole Dance		

4th  Roll	Now Showing:
1		Acoustic Guitar		
2		Instrumentalists		
3		Percussionists		
4		Gypsy Dancers	
5		European Folk Music	
6		Silly Songs Show		

During this phase each player gets a turn.
The youngest player goes first.
Play proceeds clockwise.
On your turn roll a die and move that many spaces, forwards or backwards.
If you have kids and you roll a six, you do not move and you miss the turn (potty break).

Card Name:			Notes
Buy a Map			Move to any space on the board
Pickle Wheelbarrow		Gain a Food Token
The Beggar			Gain an Acting Token
The Jester			Gain an Acting Token
Fairies				Gain an Acting Token
Bagpiper			Gain a Music Token
Stilt Walker			Gain an Acting Token
The Insultor			All your opponents gain an Acting Token
Queens Procession		Gain an Acting Token
Parade				Gain an Acting Token
Bawdy Bearded Bard		Gain a Music Token
Heartstring Player		Gain a Music Token
Rickshaw			Move to any space on the board
Privy				Nothing
Rest				Nothing
Queens Guard			Miss your next turn

Royal Chessmen

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