Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Each player represents a separate group of preppers who are preparing for the end of the world. 
Players accumulate supplies and advantages in several different categories.  While this goes players 
Eliminate different end of the world scenarios until only one remains. The remaining scenario 
Will favor certain types of stockpile categories which will determine victory conditions. 

The player with the highest Score at the end of the game wins. 

There are 2 common decks: 
Stockpile Deck
Scenario Deck

There are several Different Stockpile Categories: 
W = Weapons (guns, bows, knives, etc.)
F = Food (canned goods, stored dry goods)
A = Animals (livestock, horses)
V = Vehicles (needed for bugging out)
P = Plants (seed, fertilizers, farming implements)
K = Knowledge (know how needed to survive and prosper)
M = Medicine (antibiotics, pain killers, etc.)
S = Shelter (Protective Shielding of your bunker)
T = Trade (luxury items used for trade with other survivors) 
Q = Water (Boats, fishing gear)
P = Power (electricity, heat generation)
C = Cold (cold weather gear, clothing)
E = Equipment (Camping, Trapping)

The Scenario Deck contains 1 copy of each card described in the Scenario Deck Card List. 

Shuffle the decks. 
Flip over all the Scenario cards face up and spread them over the center of the 
table so that all of them are visible. 
Toughest player goes first. 
Flip over the top 5 cards of the Stockpile Deck. 

There are 3 Stages: 
1. Prepping Stage
2. Scenario Stage
3. Scoring Stage 

Players take turns.
Each turn has 2 phases: 
1. Availability Phase
2. Option Phase

Flip over the top card of the Stockpile deck. 
Skip this phase if there are no cards left in the deck. 

Take 1 of the face-up Stockpile cards and put it face-down in your Stockpile. 
You can look at your stockpile cards but not your opponents. 
Move to Scenario Stage if there are no more face-up stockpile cards. 

Players take turns. 
Pick one of the face-up Scenario cards and put it face-down in the Scenario Discard pile. 
If there is only one Scenario left, it becomes the End of the World Scenario (EOTWS). 
Once the EOTWS is determined, continue to the Scoring Stage. 

The EOTWS will list categories that receive a bonus card value multiplier. 
For example: if it is the Zombie Apocalypse, all your Weapons cards are worth 3 times as much, and 
Your Vehicle cards are worth double (Run Away!)
Your final score is equal to the total point value of all your stockpile cards. 
For every category you have zero cards in, get -5 points. 

Name:    			Notes:
Zombie Apocalypse		Weapons x3, Vehicles x3
Asteroid Impact  		Shelter x3, Plants x2 Equipment x2
Sea Level Rise   		Water x3, Trade x3
Super Solar Flare		Shelter x3, Power x2, Medicine x2
Nuclear War      		Shelter x3, Food x2, Medicine x2
Ice Age  			Cold x3, Power x2, Food x2
Super Virus       		Medicine x3, Weapons x2, Vehicles x2
Volcanic Eruptions		Vehicles x3, Knowledge x2, Equipment x2
Ecological Collapse		Plants x3, Animals x2, Medicine x2
Pole Shift			Knowledge x3, Food x3
Economic Collapse		Trade x3, Weapons x3
Governmental Collapse     	Knowledge x3, Weapons x2
Foreign Invasion       		Weapons x3, Knowledge x2, Equipment x2
Electrical Grid Collapse       	Power x3, Vehicles x2, Planrs x2
End of the Internet		Knowledge x3, Trade x2, Weapons x2
Earth Stops Rotating		Water x3, Knowledge x2, Cold x2
Robot Apocalypse       		Weapons x3, Food x2, Knowledge x2
Peak Oil       			Animals x3, Plants x2, Power x2
Massive Storms			Cold x3, Water x2, Shelter x2
Pandemic Outbreaks		Medicine x3 Vehicles x3

Type	Value	Name
W	3	Knives & Clubs
W	3	Spears, Swords, & Axes
W	4	Bows & Crossbows
W	4	Handguns
W	5	Shotguns
W	5	Helmets, Kevlar Vests
W	6	High Powered Rifles
W	6	Weapon Cache
W	7	Automatic Weapons
W	7	Military Weaponry
F	3	Dog Food
F	3	Breakfast Bars
F	4	Cans of Beans
F	4	Beef Jerky
F	5	Spam
F	5	Bins of Rice
F	6	Food Stash
F	6	Basement Full
F	7	Store Full
F	7	Warehouse Full
A	3	Rabbits & Rodents
A	3	Dogs
A	4	Insect Farming
A	4	Poultry
A	5	Goats & Sheep
A	5	Aquaculture
A	6	Cattle
A	6	Livestock
A	7	Horses
A	7	Herd
P	3	Vegetable Seeds
P	3	Fertilizers
P	4	Hydroponics
P	4	Wheat Grains
P	5	Beans
P	5	Potatoes
P	6	Maize
P	6	Corn
P	7	Farmland
P	7	Granary
V	3	Bicycles 
V	3	Scooters
V	4	Motorcycles
V	4	Compact
V	5	Jeep
V	5	Van
V	6	Pickup Truck
V	7	Tractor, RV
V	7	Bus, Semi
M	3	Bandages & Topicals
M	3	Antihistamines
M	4	Geiger Counters
M	4	Gas Masks
M	5	Stimulants & Tranquilizers
M	5	NSAIDS & Steroids
M	6	Water Purifiers
M	6	Antivirals & Antifungals
M	7	Antibiotics
M	7	Opiates
K	3	Chemistry
K	3	Electrician
K	4	Mechanic
K	4	First Aid
K	5	Survival Training
K	5	Books
K	6	Military Training
K	6	Veterinarian
K	7	Emergency Medicine
K	7	Agriculture 
S	3	Remote 
S	3	Isolated 
S	4	Hidden
S	4	Compound
S	5	Bricks
S	5	Concrete
S	6	Fortified
S	6	Underground
S	7	Bunker
S	7	Hardened
Q	3	Fishing Lines & Hooks
Q	3	Crab Traps
Q	4	Cast Nets
Q	4	Snorkeling gear, Scuba
Q	5	Canoe, Kayak
Q	5	Rubber Raft
Q	6	Fishing Boat
Q	6	Sail Boat
Q	7	Catamaran
Q	7	Yacht 
T	3	Salt, Sugar, Candy
T	3	Nails, Screws
T	4	Clothing, Shoes, Camouflage
T	4	Gold, Jewelry, Eye Glasses
T	5	Toilet Paper
T	5	Paper
T	6	Ammunition
T	6	Cigarettes
T	7	Coffee
T	7	Liquor
P	3	Manpower
P	3	Draft Animals
P	4	Wood burning
P	4	Rechargeable Batteries  
P	5	Coal burning
P	5	Solar Power
P	6	Water Power
P	6	Wind Power
P	7	Turbine
P	7	Ethanol
C	3	Insulation
C	3	Blankets
C	4	Firewood
C	4	Boots and Gloves
C	5	Long Johns
C	5	Wool Clothing
C	6	Space Heaters
C	6	Parkas
C	7	Bed Warmers
C	7	Arctic Gear
E	3	Compass, Maps
E	3	Lighters, Flints
E	4	Radios
E	4	Binoculars
E	5	Tubing, Hoses
E	5	Containers
E	6	Rope, Wire, line
E	6	Tarps
E	7	Tools
E	7	Traps and Snares

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