Based on the Resident Evil Franchise. 
Quest style game using track, cards, and Dice. 
Each player is a team of Operatives, Mercs, and/or Survivors that have 
Infiltrated a Top Secret Underground Umbrella Corporation Research Facility 
With the intent to destroy it. 
The teams will fight Zombies, mutants, Umbrella employees, and Facility Defenses.
They will be aided by cards representing Weapons, Alice, and new recruits. 
Resident Evil is a licensed copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Make it to the end of the Track and destroy the Boss Monster you encounter there. 
Be the first player to do this.

If all your Agents are killed. Build a new team and start over from square one. 

There are 4 Common Decks: 
Agent Deck: Contains Agents you can recruit for your team. 
Aid Deck: Helpful events and things you find along the way.  
Encounter Deck: Foes and unfavorable events. 
Boss Deck: Big Monsters
Each deck will have its own Discard. 
If any decks run out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Six and ten sided dice are required.

The Facility is represented by a track that is 40 spaces long. 
The first space is the Entrance. 
The end space is the Final Encounter. 

Each player will have 1 Pawn to represent their team’s location on the Track. 
This is also called the Team Marker. 

Shuffle the Deck. 
Players roll high to see who goes first.
Place pawns on the start space.  
Each player draws 3 Aid cards. 

Each player draws 7 cards from the Team Deck and Discards one. 

Friends (Agents, Mercs, Survivors) and Foes Zombies, Monsters, etc.) are called Units. 
Units have 3 Stats: 
Life: How many hits are required to kill the Unit. 
Evade: Chance of avoiding all Damage if successfully hit by a Foe 
Attacks: Each unit gets 1 or more attacks per turn.
Each attack has the following stats:  
Initiative: Determines attack turn order. Higher scores attack sooner. 
Aim: Chance of hitting an enemy. (On a 10 sided die) 
Strength: Damage inflicted by a successful hit.  (Usually 1 point)

Some Monsters have this ability. 
If not killed during a turn, the remove 1 point of damage at the end of the turn.

Many Monsters and Zombies have this ability. 
If an Agent is damaged but not killed, there is a 50% they will turn into a Zombie 
At the end of the turn which must be fought immediately by the team:
Transformed Agent Zombie stats: Life = 2 Evasion = 3 
One Attack: Bite: Initiative = 8 Aim = 5 Strength = 1 Contamination 
Alice, the kick-ass superhuman agent and the star of the series is 
Part of all teams, but not always around. She comes and she goes. 
Powerful Aid cards represent her presence. Save one for the final Boss. 
Note: Alice is immune to contamination.  
When an Alice card is played, she will stay for the entire turn. Then discard her. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 6 Phases:
Aid Phase
Recruit Phase
Move Phase
Encounter Phase
Fight Phase
End Phase

Draw 1 Aid Card and add it to your hand. 

Some Action Aid cards are played in this phase. 

Roll 1D6 and move your Team Marker (Pawn) forward that many spaces. 

If you land on another player’s pawn immediately move forward 1 space. 
Draw 1 card from the Encounter Deck. This will be something you have to fight this turn. 
If you reached the Final Space draw a card from the Boss deck instead of the Encounter deck. 

Units make attacks in order of Initiative. 
Let an opposing player control the Monsters and Zombies. 
If playing solo determine the targets of monsters randomly. 
Attacks with the same Initiative are considered to be simultaneous. 
When making an attack roll 1D10: If this equal to or less than the Aim score of 
The Attack then the Attack hits. 
The Defending Unit then rolls 1D10. If this equal to or less than the Evade score of 
The Unit then the Attack is negated. 
Attacks that hit and are not evaded do Damage. Usually just 1 point of damage. 
A Unit that has more Damage than Life is killed. 
Discard killed Unit cards. 
Some Foes give a reward when they are killed. 
During a fight Phase turn all Units get to attack (usually just once)
Repeat the Fight Phase sequence until one side is completely killed off or an 
Aid card allows you to escape. 

Make Contamination Checks. 
Max hand size is 6 cards. Discard excess cards. 

Agent:				Life	Evade	Atks	Init	Aim	Str	Notes
Jill Valentine Operative	3	5	1	6	7	1	-
Carlos Olivera Merc		2	4	1	5	6	1	-
Rain Ocampo Operative		3	3	1	4	5	1	-
K-Mart Survivor			1	7	1	4	4	1	-
Matt Addison Activist		1	4	1	3	3	1	-
Luther West Survivor		1	5	1	6	6	1	-
Chris Redfield Operative	2	5	1	6	5	1	-
Barry Burton Operative		2	5	1	4	6	1	-
Leon Kennedy Merc		2	4	1	5	5	1	-
Ada Wong Spy			2	6	1	7	8	1	-
Nicholai Ginovaef Merc		2	4	1	5	5	1	-
Mikhail Victor Merc		2	4	1	5	5	1	-
Peyton Wells			2	4	1	5	6	1	-
Security Operative		2	4	1	5	5	1	-	
Civilian Survivor		1	3	1	3	2	1	-
Scientist Defector		1	3	1	4	3	1	-
STARS Team Operative		3	5	1	6	6	1	-
Freelance Operative		2	4	1	5	5	1	-
Paramilitary Merc		2	4	1	4	5	1	-
Special Police Operative	2	4	1	4	5	1	-

Card:				Notes:
Run Away			Escape: End combat after turn 3  
Withdraw			Escape: End Combat after turn 2. Move back 1D6 spaces
Evasion				Escape: End Combat after turn 2
Rearguard			Escape: End combat after turn 3. Kill 1 Agent
Stealth				Escape: Negate Combat 
Shotgun				Weapon: Aim +2 and Strength +1
Assault Rifle			Weapon: Initiative +1 Attacks +1 and Strength +1
Machine Pistol			Weapon: Attacks+1
Sniper Rifle			Weapon: Initiative +3 and Aim +2 and Strength +2
Grenade				Weapon: Attack: Aim +2 and Strength +3
Custom Revolvers		Weapon: Attacks +1 and Strength +2
Mini-Gun			Weapon: Attacks +3 and Strength +2
SAW Gun				Weapon: Attacks +2 and Strength +2
Rocket Launcher			Weapon: Initiative +3 and Strength +5
Katana				Weapon Attacks +1 and Aim +1 and Strength +1 
Sacrifice			Kill target Agent and do 2 Damage to Foe
Trap				Do 1 Damage to Foe
Superior Firepower		All Agents get Attack +1
Kill Zone			All Agents get Aim +2
Shoot First			All Agents get Initiative +4 
Shutdown Computer		Negate Laser Grid
Air Masks			Negate Nerve Gas
Hide				All Agents get +10 Initiative this turn
Body Armor			Life +1 permanently
First Aid			Remove 1 Hit of Damage
CPR				Restore Agent who just died to 1  Hit of Life
Stim Pack			Remove 1 Hit of Damage and Initiative +2 and Attacks +1
Head Shot			Strength +2 vs Non-Group Foe
Last Stand			If 2 or less Agents, All Agents get Evade +2 and Strength +1
Infiltrate			Move Forward 1D6 Spaces.
Gather Supplies			Draw 2 Aid Cards
Map				Move Forward 1D6 Spaces.
Armory				Draw next 2 Weapon cards in Aid deck. Shuffle the deck
Detailed Plan			Draw 3 Aid Cards
Rescue				Draw 1 card from the Agent Deck
Backup				Draw 1 card from the Agent Deck

ALICE AID CARDS (These are part of the Aid Deck) 
Card:			Life	Evade	Atks	Init	Aim	Str	Notes
Kick-Ass Alice		6	7	1	7	8	2	-
Pissed-Off Alice	5	6	1	8	8	3	-
Tough Alice 		4	6	1	6	7	2	-
Anti-Serum Alice	3	4	1	4	5	1	-
Post-Coma Alice 	4	5	1	5	6	2	-
Amnesia Alice		5	5	1	5	6	2	-
Psychic Alice		4	5	1	9	8	3	-

Card:			Notes:
Ambush			Foes get Initiative +10. Draw Again
Surprise		Foes get Initiative +8. Draw Again
Short Range		Foes get Initiative +6. Draw Again
Laser Grid		Attack of Aim = 5 Damage = 5 against each Agent 
Nerve Gas		Each Agent killed on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6
Sealed Doors		Agents may not escape this turn. Draw Again
Trapped			Agents may not escape this turn. Draw Again
Surrounded		If attacked by a group Agents may not escape this turn. Draw Again
Pursuit			Agents may not escape this turn. Draw Again
Panic			Random Agent cannot Attack this Combat Phase. Draw Again
Way Blocked		Team goes back 1D6 Spaces. Draw Again
Viral Infection		Random Agent Contaminated
Red Queen 		Team goes back 1D6 Spaces. Draw Again 
Transformation		Random Agent killed. Draw Again
Bad Clone		Fight Agent from Discard. If none Draw again

FOE ENCOUNTER CARDS (These are part of the Encounter Deck)
Card:			Life	Evade	Atks	Init	Aim	Str	Notes
Ravenous Zombies	6	3	1	3	3	1	Group. Gain +1 Atk/turn
Mutant Ravens		4	6	2	6	3	1	Group. Gain +1 Aim/turn
Scientists		2	3	1	3	3	1	When killed Draw again
Commandos		5	6	4	6	5	1	Group. After Draw 1 Aid
Search Team		4	5	3	5	4	1	Group. After Draw 1 Aid
Test Subjects		3	3	1	5	5	1	Group. Contaminate
Bio-Weapons		4	4	2	5	5	1	Group
Los Plagas Zombies	4	4	1	4	4	1	Group. Contaminate
Zombie Dogs		2	5	1	7	5	1	Group. Contaminate
Undead Horde		5	3	2	3	3	1	Group. Regenerate
Super Zombies		6	4	2	5	5	1	Group
Lickers			3	6	2	6	6	1	Group
Supersoldiers		5	5	3	5	5	2	Group
Crimson Heads		4	6	2	5	5	1	Group	
Uber Licker		3	5	1	6	6	2	-
Clone Zombies		4	3	2	4	3	1	Group. Contaminate
Hunters			5	6	2	5	6	1	Group
Regenerador		3	4	1	5	5	1	Regenerate
Chimera			3	4	1	4	4	1	-
Nosferatu		2	3	1	5	5	1	-

Card:			Life	Evade	Atks	Init	Aim	Str	Notes
Tyrant			8	6	2	7	7	2	-
G-Mutation		10	3	1	4	4	1	Gain 1 Strength per turn
Super Mutant		9	5	2	6	6	3	-
T-Type Nemesis		7	4	1	5	5	2	Regenerate
Note: You cannot Escape a Boss in the Final Space. 


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