INTRODUCTION Players are Psionic warriors trying to destroy each others minds and bodies. 2+ player card game. THE DECK Players share a common deck. The deck contains 1 of each of the cards in the card list. The deck contains 9 power cards. Cards of 2 or more types can be used for either purpose. Six sided dice (1D6) are needed. SETUP Each player starts with 20 Physical points and 20 Mental points. Each player starts with 3 cards. Determine turn order by rolling high on 1D6. The first player to go must discard a card. OBJECT Reduce your opponent to 0 Physical or Mental points. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each turn has 3 phases: 1. Power Phase 2. ESP Phase 3. Attack Phase DISCARD RULE All cards are discarded as soon as they are played. POWER PHASE The current player draws 2 cards. Max hand size = 7. Discard excess cards. ESP PHASE The current player may play one card of the: “E” (ESP) type or the “R” (Regeneration) type. “Scry” means to look at an opponents hand. ATTACK PHASE The current player may play 1 card of one of the following types: M (Mental Attack) P (Physical Attack) SM (Special Mental Attack) I (Incapacitating Attack) A mental attack will cause an opponent to lose 1D6 Mental points. A physical attack will cause an opponent to lose 1D6 Physical points. The attacker may play “Power" cards to enhance the attack damage. the Power card must be played with its base card together and then the defender reacts. For Special mental attacks apply the card text. An Incapacitated player can play no cards until the end of his next turn. The target opponent may play a D card (Defense) to negate any attack. The target opponent may play a PD card (Physical Defense) to negate any physical attack. The target opponent may play an MD card (Mental Defense) to negate any M, I, or SM attack. CARD LIST Card Name Type Notes Psi Scream M May be used as a Power card Mind Bomb M Opponent may discard 1 card to negate this card Mental Blow M Mind Twist M Psychic Lobotomy M/I Psionic Blast M You lose 2 Mental points Id Insinuation M Dream Stalker M/E Scry if used as an ESP card Mind Stab M Ego Whip M Trance State MD Thought Shield MD Mind Wall MD Mind Barrier MD Intellect Fortress MD Tower of Iron Will MD Delta Waves R Regain 1D6 Mental Points Drain SM Steal 1D6 Mental points from opponent Psychic Vampire SM Steal 2 random cards from opponent Mind Switch SM Switch hands with opponent Mind Trap SM Opponent that looks at your hand loses 1D6 MP’s Psychic Venom SM Opponent -1 Mental point for 1D6 turns in his Power phase Memory Lapse SM Opponent loses 3 random cards Amnesia SM Opponent loses 3 random cards Mind Wipe SM Opponent loses 1D6 random cards Electrokinesis P Cryokinesis P/I Pyrokinesis P Energy Bolt P Telekinetic Blow P Telekinesis P Molecular Agitation P Mind over Matter P Brain Burn P/M Suggestion P/I Domination P/I Temporal Stasis P/PD Combat Sense PD Levitation PD Invisibility PD Teleport PD Rejuvenation R Regain 1D6 Physical Points Sense Aura D Anti-psi D Discard one card when you play this card Neutralize D Use any time to negate any card play Reflection D Attack reflected back onto attacker Mesmerize I Fugue State I Inflict Pain I Fear I Seizure I Paralyzation I Confusion I Images I Astral Projection E Search deck & put 1 card in your hand Astral Sight E Scry and look at next 2 cards in deck Clairvoyance E Scry and draw 1 card from deck Precognition E Look at next 5 cards in deck Total Recall E Search discard & put 1 card in your hand Telepathy E Scry all opponents Mental Probe E Scry and discard one of opponents cards Brain Storm E Draw 3 cards Power X Add 1D6 to target dice roll GAME DESIGNERS NOTES Unused card names: Head explodes, Head Bang, Kill the Inner child

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