Card game for 2 + players.
Quantum Particle Physics Theme.

Be the first player to accumulate 10 points.

Players share a common deck.
There are 4 card types:
Quarks (Building Blocks of Baryons & Mesons)
Carrier Particles 
Baryons (Composed of 3 Quarks)
Mesons (Composed of 2 Quarks)
Leptons (Composed of 2 Quarks)
Score Cards
Special Cards

All players start with a hand of 7 cards

Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 Phases:
Accelerator Phase
Collision Phase
Detector Phase

Draw 1 card.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

You may play a Meson or Baryon card to the table.
To do this, you must also play the required Quark cards with it.
(Each Meson & Baryon card lists which Quarks are required)
You may also play Score cards in the same way. 
Score cards can use, as their requirements, Mesons & Baryons that 
You have already put into play.
A specific Meson or Baryon can only be used as a requirement for
1 Score card during the game.

Baryons, Mesons, and Score cards score points when played.
Calculate what you scored this turn and add it to your running total.
Discard cards in your hand in excess of 7. 

Q = Quark
c = Carrier Particles
L = Leptons
B = Baryons
M = Mesons
s = Score card
X = Special card
# = Number of copies of that card in the deck.

Card Name:			#	Type	Score	Notes:
Up Quark			10	Q	-	U
Down Quark			10	Q	-	D
Charm Quark			4	Q	-	C
Strange Quark			6	Q	-	S
Top Quark			2	Q	-	T
Bottom Quark 			4	Q	-	B
Gluon				6	c	-	G 
Photon				6	c	-	P (Gamma & X-rays)
Z Boson				6	c	-	Z (Also W Bosons)
Electron			4	L	-	(Beta Particles)
Muon				1	L	-	
Tau Neutrino			1	L	-	
Proton				3	B	3	U+U+D
Neutron				3	B	3	U+D+D
Sigma				1	B	3	U+D+S
Omega				1	B	3	S+S+S
Pentaquark			1	B	5	U+U+D+D+S	
Pion				2	M	2	U+D
Kaon				2	M	2	S+U
Eta-c				2	M	2	C+C
Upsilon				2	M	2	B+B		
Hydrogen Atom			1	s	4	Proton + Electron
Lepton Score			1	s	3	3 Leptons
Fusion Score			1	s	3	2 Baryons
Meson Score			1	s	2	2 Mesons
Fermion Score			1	s	1	1 Lepton + 1 Baryon
Boson Score			1	s	1	1 Meson + 2 Carriers 
Hadron Score			1	s	1	1 Meson + 1 Baryon
Particle Zoo Score		1	s	2	1 Meson + 1 Baryon + 1 Lepton
Virtual Particles Score		1	s	3	G+Z+Q
Strong Nuclear Force Score	1	s	3	G+Q+Q
Weak Nuclear Force Score	1	s	3	Z+Z+Z
Glueball			1	s	3	G+G+G
Electromagnetic Waves		1	s	3	P+P+P
Elementary Particle Score	1	s	3	1 Lepton + 1 Quark +1 Carrier
Matter Particle Score		1	s	3	2 Leptons + 2 Quarks
Beta Decay Score		1	s	4	Proton + Neutron + Z
Particle Decay			1	X	-	Discard a Baryon to draw 3 cards
Atomic Fission			1	X	-	Draw 2 cards
Super Collider			1	X	-	Discard hand & draw 7 new cards
Heisenberg Uncertainty		1	X	-	All Discard hands & draw 7 new cards
Pauli Exclusion Principle	1	X	-	Opponent discards 2 random cards
Positron Beam			1	X	-	Opponent discards 3 cards
Quantum Mechanics		1	X	-	Look at next 7 cards & keep one


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